Videos: MSM Rolls Out New COVID Fear Campaign For Lockdowns, Boosters & Masks as 2024 Election Closes In
Within hours of Alex Jones breaking that sources in the DHS and Border Patrol
claimed the Biden regime was preparing new lockdowns and COVID restrictions,
media and scientists unleash new fear campaign over new COVID variant.
A message from Alex Jones:
It’s estimated that 20 million people have died as a result of the toxic mRNA injections. Millions more committed suicide. And millions more were killed by the medical treatment denied to them, being sequestered from their families, basically kidnapped, and had ventilators stuffed down into their lungs.
And they’re planning to run the whole scenario again on us right now like some kind of nightmare groundhog’s day. So we’ve got to rally together, we’ve got to push past the censors, we’ve got to call for justice and the prosecution of Big Pharma and the kingpins like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci.
We want RINO Republicans to know that if they don’t stand with the people, they’re all going to be removed from office as well.
Within hours of Alex Jones breaking the bombshell story that the Biden regime was gearing up for new COVID restrictions in the fall, the mainstream media has now launched its fear campaign to prepare for new COVID restrictions in response to a new COVID variant.
Alex Jones reported Friday that sources within the TSA and Border Patrol claimed the Biden administration was preparing those agencies for new COVID lockdowns, masks, boosters, and social distancing in September or October.
Within hours, mainstream media networks announced that a new COVID variant was alarming health officials and called for a new round of pandemic-era COVID measures.