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Feds Knew of Registered Trump Protests on January 6 Outside the US Capitol

Later They Entrapped THOUSANDS of Trump Supporters in ‘Restricted Area’ Where Protesters Had Permits to Rally


On October 13, 2022, the FBI testified that they were using geo-tracking data to identify Trump supporters who had gathered near the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.
A bombshell report by the Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF) revealed the “vast, secretive” partnership between private companies and the federal government to surveil and track the movements of millions of Americans.

According to the EFF, the intel alphabet agencies, including ICE, the FBI, US Secret Service, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Department of Defense (DoD), as well as state and local law enforcement, are being funneled hordes of private cell phone location data by private brokers who harvest the information.

This is the same tactic that Gregg Phillips, Catherine Engelbrecht, and True The Vote used for their investigation into the mail-in ballot dropbox fraud during the 2020 election. The cell phone location data collected by this group was used to identify the network of Democrat operatives who committed mass election fraud, as seen in the recently-released documentary “2000 Mules.”

The FBI was alleged to have used this data to identify patriotic protesters who traveled to Washington DC on January 6, 2021, to support President Trump and the US Constitution.

Tens of thousands of nearly one million protesters later walked to the US Capitol following President Trump’s speech where more rallies were scheduled.

The FBI used geotracking to identify the movements of several targeted individuals in this zone.

The government later said this was a restricted zone on January 6th.

This photo shows the “restricted area” around the US Capitol where Trump supporters were gathering because they had permits to hold rallies in this area.

We know today that there were no markers, flags, fencing, or other indicators that this area was off-limits. 

And now we have evidence that the US government and DC police knew thousands of Trump supporters would assemble in this area BECAUSE THEY HAD PERMITS FOR THEIR RALLIES!

The Trump supporters had flyers of the different scheduled events on January 5th and January 6th.



Also, the Capitol Hill police knew about several protests scheduled on January 6th at the US Capitol because it was included in their own report!

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How is it legal that Trump supporters today are still having their homes raided and are sent to prison for standing outside the US Capitol on January 6th or for walking through the US Capitol on January 6th without committing any violence?

Thousands of Trump supporter gathered at the US Capitol following President Trump’s speech because it was ON THE SCHEDULE and they had permits!

And while they were waiting for a protest or looking for the stage they were shot in the face by the police!

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