Video: Judicial Watch Weekly Update - 06-09-2017
On Comey Lawlessness, Smoking Gun Clinton Email, & New JW Lawsuits
Yesterday, JW President Tom Fitton appeared on "Breitbart News Daily" with SiriusXM host Raheem Kassam, discussing the much-anticipated testimony of James Comey based on yesterday’s release of his prepared remarks.
“Between this and the testimony yesterday by the senior intelligence officials that the President did not pressure them and no one in the White House pressured them to do anything related to any investigation, you have to wonder what’s going on now in terms of why it is we have this wasteful special counsel investigation; why these congressional bodies continue to investigate the so-called Russian connection.” --JW President Tom Fitton
“Between this and the testimony yesterday by the senior intelligence officials that the President did not pressure them and no one in the White House pressured them to do anything related to any investigation, you have to wonder what’s going on now in terms of why it is we have this wasteful special counsel investigation; why these congressional bodies continue to investigate the so-called Russian connection.” --JW President Tom Fitton