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Video: Dr. Warns New COVID-19 Vaccine Is Untested And Will Alter Your DNA

Dr. Carrie Madej, an Internal Medicine Specialist with over 19 years of experience, claims that the COVID-19 vaccine could be a Trojan Horse used to patent human beings, as it will change one’s DNA.

Dr. Madej graduated from Kansas City University Of Medicine Bioscience College Of Osteopathic Medicine medical school in 2001.

In this video, she speaks about the agenda to inject an experimental vaccine into everybody on the planet.

The gene-altering vaccination would tweak human DNA into a cell line major corporations could patent, hypothetically owning the people with altered DNA.

This recombinant DNA technology is being spearheaded by companies like Inovio, Glaxosmithkline, Sanofi and Moderna.

In the age of extreme internet censorship, it’s imperative that you share crucial information such as the content covered by Dr. Madej.


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Video: Corbett Report - WHO Cares What Celebrities Think - #PropagandaWatch

WHO cares what celebrities think? WHO cares, that's who! Or, more to the point, WHO wants you to care what they think. Join James for this week's #PropagandaWatch as he peels back the layers on the WHO's "celebrity influencer" propaganda campaign.


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Face Masks Don’t Work; The Study-review was Published by Your Very Own CDC

Take off your masks!


By Jon Rappoport

To readers: Contact Georgia Governor Brian Kemp with this information. He can use the ammunition. He’s issued an order against mandatory masks. (404) 656-1776

Alert to citizens, governors, mayors, presidents, prime ministers, and public health officials—

You want science. You always state that. Well, here is your very own science.

The reference is: “Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures.” Published in: “Emerging Infectious Diseases, Vol.26, No. 5, May 2020.” (That journal is published by the CDC.)

I quote from the abstract:

“Here, we review the evidence base on the effectiveness of nonpharmaceutical personal protective measures and environmental hygiene measures in non-healthcare settings and discuss their potential inclusion in pandemic plans. Although mechanistic studies [*] support the potential effect of hand hygiene or face masks, evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza. We similarly found limited evidence on the effectiveness of improved hygiene and environmental cleaning.”

Here are quotes from pages 970-972 of the review:

“In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs [randomized controlled trials] that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks…”

“Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids… There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure. Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.”

“In this review, we did not find evidence to support a protective effect of personal protective measures or environmental measures in reducing influenza transmission.”

“We did not find evidence that surgical-type face masks are effective in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza transmission, either when worn by infected persons (source control) or by persons in the general community to reduce their susceptibility…”

[*] In case you want to quibble about the value of what the authors refer to as “mechanistic studies,” the authors are correctly setting those studies off to the side, in favor of the material they preferred to examine: randomized controlled trials—which are widely considered to be more valuable, relevant, and meaningful.

So there you have it.

Your science.

Take off your masks. Governors and mayors and presidents and prime ministers, cancel the orders to wear masks. You’re non-scientific. In the extreme.




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Video: Andrew Kaufmann - Nobody Has Ever Isolated the COVID-19 Virus for Testing Purposes

They are not


Everyone is just blindly believing whatever they are being told.

The FACT is, nobody has ever isolated a virus responsible for what they are calling COVID-19 illness! NOBODY! The test is based on a FRIGGIN COMPUTER MODEL based on an RNA fragment with no proof of its origin! Our entire economy and way of life have been devastated based on totally bogus computer models, from bogus death statistics to bogus testing results!


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Forced Masking of America Paving the Way for Bill Gates 'Final Solution'

By Leo Hohmann

The politicization of facemasks is growing more acute by the day, squeezing non-mask wearers out of stores and offices and casting them aside like collateral damage destined for the societal Dumpster.

We should not be surprised.

Bill Gates informed us early on in the pandemic that we would not be allowed to “return to normal until the entire world is vaccinated.” Adoring news reporters quoted him saying this as though they were talking to God himself.

