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Videos: MSM Rolls Out New COVID Fear Campaign For Lockdowns, Boosters & Masks as 2024 Election Closes In

Within hours of Alex Jones breaking that sources in the DHS and Border Patrol
claimed the Biden regime was preparing new lockdowns and COVID restrictions,
media and scientists unleash new fear campaign over new COVID variant.



A message from Alex Jones:

It’s estimated that 20 million people have died as a result of the toxic mRNA injections. Millions more committed suicide. And millions more were killed by the medical treatment denied to them, being sequestered from their families, basically kidnapped, and had ventilators stuffed down into their lungs.

And they’re planning to run the whole scenario again on us right now like some kind of nightmare groundhog’s day. So we’ve got to rally together, we’ve got to push past the censors, we’ve got to call for justice and the prosecution of Big Pharma and the kingpins like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci.

We want RINO Republicans to know that if they don’t stand with the people, they’re all going to be removed from office as well.


Within hours of Alex Jones breaking the bombshell story that the Biden regime was gearing up for new COVID restrictions in the fall, the mainstream media has now launched its fear campaign to prepare for new COVID restrictions in response to a new COVID variant.

Alex Jones reported Friday that sources within the TSA and Border Patrol claimed the Biden administration was preparing those agencies for new COVID lockdowns, masks, boosters, and social distancing in September or October.

Within hours, mainstream media networks announced that a new COVID variant was alarming health officials and called for a new round of pandemic-era COVID measures.


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What They Did to the Children



Children, as any parent knows, are not small adults. Their brain is growing and being acutely shaped by their environment and experience. Social skills and values are learnt from those around them, with teamwork, risk-management, personal boundaries, and tolerance being learned through play with other children. Their immune system is imprinting environmental contact into a set of responses that will shape health in later life. Their bodies grow physically and become adept at physical skills. They learn both trust and mistrust through interaction with adults.

This rapid physical and psychological growth makes children highly vulnerable to harm. Withdrawal of close contact with trusted adults and enforced distancing has large emotional and physical impacts, in common with other primates. Lack of experience also leaves them vulnerable to manipulation by adults who are pushing certain attitudes or beliefs – often called ‘grooming.’ For these reasons, our forebears put specific protections and norms of behaviour in place that elevated the needs of children above adults.

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"The Wuhan Cover Up" by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

By Dr. Robert Malone

I have been aware that this sequel to RFK’s “The Real Anthony Fauci” has been in the works for quite a while, and had advanced notice of some of the scope and content. Unlike the predecessor, I was not involved in editing this one.

I was recently provided an advanced pre-print version of this current book for review, and realized that what has been produced is a potential game changer of much broader scope and depth than I had anticipated. The following is my initial assessment of the work. I just hope that people read it and pay attention.

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Video: Alberta Canada Ends ALL MANDATES Thanks to one Patriot's Efforts

Hope springs eternal! Freedom Fighter Court VICTORY! Ends Masking, Shots, Quarantine in Alberta!. Here's proof that one man CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! WE CAN WIN! Patrick King is a proud father of 2, Freedom Fighter and Patriot who took on the powerful government in Alberta, and WON! We can ALL learn from this, and we MUST battle this in every single city, every single county, every single state, every single NATION!


Letter to Patrick James King (Service)

LAW relied on by the Applicant

Affidavit of Krisztina Grech Sworn July 16 2021

Originating Application



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20 Reminders of the Disgusting Things Done to Us Through Pandemic Panic Theater

Editor's Note:  Please be patient.  It may take a while to load all the tweets.




Dr. Simon Goddek is quickly becoming one of the most popular medical professionals on Twitter. He doesn’t just drop a snarky comment or quick link to an interview clip like the vast majority of influential doctors. He takes his time to put out real content threads. If you use Twitter, I highly recommend following him.

His latest thread is a big one. In it, he lists 20 (technically 21) examples of the various lies, gaslighting, propaganda, and insults used to control and manipulate the population from the birth of the Plandemic until today.

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Video: Florida Media Discover Widespread False Reports of Positive COVID Tests – Massive Data Disparities


Local media showing the old-school value of the Fourth Estate.  Unlike national media who have abandoned all pretense of journalism, there are still a few regional outlets who do the deep digging to discover the truth and reveal the lies.

