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Judge Voids Rigged Election After Democrat Wins by 1 Vote


A Louisiana judge has voided a fraud-ridden election after the rigged local race was “won” by a Democrat candidate by just one vote.

On Tuesday, retired Louisiana Supreme Court Justice E. Joseph Bleich ruled that a candidate’s one-vote win was void due to illegal votes.

The judge ordered that a new election would have to be held.

Democrat Henry Whitehorn “won” the race for Caddo Parish sheriff in November, according to KSLA.

He “beat” Republican John Nickelson by one vote out of the more than 43,000 cast.

The ruling by Bleich found that “it was proven beyond any doubt that there were at least 11 illegal votes cast and counted.”

He noted that it is “legally impossible to know what the true vote should have been,” per the outlet.

Nickelson filed a lawsuit requesting a new election, KSLA reported.

The move came after an initial recount left Whitehorn’s couldn’t-be-smaller victory margin intact.

Bleich was assigned to the case after three judges recused themselves due to affiliations with the candidates, according to the outlet.

The ruling states that two people voted twice and four votes were cast by unqualified votes, according to KSLA.

The judge also confirmed that at least five mail-in ballots were counted despite not complying with the law.

Both parties have until 9:56 a.m. on Friday to appeal Bleich’s decision, KSLA reported.

A similar incident unfolded in 1999 when the Louisiana State Supreme Court ordered a new election in the Red River Parish sheriff’s race.

That election was decided by just three votes.


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