Now, they are pushing the mask to ensure that their god’s prophecy comes true. No normalcy allowed. The vaccine is not yet ready!

The mask is a sign of fear, submission and obedience to the media-driven hysterical over-reaction to this virus by governments and corporations. This virus is in fact no more deadly than the seasonal flu and far less so in children. This is a very manageable disease, with a recovery rate of 99.7 percent. But, when you see masks everywhere, it’s easy to believe that the country that placed men on the moon just can’t get a handle on this invisible enemy.

If you acquiesce to the mask edicts, that’s fine, it’s your decision. But don’t be naïve and think for one minute that forced masking is not part of a greater agenda that involves forced vaccinations — which Gates called his “Final Solution” to the coronavirus. And if you think this will be just another of the many “normal vaccinations,” you are deceived. Big Pharma has never developed an effective vaccine for a coronavirus [one of which is the common cold].

So not only are they developing something completely new, they are rushing it to market.

It’s clear that the mask shaming is part of a dry run for the coming vaccine, which has been placed on a fast track by President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed.

President Trump assured us the vaccine will not be mandatory.

But that should not be taken seriously by anyone who is awake and watching how mayors, governors and corporations have been acting with the mask.

I live in Georgia, where Gov. Brian Kemp has not mandated masks. And, yet, it is getting seriously difficult to find a grocery store where you can enter mask-free. We non-maskers have been reduced to Dollar General, outdoor markets and fruit stands.

Why is that? The government isn’t forcing this in Georgia, so who is?

What’s happening is another case of our side being outmaneuvered and out organized by the left.

I have been in contact with friends in the grocery-store industry and they tell me they are bombarded daily with calls and in-person complaints from people trying to bully them into requiring masks on every single shopper in their stores.

Our side, those who still believe that our health and our dress-code are personal decisions, is largely silent.

Because conservatives tend to place a higher value on individual liberty, the vast majority of the cry-babies out there calling and vilifying store managers for not mandating masks are Democrats. Those confronting non-mask wearers in store aisles and berating them are mostly Democrats. That’s because Democrats are collectivists. They don’t see people as individuals created in the image of God and capable of making their own decisions.

Conservatives, even those who wear masks, most likely do not wish to make it a crime for those who don’t. That’s just the way we are. But the left is always intolerant of opposing opinions and skilled in the use of coercive tactics. Hence, they have mounted a Twitter campaign to shame any company not requiring masks while bombarding these companies with high-pressure calls, emails and in-person visits, some threatening to sue if the company doesn’t bow to their demands.

The entire thrust of the Democrats and their media lackeys is to create enough panic so that governors will reverse course and lock their citizens back down in their homes, so they can collapse the economy ahead of the Nov. 3 election and blame the carnage on Trump. Everyone knows this. So why are we aiding their program of fomenting false panic by wearing masks?

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Think Of The Depth Of Evil It Would Take To Use Chinese Coronavirus Against The American People


Its Time To Level With The Public Mr. President To What The Left Is Really Doing

Let’s start with some facts.

We know the Chinese Coronavirus was developed in a lab in Wuhan, with gain of function capability…in other words, a man-made bioweapon. This has been reported widely.

We know the Obama administration moved the research into COVID-19 from UNC to Wuhan years ago, as the ‘research’ had become illegal in the United States. We know the American government funded the Wuhan lab and COVID research. We know Bill Gates ran a simulation of a coronavirus outbreak as late as October of last year.

We know the Chinese intentionally spread the virus to the West, while preventing travel inside China. This has been confirmed by The White House.

We know that Dr. Anthony Fauci initially downplayed the virus, saying Americans had nothing to worry about, parroting the corrupt World Health Organization. The affect of this action was to allow the virus to spread in the West.

We know the timing of this viral release is Waaay too convenient, coming right after the impeachment charade and right before the 2020 presidential election.

I’m sorry, but I learned a long time ago that if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it’s most likely a duck.


