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Video: BUYER BEWARE: Cancer Screening is 'Diagnosing Cancer That Isn't Cancer'



In this clip “The Liz Wheeler Show,” Liz interviews Dr. Pam Popper, an internationally recognized expert on nutrition, medicine, and health and the founder and executive director of Wellness Forum Health. Dr. Popper discusses how much of the so-called cancer screening tests are no better than the PCR test for viruses which are totally incapable of detecting actual infections.  Many are being falsely diagnosed with cancer when all the tests reveal are  "risk factors", not cancer itself.

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Around the country, Americans have begun waking up to the possibility that the health care system is more interested in your wallet than it is in your cure.

Which is why extra caution should be taken when it comes to earth-shattering diagnoses like cancer.

“The ridiculous cancer screening programs that are designed to bring in customers to medical centers are diagnosing cancer that isn’t cancer,” Dr. Pam Popper, an internationally recognized expert on nutrition, medicine, and health and the founder and executive director of Wellness Forum Health tells Liz Wheeler of the “The Liz Wheeler Show.”

“In other words, ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is not cancer, it’s a risk factor for breast cancer,” she continues. “A lot of people are being treated for cancer because they have risk factors, which is great for the industry, not so great for the patient.”

A major factor in preventing and/or curing cancer is diet, which conventional cancer doctors often don’t focus on.

“When you think about it, an average adult puts a ton of food through their body every year,” Popper says. “How could you say that doesn’t have an effect?”

“You’re blowing my mind here,” Wheeler responds, adding, “this idea that there are people who are told by their doctors after testing that they have cancer and you say, ‘Well no, actually, that’s a risk factor for cancer but not actually cancer.’”

“How do these patients tell? I mean, we’re not trained as doctors, we don’t know what tests are run,” she adds.

Popper believes that receiving a cancer diagnosis should be treated like any service, in that you should always investigate and get a second opinion.

“Don’t do anything until you have a chance to calm down, think about it, and start investigating,” Popper explains. “The consumer has to take responsibility. I’m all about consumer empowerment and consumer responsibility.”

“Everybody thinks, 'Well, the government has to change. Somebody has to go fix this for me.' You have to start by fixing it for yourself. Then you start by helping other people around you,” she continues, noting that her philosophy on health has served her well.

“I’m 68 years old. I weigh what I weighed when I graduated from high school,” Popper says. “I don’t take any drugs. There’s nothing wrong with me.”

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