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COVID Vaccine Secret A Stunner

by Jon Rappoport

From the off-guardian, January 3, 2021, “What Vaccine Trials?” by Iain Davis:

“…the WHO protocols Pfizer used to produce the mRNA [for the vaccine] do not appear to identify any nucleotide sequences that are unique to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. When investigator Fran Leader questioned Pfizer they confirmed: ‘The DNA template does not come directly from an isolated virus from an infected person’.”

And there we are, right back where I started, some time ago. If you don’t have the isolated virus, how can you claim you’ve sequenced it?

And if you’ve sequenced it by ASSUMPTION and GUESS, how can you claim the sequence—or the virus—is real?

Answer: You SAY the sequence and the virus are real, but you have zero proof. Because you’re a “scientific authority,” people automatically believe what you SAY.

A man visits a vast auto junkyard looking for parts. Over the office door, he sees a sign: “1972 Ferrari 365 GTB/4 Daytona Spider. Inquire within.”

The owner of the junkyard tells him, “We’re offering shares in the Ferrari. Three thousand a share. When we eventually sell it, you’ll make at least double your investment.”

The man says, “Where is the car? I’d like to see it.”

“Well,” the junkyard owner says, “look around you. We’ve got several square miles of cars and parts. The Ferrari is out there somewhere. We recently ran a test on exhaust fumes with a special instrument. It concluded that the ’72 Ferrari had recently been driven through the yard here…”

This is the sort of thing that happens in virology.

Of course, no mainstream virologist would admit it. He would talk about analogues and gene banks and PCR and representative samples and in silico (computer modeling).

But the stark reality is clear.

Assumption and guess and slippery inference do not carry the day.

You either have the isolated virus or you don’t. If you don’t, anything you say about “it” is useless. You can’t validly claim it exists.

As I’ve written and said dozens of times now, the virological meaning of the word “isolate” is quite different from the ordinary meaning.

In the technical world of the con and the hustle, “isolated virus” means: “We have the virus in a soup in a dish in the lab. The soup contains human and monkey cells, toxic drugs and chemicals, and other genetic material. Some of the cells are dying. This means the virus is killing them.”

That assertion is false. The drugs and chemicals can be killing the cells. And the cells are being starved of vital nutrients. That alone could explain the cell-death.

Furthermore, a supposed virus mixed in a soup in a dish in a lab is definitely not “isolated.”

Bottom line: there is no persuasive evidence that a virus is in the soup.

What’s in the COVID vaccine? Among other material, a supposed fragment from a supposed virus that hasn’t been proven to exist.

Consider the PCR test. Several levels of valid criticism have been aimed at the test.

First, different labs will come up with different contradictory test results. This is true.

Drilling down a little deeper, the test, when it amplifies the tissue sample taken from a patient, is useless and dangerous when more than 34 cycles or steps of amplification are deployed. Why? Because then, huge numbers of false-positives occur.

Down yet another level, we discover that the PCR doesn’t detect a virus at all. It identifies a piece of RNA presumed to come from a virus.

And finally, the test identifies a piece of RNA from a virus that hasn’t been proven to exist.

This is the root of the poisonous tree.

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Video: FDA Admits COVID Vaccine Could Enhance The Virus, Making It More Deadly

Del Bigtree, the producer of the film Vaxxed, exposes the shocking reality that COVID vaccine animal testing shows the inoculation could cause the virus to become far more deadly.


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Then It’s Not a Vaccine! Latest Insane Fauci Claims

Editor's Note:  This LUNATIC is constantly introduced as "the foremost expert on infectious diseases."  BULLSHIT!!  He's nothing but an overpaid sales manager for Big Pharma and a criminal psychopathic ego freak with a totally overinflated sense of self-importance.


Crazy Dr. Fauci Said in October Early COVID Vaccines Will Only Prevent Symptoms and NOT Block the Infection …What?

By Jim Holt

Assuming for a moment that this is true, and not his usual ignorant BS or outright lies and thuggery… Then by definition, they are not dispensing a vaccine and it’s a palliative treatment, at best.

It also means the “vaccine” is just a scheme by Big Pharma, and the globalist investors, to scam trillions out of the frightened peasants and the states.

At its worst, it is a sinister plot to modify behavior or worse.

