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Video: In-Your-Face Threat By Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama, one of the anointed Queen Racebaiters, gave a speech at the Democratic Convention that was as disgusting as the one her Treasonous husband gave.  It was nonstop race-baiting bullshit just like her hubby shoveled.  This woman sits in an 11 MILLION DOLLAR HOME, reached one of the highest levels of life possible spending 8 years in the White House, and she NEVER ONCE told "her people" they were proof America is anything but systemically racists, the anyone can achieve anything in America if they simply dare to dream and work hard to make their dreams come true.  It was primarily white people after all who put her there TWICE!  But according to the Obamas, nothing has changed in America since it's founding!

 In this clip she makes it pretty darn clear if you don't give them what they want, they will NEVER STOP THE INSANITY, THE Antifa/BLM VIOLENCE, THE INTIMIDATION.




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