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Video: Edward Klein - FBI Warns of Coming Left-Wing Violence

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A big bomb that best-selling author Edward Klein drops in his new book “All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump” is his publishing of FBI documents warning of violence coming from Antifa and other left-wing groups, which Democrats support. Klein says, “In the FBI report, that I have reproduced in full in my book, it says that these violent left-wing groups traveled to Europe, met with representatives of al-Qaida and the Islamic State, or ISIS. They also went to Syria and got bomb making instructions and toxic chemical instructions. The FBI has followed these people and continue to follow these people now that they are back in America, and (the FBI) believes that when the 2018 mid-term elections come, things are going to get hotter and hotter in this country politically and that these groups are going to become more and more violent. The FBI has said in this document, I have in this new book, that these left-wing groups, like Antifa, represent the greatest threat to law enforcement since the 1970’s and the Weather Underground.”


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