So why are people putting blind trust in this deranged idiot?

Via The Daily Mail:

Dr. Anthony Fauci has cautioned that early COVID-19 vaccines will be focused on preventing symptoms of the virus, not blocking it altogether.

Fauci, the nation’s leading expert on infectious diseases, made the point on Monday as at least four vaccine candidates near the end of clinical trials and the US reported a record number of new cases in the last week.

While the end goal of the vaccines will be to eradicate the virus, Fauci noted that developers are aiming for a simpler goal in the first round of jabs.

‘The primary thing you want to do is that if people get infected, prevent them from getting sick, and if you prevent them from getting sick, you will ultimately prevent them from getting seriously ill,’ Fauci said at Yahoo Finance’s All Markets Summit.

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Video: Doctors From Around the World Issue Dire Warning Not to Take COVID Vaccines!

The Main Stream Media, Big Tech, the government REFUSE to allow highly skilled doctors from all over the world to be heard. These doctors have been raising the alarm about the SCAMDEMIC almost from very early on and continue to do so at great risk to their lives and careers.


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Video: Why Bill Gates Switched From Microsoft To Vaccines

An eye-opening presentation starting with a flashback on 'WHO BILL GATES REALLY IS' (spoiler alert - does SELF-ABSORBED CONTROL-FREAK PSYCHOPATH RING ANY BELLS?) to how he used his vast fortune to transform/manufacture a new FAKE BENEVOLENT WARM-AND-FUZZY-PASTEL-SWEATER-WEARING PUBLIC PERSONA. NOTHING could be farther from the truth!


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Video: They Were Forced To Admit That the 'SARS CoV2 Virus HAS NOT BEEN PROVEN TO EXIST!


"AS PART OF OUR LEGAL ACTION we had been demanding the evidence that this virus actually exists [as well as] evidence that lockdowns actually have any impact on the spread of viruses; that face-masks are safe, and do deter the spread of viruses - They don’t. No such studies exist; that social distancing is based in science - It isn't. it's made up; that contact tracing has any bearing on the spread of a virus - of course it doesn't. This organization here - is making it up as they go along." - Gemma O'Doherty

Originally streamed live from the office of Tony Holohan Chief Medical Officer of Ireland.

January 2021 NBC "Return To Wuhan" where Chinese CDC Director Admits


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Video: Informed Consent

Are vaccines safe? That's the question and one that you cannot seem to ask in society these days without abuse and censorship. In this film we hear from some of the greatest minds from the world of Medicine and Science who tell a very different story to one you may hear in the mainstream or from your Doctor. Also we speak to parents who are fully aware of the potential costs of Vaccines. It's time for a sensible, open and frank debate around this subject, no more name calling and mud-slinging, just a debate on the facts. That's all we ask, hopefully in 70 minutes time you'll realise there is two sides to this story.




Video: David Icke - The Vaccines Are The Bioweapons Not the Fake Virus!

The goal of the entire global pandemic hoax was to scare the population into willingly lining up for jabs of 'THE REAL THREAT", THE REAL BIOWEAPONS," the DNA altering, sterilization inducing, and God knows what else they do vaccines! This is yet another fantastic presentation by David Icke and his son GAZ (Gareth) about the INSANE and already nightmarish rollout of untested, unapproved worthless for fighting viruses, and dangerous vaccines.

Quick question . . . Have you noticed NOBODY IS GETTING SICK FROM COLDS OR FLU ANYMORE? Everything is COVID, even dying from gun shot wounds and car accidents.


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Video; Fauci - Regional Sales Manager for Big Pharma - Moves the Goal Posts Yet Again To Maximize Profits!

This video clip of Demon Toad Anthony Fauci LYING TO US YET AGAIN is prefaced by a clip of Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR Test, who tells you the kind of person Fauci really is. Fauci has been improperly using the PCR test to manufacture starting with the FAKE HIV CAUSES AIDS SCAM to make TRILLIONS for the Pharmaceutical Industry.

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Groundbreaking Study Shows Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier Than Vaccinated Children

This study adds to a growing list of published peer-reviewed papers that compare the health of vaccinated children to the health of unvaccinated children. These studies suggest we have long underestimated the scope of vaccine harms, and that the epidemic of chronic illness in children is hardly a mystery.

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