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Video: 2020 Election Fraud and “2000 Mules” – Cross-State Ballot Traffickers ID’ed

How They Did It — True the Vote's Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips

Ballot trafficker caught on video dumping a stack of ballots
into a Georgia ballot box as regular citizens line up to vote in 2020 election.


True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips joined Turning Point USA founder and executive director Charlie Kirk for an interview last Thursday. Engelbrecht and Phillips discussed their extremely high-tech probe into an “organized crime” ballot trafficking operation they say most definitely helped swing the 2020 election away from now-former President Donald Trump.

True the Vote released several never before seen video clips of ballot traffickers in Georgia during the interview.



During their explosive interview with Charlie Kirk Catherine and Gregg dropped several bombs, including:

  • The NRSC was given evidence of voter fraud and did nothing.
  • Brian Kemp led a fight against True the Vote to get to the truth.
  • The FBI and DOJ used cellphone ‘ping’ data to identify, locate and arrest January 6 protesters but DID NOT use this same technique to identify ballot traffickers in 2020
  • Ballot traffickers were operating in Georgia in the 2018 election — including a number of the same suspects!
  • The ballot traffickers, or mules were making from $10 to $40 per ballot dumped into the ballot boxes.
  • Pennsylvania was the worst state they saw with 1,155 ballot traffickers identified and 5 central gathering locations
  • Ballot traffickers crossed state lines including from New Jersey to Philadelphia

Liberty Overwatch took several notes from the hour-long interview.

The drop box stuffing activity followed a consistent pattern, Gregg explained. Every operation involved “a set of collectors, a collection point or stash house for all the ballots, the bundling of those ballots, and then the casting of those ballots by, what we were calling, ‘mules’ in the drop boxes.”

“And as we began put the pieces and parts together, it really did dawn on us: ‘Well, this sounds like what’s happening in Atlanta or in San Luis, Arizona’… This was a conspiracy. This was organized crime,” he emphasized.

Catherine describes the “fateful moment” when she turned to Gregg and asked, “How do we take down a cartel?”

“That’s when we began to use the terms like stash houses, and drop points, and mules, and trafficking, and voter abuse because that’s what we’re looking at,” she continued.

Focusing on six states, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Texas, True the Vote spent $2 million to buy publicly available cell phone data that can pinpoint an individual’s location to within a few inches. They then narrowed their search to targets who began visiting drop boxes and NGO offices during the early voting weeks leading up to November 3rd, activity that was contrary to their prior “pattern of life.” In Georgia, the threshold was at least two dozen trips to drop boxes and five visits to a non-profit.

Catherine described their filtering logic, they wanted parameters that were “outside the norm, so aberrant that it would just stick out like a sore thumb in terms of a dataset… We wanted to have such clear margins, such clear lines that we finally settled on groups that were going [to the drop boxes] in Georgia an average of 23 times — so distinctive. And, as Gregg points out, they also had to go to the NGOs — so they had to meet both those criteria a certain number of times for us to really drill down and study.”

Through open records requests, True the Vote acquired and drop box surveillance video (when available), which helped them confirm the trafficking activity. They also evaluated chain of custody documents to identify what a typical day looked like at a given drop box. Those records showed normal ballot drop data punctuated by “spikes” in ballot receipts. This information helped them home in on specific dates and times buried in their 4 million minutes of footage.

“This is how money laundering works,” Charlie observed. “This is not just a one-off thing, this is not some Democrat activist that really wanted Trump gone and might have had a couple friends do this. This was a machine.”

“Which state was the worst offender?,” asked Charlie. “Pennsylvania,” Gregg stated unequivocally. “The worst in every way: 1,155 people met our criteria… in Philadelphia.”

“What’s even more insane,” Catherine said, “is watching the data, watching the pings come across the bridge in New Jersey and into Philly.” The traffickers actually crossed state lines to participate in the fraud. And it wasn’t just in Philadelphia. Two mules in Arizona made their way to Georgia for the runoffs. And a bartender in South Carolina came in to “help out” in Atlanta, Gregg added.

Even more disturbing, the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSA) knew about the systematic ballot stuffing and did nothing. “We learned that there were off-duty law enforcement officers, paid for by the Republican Party, that reported all of this. And [the NRSA] just covered it up,” Gregg said.

Here is part II and part III of the interview from Liberty Watch.

** You can donate to True the Vote here.

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