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Exclusive from Gen. Flynn: If We Don't Act, 2% of the People Are About To Control the Other 98%

By Michael Flynn

I was once told if we’re not careful, 2 percent of the passionate will control 98 percent of the indifferent 100 percent of the time.

The more I’ve thought about this phrase, the more I believe it. There is now a small group of passionate people working hard to destroy our American way of life. Treason and treachery are rampant and our rule of law and those law enforcement professionals who uphold our laws are under the gun more than at any time in our nation’s history. These passionate 2 percent appear to be winning.

Despite there being countless good people trying to come to grips with everything else on their plates, our silent majority (the indifferent) can no longer be silent.

If the United States wants to survive the onslaught of socialism, if we are to continue to enjoy self-government and the liberty of our hard-fought freedoms, we have to understand there are two opposing forces: One is the “children of light” and the other is the “children of darkness.”

As I recently wrote, the art and exercise of self-governance require active participation by every American. I wasn’t kidding! And voting is only part of that active participation. Time and again, the silent majority have been overwhelmed by the “audacity and resolve” of small, well-organized, passionate groups. It’s now time for us, the silent majority (the indifferent), to demonstrate both.

The trials of our current times, like warfare, are immense and consequences severe and these seem inconquerable.

As a policewoman from Virginia told me, “People don’t feel safe in their homes and our police force is so demoralized we cannot function as we should. In my 23 years with my department, I have never seen morale so low.”

Another woman from Mississippi told me that we need our leaders to “drop a forceful hammer. People are losing patience. It simply must be stopped! Laws MUST be enforced … no one is above the law.”

Don’t fret. Through smart, positive actions of resolute citizen-patriots, we can prevail. Always keep in mind that our enemy (these dark forces) invariably have difficulties of which we are ignorant.

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Video: Covid911 - INSURGENCY

You're being scammed by enemies of America who occupy powerful positions in government and the media. November 2020 is the way we, the people, can fight back. Know your enemy. Ditch the masks. Rise. #Covid911


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Video: United Nations Openly Hijacks U.S. Police Departments

The Democrats emerged to ask for civility for Black Americans, when they have not shown a shred of civility toward the rest of America. Meanwhile after tens of millions of dollars worth of damage to NYC. Former Clinton and Obama Underling Lorreta Lynch is called upon by Attorney General Letitia James to oversee a predictably pro looters and neo liberal socialist instigator clean up job flying in the face of Federal oversight. On top of that, Lynch isn’t there to follow up on the millions of merchandise looted by “ peaceful”protesters. Loretta Lynch is there to further apply pressure to an already crippled NYPD.



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Video: Top 10 Reasons Why Greta Thunberg Is a Fraud

Here are some of the top reasons why Greta Thunberg is a pawn and a fraud, manufactured by PR firms and used by an army of globalist climate change alarmists that seek to gain more financial and political control. They are creating an apocalyptic cult obsesses with the end of the world.


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European Union: A Massive Expansion of Top-down Powers


  • An examination of von der Leyen's main policy proposals reveals that she is calling for a massive expansion of top-down powers of the European Commission. Her proposals would substantially increase the role of Brussels in virtually all aspects of economic and social life in Europe — all at the expense of national sovereignty.

  • Von der Leyen warned that Brussels would overrule EU member states opposed to her tax overhaul... She called for a comprehensive "European Rule of Law Mechanism" to ensure the primacy of EU law over the national laws of EU member states. She warned that there would be financial consequences for member states that refuse to comply.... She called for a change in rules so that the EU could act even without the unanimous consent of EU member states.

  • "What you've seen from Ursula von der Leyen today is an attempt by the EU to take control of every single aspect of our lives. She wants to build a centralized, undemocratic, updated form of Communism that will render [obsolete] nation state parliaments, where the state controls everything, where nation state parliaments will cease to have any relevance at all." — Nigel Farage, European Parliament, July 16, 2019.

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Video: To Celebrate Nigel Farage's Epic Victory Here is a Throwback to Him Owning the EU After Brexit

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Video: Censored Video: Watch Muslims Attack Men, Women & Children in England at Tommy Robinson Event

For over a week, Facebook has promoted physical attacks and this is what happened

Watch the age-restricted video below showing what actually happened at a recent Tommy Robinson rally – and what the media won’t show you. Please WATCH what REALLY happened at yesterday's family friendly #VoteTommy campaign rally in Oldham. Make sure to SHARE this TRUTH, because the media have been spreading #FakeNews all day.


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Rush Limbaugh On Why Migrant Invasion Is Happening Now

Has ‘Cloward-Piven’ plan to destroy America been launched to stop Trump?

By Jon Dougherty

We don’t do wild conspiracy theories here because we figure no matter how ‘creative’ we get we’ll always be outdone by Democrats like Reps. Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell, two California “Russian collusion” truthers who traffic in such tinfoil hat nonsense.

But radio talk legend Rush Limbaugh, as he so often does, has twice this week brought up a salient point regarding the masses of humanity streaming towards the U.S. border from Central America — the “migrant caravans” that have become a regular occurrence since the latter part of 2018.

During his program Tuesday he noted (per Rush’s website):

We don’t currently have mechanisms to absorb this, and people are now beginning to ask a very legitimate question: Why now? Why are masses of people, in the thousands in these caravans…? Why now are these migrations happening? Why didn’t they happen three years ago and four years ago and five? Why now? Everybody wants everybody to believe that this just organic, that the circumstances in all of these nations in Central America’s deteriorated to the point that nobody can live there anymore.

There may have been others asking this question but it hasn’t become part of the national conservative conversation until Rush asked it.

Some have suggested there are Leftist globalist groups — perhaps funded by some of the usual America-hating suspects like George Soros — behind the massive migrations out of Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.

Others have noted that the Mexican cartels are getting in on the act because there is a lot of money to be made moving that many migrants north, which the cartels have begun to automate, essentially, using buses and other modes of mass transit (see our TNS Videos report on that here).

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Video: Katy Hopkins: Where Is The Homeland For Western Europeans?

Katy Hopkins is currently filming a documentary about the state of western Europe due to globalist policies that have been enacted for decades.

Katy joins David Knight to discuss the future for Europeans that increasingly don’t recognize their own “homeland.”


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