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Video: Persecution of Trump & DEI Imploding but Soros “Poll Workers” to the Rescue?

The persecution campaign against Donald Trump is imploding even as the #DEI cult loses ground on colleges, universities, and workplaces, explains journalist Alex Newman on OAN with Alison Steinberg.

However, billionaire George Soros has a front group getting ready to deploy “poll workers” even in red states. There should be no doubt that there is nefarious intent behind this, argues Alex.


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1998 60 Minutes Interview with George Soros
George Soros assisted the Nazis in plundering his own people and enjoyed it!

Does Big Pharma control EVERYTHING?
US Healthcare Could Be Bankrupted by Weight-loss Drugs Like Wegovy and Mounjaro
If even half of US adults with obesity end up taking a weight-loss drug, the total cost will be an estimated $411 billion a year, the report found. That’s $5 billion more than the $406 billion Americans spent in 2022 on all prescription drugs combined.  While the majority of the spending on weight-loss drugs is predicted to occur in the commercial market, and will probably lead to spikes in the cost of insurance premiums, taxpayer Medicare and Medicaid could also be forced to foot a bill of up to $166 billion a year, which is almost as much as the programs’ total expenditure of $175 billion in 2022.



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From District Attorney Offices to Radio Stations Soros Seems to be Buying America

Soros Money Bombs: The Globalist Billionaire Is a Busy Boy in 2024



It’s an election year and, by now, you should know what that means. Progressive globalist billionaire George Soros is on the loose on multiple fronts, and his overarching reach is profoundly influencing US politics, culture, and the judicial system.

“Soros’ Fund for Policy Reform poured $60 million into the Democracy PAC in the first quarter of this year, which then funneled millions of dollars into top Democratic committees benefiting House and Senate races, along with other liberal groups, FEC records posted on April 15 show,” Fox News reports.

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Left Wing Billionaire George Soros Buying Hundreds of American Radio Stations Ahead of 2024 Election



George Soros, the left’s favorite billionaire, is buying up American radio stations by the hundreds, ahead of the 2024 election.

This is obviously part of a strategy, because that’s what Soros does. He hatches backdoor plans to exert influence over American politics. A few years back, he pumped a ton of cash into district attorney races across the country and we all know how that worked out.

This is his new plan. Could there be more to this than gaining media influence?

The Washington Times reports:

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Soros Behind It All!

Investigation Shows ‘Defeat MAGA’ Radical Left Network Hijacked Democrats to Stop Trump at All Costs

Extensive and well-funded network of leftist organizations influence the White House, Congress, law enforcement, judiciary, city councils to advance agenda to take out MAGA movement. 

"We are witnessing unprecedented actual lawfare and election interference against a presidential candidate. This was gamed out against Trump before he ever declared to run as a plan to subvert his reelection and maintain Biden’s control," says activist Jessico Bowman.



A well-funded and well-connected constellation of leftist organizations led by a group promoted by George Soros and Hillary Clinton is behind the multi-faceted effort to take down Donald Trump ahead of the 2024 election, an independent investigation’s findings show.

Research compiled by Northeast Florida-based conservative grassroots activist Jessico Bowman that was shared with Breitbart News lays out the intricate links between these groups, the depth of sophistication and organization they’ve developed since Trump’s first term in office, and the considerable influence they now wield in Washington and within the Democrat Party.

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Video: Thanks to a Shocking New Report We Now Know Why Soros' Biggest DA Hit the Eject Button and Resigned



Kim Gardner, the Soros-backed DA, was at the heart of the controversial story involving the McCloskeys, who stood their ground against a mob of violent and threatening BLM rioters at their home. Instead of addressing the mob, which threatened harm to them and their pets, Gardner targeted the McCloskeys for brandishing firearms in self-defense. This action is indicative of her approach as a Marxist Soros-backed DA, prioritizing political targets over actual criminals.

Gardner’s erratic and unjust actions created a stir and captured public attention. Consequently, a special counsel was appointed in May to investigate the chaotic disaster Gardner created and perpetuated within the DA’s office.

Ultimately, these actions triggered a movement to oust Gardner from office. However, before this could fully unfold, Gardner hit the ‘eject button’ and resigned. Now, a revealing new report sheds light on exactly why Gardner fled as the situation tightened around her.

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Soros’ Son Complains That Another “MAGA-style” Presidential Victory Would “Imperil” Globalist Vision

Says populist leadership in U.S. would "undermine the progress...in Ukraine"


Alex Soros, son of arch globalist Open Society founder George Soros writes in an op-ed that he is worried that another Trump victory, or “MAGA style” victory in a U.S. election will endanger the “unity” of globalists in Europe.

“I believe a MAGA-style Republican victory in next year’s U.S. presidential election could, in the end, be worse for the EU than for the U.S.” the younger Soros writes.

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Soros Gets Bad News as Ingenious Group Rises Against Him – He Can’t Claim Antisemitism Now


One of the left’s favorite tactics to discount criticism of anti-American billionaire George Soros is to claim detractors are “antisemites” because Soros has Jewish ancestry. But one Jewish group has just completely blown that defense out of the water.

A new Jewish group called “Jews Against Soros” has formed that will work to urge people to stop supporting Soros and his many organizations whose purpose is to undermine America and Western democracy.

Created by Newsweek editor Josh Hammer and conservative activist Will Scharf, the group announced its debut with a tweet on Wednesday.

“Today, we (@willscharf and @josh_hammer) are launching Jews Against Soros, a new grassroots coalition of Jews who oppose George Soros’s radical left-wing agenda,” the pair tweeted or Soros and his campaigns to undermine democracy around the world.

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Billionaire David Sacks Joins in on Exposing the Pure Evil of George Soros


Yesterday, we heard from Elon Musk about how George Soros “hates humanity.” That alone is worthy of song, especially after the digital bludgeoning Musk took from the likes of the ADL and pretty much every Soros-loving leftist on Twitter.

Then, another billionaire chimed in. David Sacks took the time to post a long Tweet exposing Soros as a destroyer of American society…

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Report: George Soros Funds Global ‘Fact Checking’ Empire


Over the past few years, a cottage industry of “fact checkers” and “misinformation” experts has emerged to advance the left’s mission of silencing dissent to its agenda around the world. Analysis of the funding of these organizations leads back to a familiar figure: left-wing billionaire George Soros.

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