We know Democratic Party politicians are using the lockdowns to hurt the Trump economy, something President Trump confirmed recently. This means these pols are intentionally hurting American small business, American employment, American self-reliance, all traits of Trump supporters.

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THIS Is Why They Moved The Fear Porn Goal Post From COVID Deaths to COVID Cases


What they ARE NOT TELLING YOU is we have more cases because theirs more testing and THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU that for 99.9% of the newly reported cases, NOBODY IS EVEN SICK! They are all asymptomatic.  They are scaring the crap out of you by deliberately implying that a positive test means a death sentence! TOTAL DELIBERATE LIE.

 Source:  https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm#AgeAndSex

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How COVID-19 Fatality Reports Are Distorting the Data on Daily Death Rates

Health departments publish two fatality figures; the media pick the more frightening one.


By Daniel Payne

Seven months into the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, state governments and media outlets continue to publicize confusing, misleading data on the spread of the disease here, perpetuating fears that deaths from the virus are skyrocketing on a daily basis even as those fatalities are generally distributed across a period of days, weeks or even months. 

At issue is how state health departments publicize daily reports of fatalities within the state's borders. State health officials have for months been publishing two sets of mortality statistics: deaths that occurred on the publication date in question, and deaths that have only recently been catalogued from state backlogs. 

The Arizona Department of Health Services publishes both of those figures on its coronavirus dashboard: On its "Summary" page, it lists the "number of new deaths reported today," while on its "Covid-19 Deaths" tab, the state lists the actual "deaths by date of death."

The distinction is a critical one: The state's "new deaths" every day do not actually reflect the number of coronavirus fatalities Arizona has logged in the past 24 hours, but rather the number of COVID-19 deaths it has identified from both new and older death certificates. 

Health department spokeswoman Holly Poynter confirmed to Just the News on Friday that the state's "new deaths" figure is not drawn exclusively from the most recent 24-hour period of fatalities. 

"While we had 91 new deaths reported today, the graph [on the dashboard] shows them by the actual date of death," she said on Friday. "Although those 91 were reported today, it doesn't mean today was the date of death. Those deaths may have occurred at any time on the graph but were simply reported today."

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Video: Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai - The Real Truth About Coronavirus, According to MIT Biologist

Editor's Note: Everyone's ignorance about what viruses are and ignorance about how our immune system works is being exploited big time! The MSM and Globalists have ZERO interest in providing any genuine understanding. They are only interested in manipulating you into doing what they want.


Dr. Shiva will explain, “Viruses do not harm or kill us.” 

A screenshot of a slide from his broadcast that a lot of people may find shocking.



Two days ago, we published an article about Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, an MIT biologist, after he posted a tweet sharing his concerns about the the coronavirus and how the “fear mongering on coronavirus will go down as biggest fraud to manipulate economies.” The article is the most read story since the inception of our website, and has since gone viral online. Within 24 hours, the story attracted over half a million unique visitors.

Now, Dr. Shiva just came out with a follow-up video that goes into a great detail to explain the real truth about coronavirus and why as a nation, we need to focus more on immune health. He also expressed his concerns about lack of understanding about the complexity of the body immune systems among the people advising our government. Dr. Shiva is not alone in talking about the importance of immune health. Other research have also shown also boosting our immune health can help reduce the risk of infectious diseases and supporting recovery if we do get sick.

Before we dive right in, here is a little background about Dr. Shiva. He has four degrees from MIT. He graduated from MIT in 1986 with a degree in electrical engineering and computer science. He has done extensive research at the molecular level and he was also speaker at National Science Foundation for the science of information on the immune system. Dr. Shiva also also holds a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from MIT. In 2004, he returned to MIT to work on a Ph.D. in systems biology, a relatively new field that integrates biology, engineering and computer science.

Below is a broadcast he did yesterday on Periscope. Enjoy!


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The Clown Cars Are Fully Loaded And Dr. Fauci’s Is Leading The Parade

When it comes to the topic of clown cars, we’d say Dr. Fauci gets a limo version all to himself.

