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DVD: COVID-19 CURE - Deliberately Concealed and Supressed

Did you know there has been a safe, effective,
and inexpensive cure for COVID-19 from the beginning of
the alleged pandemic that Dr. Fauci, the CDC, the WHO, and Bill Gates
have done their best to demonize, conceal and/or suppress
from the American people (and the world)
to protect BILLIONS in future vaccine profits?


I made this DVD to help wake people up in my local community.  So far it's been very well received.  I have managed to squeeze 18 videos onto this DVD and the quality is still pretty darn good.  There is more than enough information on this DVD to convince anyone who is not brainwashed beyond hope taht we have been, and continue to be lied to on a massive scale.

The first 2 videos on the DVD are presentations given by Doctors who recently gave a presser in front of the Supreme Court building, voicing their frustration about a cure for COVID-19 that has been available from the very start of this alleged pandemic but has been deliberately suppressed by all the usual suspects.  It's a safe and effective drug that's been used for over 60 YEARS called hydroxychloroquine!

The very next day a massive, ruthless campaign was launched to censor, ridicule, and marginalize these doctors.  The videos were immediately removed from YouTube and many other platforms.  The web site was immediately taken down.  THEY DO NOT WANT YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS INFORMATION.  THEY WANT YOU DEEPLY AFRAID AND CLAMORING FOR THEIR DANGEROUS, EXPENSIVE AND TOTALLY EXPERIMENTAL VACCINES!  As a means to get around this censorship, I have included 2 of their presentations that they gave later on in the day on this DVD.

The DVD contains these 19 videos.

1) Crimes Against Humanity:  Dr. Reiner Fuellmich details a class action lawsuit against those behind the COVID-19 pandemic hoax, namely those driving it with fraudulent PCR testing. (Video length 50 min.)

2) Top Epidemiologist on HCQ:  World-renowned Dr. Risch decries the suppression and misinformation campaign against hydroxychloroquine (Video length 12 min.)1) Top Epidemiologist on HCQ:  World-renowned Dr. Risch decries the suppression and misinformation campaign against hydroxychloroquine (Video length 12 min.)

3) How HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine) Works:  From America's Fronline Doctors Presentations: In this video, Dr. Mobeen Syed explains, in very clear language, precisely how hydroxychloroquine works to PREVENT viral infections and how it can CURE viral infections once they start. And yes, even the hysterically hyped COVID-19 virus. (Video length 12 min.)

4) HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine) Safety: From America's Fronline Doctors Presentations: In this video, Dr. Simone Gold and Dr. Richard Urso cover the long-term studies and history of hydroxychloroquine use that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that hydroxychloroquine is one of the safest drugs on the market. It has been around for well over 60 years, prescribed to tens of millions of people, and is considered so safe it's available over the counter in many countries around the world. (Video length 12 min.)

5) A Comprehensive Overview: In this video, Dr. Victory Presents An Incredibly Comprehensive AND HONEST Perspective on the Realty of COVID-19.  THIS is who should be advising the President and directing the response to the COVID-19, not the totally corrupt, self-serving numbskull Dr. Fauci/Bill Gates and Co. who have been deliberately misleading the American People into a totally mindless panic to advance his own sick agenda. Fire Fauci and hire Victory! (Video length 18 min.)

6) Ignore Case Numbers. In this short news segment Dr. Victory details exactly why everyone should ignore the hysteria being created over "spikes in case numbers"  and explains her support and use of Hydroxychloroquine/Zinc for the treatment/cure of COVID-19. She points out that not only is it highly effective, it only costs $12 to treat a patient as apposed to the Faucci/WHO supported drugs that cost $2000 to treat a patient and those treatments don't even work. Classic Big Pharma con job!
(Video length 9 min.)

7) Healthy People DO NOT Drive the Spread of Pandemics. This is a briefing given by Dr. Fauci himself where he emphatically states Asymptomatic people DO NOT drive the spread of pandemics.  It's ALWAYS the symptomatic, sick people. (Video length 4 min.)

8) How Big Is A Virus - This video from an Exploratorium exhibit designed to help you visualize how small a coronavirus really is and investigate the implications of its small size. (Video length 4 min.)

9) Masks Don't Work - Dr. Ted Noel - Finally, an HONEST doctor has created a way for you to visualize just how small a virus really is.   Even the most die-hard mask lover can see a virus will pass right through and out any opening in the mask VIRUSES ARE EXTREMELY TINY! You need an electron microscope to even see them! Fauci knows this, the CDC knows this, the WHO knows this, Bill Gates knows this. (Video length 3 min.)

10) Mask Danger - This is a demonstration of how wearing masks creates HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS for your health. The WHO originally came out and said you should not be wearing masks unless you are sick, sneezing, coughing, etc., etc., or working with sick people!! Time to stop complying with idiotic, illegal, unconstitutional "orders" from lunatic politicians and corrupt/conflicted so-called healthcare professionals.   (Video length 2.5 min.)

