Video: Boston Dynamics Robot Dog The New SpotMini
Boston Dynamics is the mad robot scientist of our waking dreams. Every few years, they unveil a new robot that straddles the fine line between "so realistic its incredible" and the uncanny valley.
Its latest robot dog, the SpotMini, which the company casually introduced with this new video, is easily Boston Dynamics most finished looking robot. The company offers no explanation for four-legged, all yellow creation besides an enigmatic "Coming Soon."
What we can tell you is that this little guy appears to have more personality than all its predecessors. In the video, it effortlessly trots on screen and then pauses to consider the viewer. Even without anything that looks like a dog's head or even eyes, it's a thrilling robotics moment (and perhaps a bit chilling too).
Seriously, we can't wait to learn more about the rather polished-looking SpotMini, the latest agile robotic wonder from Boston Dynamics.