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Video: Judicial Watch-FISA Memo Is 'Devastating Blow' to Mueller's Russia Investigation

A controversial memo that shows alleged U.S. government surveillance abuses is a "devastating blow" to Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation, according to Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

The memo, which was released on Friday by Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee, contains a number of allegations, including that the FBI and Justice Department relied on the infamous anti-Trump dossier to secure FISA surveillance warrants to spy on at least one member of the Trump team.

On "Outnumbered Overtime," Fitton said if that's true, then that means there would be no Mueller investigation without the unverified dossier, which was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

"The whole thing, I think, really, is subject to being called off now by the Justice Department if they're brave enough, based on these disclosures," Fitton said.

He added there are still many unanswered questions, including what Mueller and senior Justice Department and FBI officials knew about the dossier and when they were aware that it was used as the fundamental basis for the Trump-Russia collusion narrative.

He said that's why he's calling for greater transparency and the release of the underlying documents related to the memo and potential FISA abuses.


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