11) Inflated Death Stats -  A 12-year Physician Assistant (PA), Lindsay Blankenship, risks her career to expose how hospitals are being intensely pressured to dramatically inflate the number of coronavirus cases. (Video length 29 min.)

12) Vaccine Industry Exposed - Robert Kennedy Jr. Exposes the Truth About the Vaccine Industry and the Unsafe Vaccines They Create: Robert Kennedy Jr. has become one of the leading experts and opponents of the entire corrupt vaccine industry. In this video, he exposes the reality of how deeply corrupt and dangerous this industry is and how it is the only industry given total immunity from prosecution for any damage done by their products!  (Note: Robert Kennedy Jr.has a condition called spasmodic dysphonia, a specific form of an involuntary movement disorder called dystonia that affects only the voice box.  This is why his voice sounds so awkward) (Video length 15 min.)

13) Vaccine Alters DNA - Dr. Carrie Madej, an Internal Medicine Specialist with over 19 years of experience, claims that the COVID-19 vaccine could be a Trojan Horse used to patent human beings, as it will change one’s DNA.  (Video length 24 min.)

14) Forced Vaccinations:  Bill Gates - YOU HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO TAKE MY DANGEROUS VACCINES: This is a very short clip of an interview Bill Gates did regarding his absurd assertion that the whole world has to allow him to jab this dangerous experimental vaccine into all of us and that we don't have any choice! (Video length 1 min.)

15) Is't Not About Your Health - Jeremy Elliot - Nothing Disrupts the System Like An Inquisitive Mind: Most people are now so indoctrinated and brainwashed, to the point of complete and utter complete idiocy. I would rather be called a conspiracy theorist than a brainless, subservient sheep. Just think why no politician or billionaire got sick or died from this “ deadly” virus or, why no politician or billionaire lost their income or their businesses looted. Unfortunately, those who really need to watch this clip will bypass.... Blessed are the poor in spirit I guess. Jeremy Elliot breaks it down perfectly! (Video length 5 min.)

16) Brief History of Corruption at the CDC: This is a segment from the film PLANDemic II which details a bit of the totally corrupt operations of the CDC. Nothing has changed. They are doing it again with the FAKE COVID-19 PANDEMIC!  This agency has been a menace to socieity from its inception!  YOU CANNOT TRUST ANYTHING COMING OUT OF THE CDC. (Video length 4 min.)

17) Science For Social Control: This is a video segment of a Corbett Report recorded in 2016. Very accurately predicts much of what we see occurring right now with all the "Medical Tyranny" being imposed on the populations of the Western world. (Video length 5 min.)

18) Science For Social Control: This is a video segment of a Corbett Report recorded in 2016. Very accurately predicts much of what we see occurring right now with all the "Medical Tyranny" being imposed on the populations of the Western world. (Video length 5 min.)

19) How They Pulled Off The Global Pandemic Hoax: Many find it hard to believe that anyone would deliberately launch a pandemic that wasn't real, or that something like that could actually be done on a totally coordinated global scale. What most don't realize is that the most powerful transnational banking/corporate cartels (cult actually) have been putting the infrastructure in place for many decades to make such a thing possible. It's called "globalization." They have accomplished so much at this point anything they do impacts virtually everyone on the entire planet all at the same time.  In this video, David Icke details precisely how it's done.  (Video length 16 min.)


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Virginia Plans Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations For All Residents

State health commissioner said he planned to invoke state law to make vaccinations mandatory

Virginia’s State Health Commissioner announced Friday that he will mandate the coronavirus vaccine for all Virginia residents once it’s publicly available.

Virginia state law grants Commissioner of Health Dr. Norman Oliver the authority to require mass vaccinations during a “public health crisis.”

Only individuals with medical exemptions would be exempt from the mandatory COVID-19 vaccine, which is thought to be released in early 2021.

From ABC News 8:

State Health Commissioner Dr. Norman Oliver told 8News on Friday that he plans to mandate coronavirus vaccinations for Virginians once one is made available to the public.

Virginia state law gives the Commissioner of Health the authority to mandate immediate immunizations during a public health crisis if a vaccine is available. Health officials say an immunization could be released as early as 2021.

Dr. Oliver says that, as long as he is still the Health Commissioner, he intends to mandate the coronavirus vaccine.

“It is killing people now, we don’t have a treatment for it and if we develop a vaccine that can prevent it from spreading in the community we will save hundreds and hundreds of lives,” Oliver said.

According to a recent Gallup poll, 1 in 3 Americans would refuse to take a coronavirus vaccine, even if it was free and widely available.




First he said vaccines would be mandatory, then not, now you won’t travel outside your house without vaccination. Australia’s China connection began with Belt & Road Initiative and now they’re following them into full population control.

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Frontline Doctor Silenced By YouTube and Facebook Speaks Out About Hydroxychloroquine

Dr. Mark McDonald - Another medical professional silenced by Big Tech

Dr. Mark McDonald reveals the truth behind COVID-19, hydroxychloroquine, and mortality rate of children during the current pandemic.


