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Biden Admin Backs Gates-Funded Global Health Surveillance Program

Plan seeks a 'one-health' for a 'one-world' style approach.



The Biden White House announced on April 16 that it had signed on to an international medical surveillance program funded in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to monitor and combat future pandemics.

The plan, called the U.S. Global Health Security Strategy, laid out the challenges to increasing global control over pandemic planning while going on to offer a wide range of solutions including mass vaccination and surveillance over medical outcomes while also focusing on climate change and LGBTQIAA2PS+ issues.

The term ‘surveillance’ appears 57 times throughout the plan, including on page 17 where it called for national surveillance systems to monitor public health.

In addition to surveilling the global population, the plan lists ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ on vaccines as setbacks for pandemic planning.

“…set back efforts to mitigate ongoing health challenges such as HIV and vaccine-preventable childhood diseases; been accompanied by an explosion of mis- and dis- information,” the plan said regarding challenges on page 9.

The three main approaches and guiding principles of the plan are listed on page 11 and include ‘Strengthen Global Health Security Capacities through Bilateral Partnerships’, ‘Catalyze Political Commitment, Financing, and Leadership to Achieve Health Security’, ‘Increase Linkages Between Health Security and Complementary’ and ‘Programs to Maximize Impact’.

One of the plan’s focuses is ‘Gender Equity, Equality, and Social Inclusion’.

“The United States will actively promote the incorporation of gender-responsive and social inclusion considerations into GHS programming, to reduce public health risks and adverse health impacts on marginalized populations during and in between future outbreaks. This will include considerations of gender equity and equality, in addition to other drivers of inequality. Recognizing and addressing the unique needs, roles and experiences of individuals based on their gender identity is essential for building effective health security,” the plan said on page 18.

In addition to LGBTQIAA2PS+ issues relating to pandemic preparedness, the plan also covered how man-made climate change is related to ‘global health security’ and mentioned ‘climate change’ on pages 9, 25, 27, 28 and 54.

Alex Jones warned back in the 1990s that the globalists will try to establish world medical control via the threat of global-warming-induced pandemics from the jungles.

“Partner with climate change efforts to address the underlying and evolving causes of climate-associated health security threats such as increased vector borne and other diseases, like cholera and malaria, that thrive in hotter climates and after extreme weather events,” the plan said on page 27.

The plan also aims to increase military law enforcement power during a pandemic.

“…advancing appropriate and effective military-military, military-civilian, and multisectoral collaboration in support of domestic, regional and global health security efforts; and building the capacity of law enforcement, emergency response, and policy officials to prevent, detect, investigate, disrupt, and respond to deliberate biological incidents,” the plan said on page 29.

The plan also stated on page 14 that the U.S. government is working with countries to help them respond to global health threats, one of those responses being getting their populations to accept being vaccinated.

“…utilize social science to increase public understanding and acceptance of vaccines and other public health interventions,” the plan said on page 16.

Vaccines are discussed further on page 49, where several goals are laid out for the vaccination part of the pandemic plan.

A letter supposedly written by President Joe Biden which is found at the beginning of the White House plan stated that The Pandemic Fund was created with money from various contributors including Bill-Gates-linked Gavi and CEPI.

“With strong bipartisan support from Congress, we also championed the creation of the Pandemic Fund, a new international body that has already catalyzed $2 billion in financing from 27 contributors, including countries, foundations, and philanthropies, to build stronger global health security capabilities,” the letter signed by Biden at the beginning of the plan said. “We are working to make life-saving medicines and vaccines more rapidly
available in health emergencies, including through supporting Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations.”

Gavi, one of the fund’s contributors lists Bill Gates as a founding member and major donor while another fund contributor, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) lists the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as investors as well.



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