Yesterday he uttered the following incoherent babble, saying the recent surge in new cases is because the Virus Patrol didn’t go far enough in throwing 50 million Americans out of work:

We did not shut down entirely,” Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said. “We need to draw back a few yards and say, ‘OK, we can’t stay shut down forever.’ …You’ve got to shut down but then you’ve got to gradually open.”

Got that?

What does this pretentious old windbag think—-that the blooming, buzzing mass of a $21 trillion economy can be calibrated up and down by the week via some magical dimmer switch?

Never mind because he was then on to this preposterous comparison:

Fauci also said he expects the public to compare the Covid-19 pandemic to the 1918 pandemic flu, which killed around 50 million people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Well, it so happens that the U.S. death rate from the Spanish Flu was 655 per 100,000 persons (675,000 deaths in a population of 103 million). That’s obviously orders of magnitude larger than the 39 per 100,000 deaths to date from the Covid.

In fact, the impact of the Spanish Flu was not only 17X greater in terms of the overall mortality rate, but it was also a true Grim Reaper in the sense that it struck across the entire age spectrum of the population (dark blue bars).

It actually started in the giant domestic military training compounds stood up by Woodrow Wilson to join a European war that was none of America’s business, but the virus did kill tens of thousands of 18-30 year-old draftees in their own barracks long before they got to the killing fields of France.


By contrast, as we now surely understand, and you would think Fauci would, too, the Covid (light blue bars) is primarily a harvester of elderly persons already struggling with life-threatening respiratory, heart, vascular, renal and diabetic illnesses.

Accordingly, among the 191 million Americans under the age of 45 years, there have been only 1.5 WITH-Covid deaths per 100,000, while for the elderly, the opposite is true. Nearly 70,000 or more than 60% of all WITH-Covid death have been among the 75 years and older population, resulting in mortality rates as follows:

  • 85 years & Over: 581 per 100,000 persons;
  • 75-84 years: 200 per 100,000 persons;

Now, you don’t need to take a single class in epidemiology to understand a core truth: That is, when nearly 60% of the population under 45 years accounts for only 2.5% of the reported WITH-Covid deaths and has a rounding error mortality rate, while the 6.5% of the population 75 years and older accounts for 60% of the deaths—you don’t fight the disease with a one-size-fits all strategy of generic locksdowns, quarantines and social regimentation.

And surely you don’t shutdown the schools, gyms, bars, restaurants, movies, ball games, concerts, beaches, theme parks etc. because the vulnerable elderly don’t patronize these venues in appreciable numbers anyway, and could easily be warned to stay strictly away.

The key point, however, is that this whole unspeakable Lockdown Folly does not remotely stem from the “science”, as the MSM supporters of Fauci claim.

It’s just a hair-brained experiment in social control that happened because the Donald was too weak, ill-informed, distracted and innumerate to send Fauci and his camarilla of doctors and vaccine-peddlers packing when the mid-March guidelines were first issued by the CDC.

Yes, the Donald’s political enemies in the ranks of big city mayors and Blue State governors have feasted upon the chum Fauci & Co have persistently tossed into the fetid waters of national politics, but that doesn’t let Trump off the hook.

If the truth be told, this is the Trump Lockdown Folly and ranks among the greatest blunders ever committed by a US President. That’s because even at this late date nearly four months into the resulting economic disaster:

  • there is no evidence that asymptomatic persons are transmitters of the virus,
  • there is powerful statistical evidence that 95% of the population can cope with the disease and recover if they do become infected.

Yet, the twin pillars of Fauci’s hair-brained social regimentation scheme assumes they very opposite: Namely, that healthy Americans must be put under house arrest because they are silent spreaders and killers of their fellow citizens; and that the disease is so virulent that its #1 enemy—the powerful immune system of every healthy American—cannot be trusted to do its job if the virus is permitted to follow its natural course of contagion and eventual herd immunity.

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