Fox35 Orlando started digging-in to COVID testing data, and what they found was massive, and seemingly purposeful, fraud behind the numbers.  “The report showed that Orlando Health had a 98 percent positivity rate. However, when FOX 35 News contacted the hospital, they confirmed errors in the report. Orlando Health’s positivity rate is only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as in the report;” and that’s just one example.

AND REMEMBER: Dr. Birx (another Bill Gates operative pushing vaccines as the only solution) unwittingly admitted early on that anyone testing positive for COVID, (and testing is not even reliable) but who "actually" died from some other serious preexisting health condition, they are counting it as a COVID death. She knows damned well the virus was just the straw that broke the preexisting conditions back. The same can be said about the seasonal flu. At-risk people who get the seasonal flu ALSO DIE because of the extra strain caused by the flu virus on their already deeply compromised immune system.


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Video: YouTube DELETES Australian Politician’s Speech Blowing Lid Off COVID-19

Calling it ‘Medical Misinformation’


YouTube removed a video of an Australian MP delivering a maiden speech to Parliament criticizing the unscientific and authoritarian COVID measures, claiming it contained “medical misinformation.”

Liberal Democrat John Ruddick had railed against a litany of terrible pandemic policies on June 28 ranging from harsh lockdowns to vaccine and mask mandates.

“The authoritarian COVID police state all over a bad flu. Bad flu happen from time to time. But we treated COVID as though it was ebola. The COVID fatality rate in New South Wales was 0.13%, at the upper end of what we expect each winter, maybe a little bit more. But to call COVID a pandemic was an insult to pandemics,” said Ruddick.

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Was the COVID-19 Test Meant to Detect a Virus? - The Corona Simulation Machine

Why the Inventor of The “Corona Test” Would Have Warned Us Not To Use It To Detect A Virus

“Scientists are doing an awful lot of damage to the world in the name of helping it. I don’t mind attacking my own fraternity because I am ashamed of it.” – Kary Mullis, Inventor of Polymerase Chain Reaction.

The Great Hysteria Pandemic

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New Academic Study Confirms: Mass Testing of Asymptomatic People Was a ‘Scam’

By Kyle Becker

The Journal of Infection has published a new study that confirms what many have already come to conclude: Mass testing of asymptomatic members of the general population was unnecessary and only served to exaggerate the number of COVID “cases.”

Throughout medical history, including in prior pandemics, the term “cases”  has generally referred to patients demonstrating symptoms from infections. The media’s language about “cases” was ‘updated’ to the more commonly used term “infections” after President Biden took office. Readers can draw their own conclusions.

The distinction is important because the belief that millions of COVID “cases” of asymptomatic people throughout the general population were deemed to be an existential threat to the health and welfare of the American public. Indeed, the scientific establishment and the echoing mainstream media arguing that ‘asymptomatic spread’ was a serious factor in the spread of COVID appeared to justify mass testing for the virus.

That belief has proven to be false. The Journal of Infection uses direct language to explain its technical findings. The article is called, “The performance of the SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR test as a tool for detecting SARS-CoV-2 infection in the population.” It is based on a population of 162,457 tested individuals in Germany.

“Of 162,457 tested individuals, 4,164 (2.6%) had a positive RT-PCR test. The positive rate was lower among children aged 0-9 years (2.2%) and among adults aged 70 or more (1.6%), compared to the intermediate group aged 10-69 years (2.8%). The positive rate was strongly linked to the national SARS-CoV-2 test strategy. During the first and third phase of national testing, predominantly symptomatic people were tested. During these phases, the positive rates were higher than during the intermittent second phase corresponding to the summer season, when predominantly asymptomatic individuals were tested. The positive rate during the third phase was considerably higher than during the first phase.”

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Video: We're Watching Music Video

Another brilliant music video parody by creator Media Bear called “We’re Watching” points out the tyrannical absurdity of the coronavirus contact tracing proposals and their relation to the NSA spy grid, all to the tune of Rockwell’s “Somebody’s Watching Me.”





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