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Bait-&-Switch: How They've Changed the COVID Conversation

It was supposed to be about life and death, but for weeks now we’re only hearing about cases.

By Kit Knightly

Do you remember five months ago? Normally I wouldn’t ask, but the world is moving incredibly fast these days.

Do you remember that it was predicted that covid19 would kill literally millions of people?

Do you remember that hospitals were going to be over-run with patients and our struggling medical infrastructure was going to collapse under their weight?

Do you remember that locking down global society was the only way to prevent this disaster? That we had to do it, regardless of how much damage it did to the livelihoods and security of countless millions of people?

Final question – do you know how many people in the United Kingdom officially died with (not of) the coronavirus yesterday?

It’s 12.

Twelve people. You probably didn’t hear about that, because sometime in the last five weeks or so the media completely stopped using the word “deaths”, and started talking only about “cases”.

A “case” is anyone who tests positive for Sars-Cov-2, using the notoriously unreliable PCR tests which produce huge numbers of false positives.

Even supposing the positive test is real, the vast majority of “cases” are asymptomatic. Between false positives, unreliable tests and asymptomatic infection, a “case” count for sars-cov-2 is borderline meaningless.

Let’s say there are symptoms AND a positive test, and assume they’re not just a false positive who has a cold or the flu. Well, even the vast majority of the “symptomatic cases” will only ever be mildly ill. In fact of the 6 million active cases in the world, only 1% are considered severely ill. The majority of them will survive.

The CDC estimates the infection fatality ratio of Sars-Cov-2 to be about 0.26%. A number perfectly in line with severe flu seasons. Virtually every country in Europe is now reporting average, or even below average, mortality.

Broadly speaking, the vast majority of the world is, and will likely remain, absolutely fine.

But things aren’t going back to normal, are they? In fact, they are getting worse. The governments have got their foot in the door, and they have no intention of moving it.

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CDC Pushes the Latest False Narrative About “Controlling” COVID-19


You are the frog, and they are slowly boiling you. – In March, the CDC, along with doctors Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx, assured President Trump that we could control the viral gift from China if we just had everyone stay at home for two weeks. “Two weeks to flatten the curve,” they said. Remember that? I do.

Then, when that didn’t work, the CDC, along with doctors Fauci and Birx, assured us all that we could control the Wuhan virus if we all stayed home for another month, washed our hands 32 times a day and practiced something called “social distancing” whenever we went out to the grocery store. Remember that? I do.

When that didn’t work either, the CDC and doctors Fauci and Birx, after having spent two months telling us all that masks don’t really do a damn thing to stop the spread of this Chinese plague, suddenly did an about face and began assuring us that, hey, all data and science to the contrary, we really can slow the spread of the virus if we would just practice social distancing, wash our hands 32 times a day, and wear a mask. Dr. Birx even told us that we should turn the masks into a fun thing, a fashion statement like her omni-present scarves. Remember that? I do.

We’ve since been put through another dozen or two story changes by the CDC and doctors Fauci and Birx, and today the story from the CDC is changing again, and they’re putting it in multiple choice terms. From a story at CNBC:

The U.S. could get the coronavirus pandemic under control if most Americans wear masks, embrace social distancing and practice good hand hygiene for up to three months, the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday.

“It’s in our hands, within our grasp,” CDC Director Robert Redfield told reporters on a conference call. “But it is going to require all of us to embrace these mitigation steps. And we’re going to need to do that four, six, eight, 10, 12 weeks and then we will see this outbreak under control.”


Get that? We can “control” the coronavirus in either 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 weeks, according to CDC Director Redfield.

What does this tell us? Well, pardon my language, but it tells us that Dr. Redfield doesn’t have a god damn clue whether or not he and his worthless agency can ever “control” this virus. Which is not at all surprising, given that, since its founding 76 years ago, the CDC has never been able to “control” any of the common, seasonal flu viruses that preceded COVID-19.

Oh, and guess what else? Despite all the assurances we have received from Redfield, Birx and especially Fauci over the past 5 months that what we really need is a “vaccine,” that story is now shifting as well. Early this week, Fauci admitted that any “vaccine” will probably not be more than 50% effective, i.e., just like the “vaccines” we’re supposed to take every year for the seasonal flu.

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Video: Joe Biden Vows National Mask Mandate if Elected President

“Every single American should be wearing a mask when they are outside

Editor's Note: If this lunatic gets elected they will NEVER allow you to go unmasked for the rest of your life! Remember the start of the lockdowns?  Binden, like every other Democrat, uses emotionally charged language to push this crap because they know damned well there's no legitimate scientific basis to be forcing us to wear masks.  

Remember,  this whole wave of Draconian insanity started with a lockdown that was supposed to be for just two weeks "to flatten the curve." SIX MONTH LATER, there's no end in sight if these psychopaths have their way. This medical tyranny IS THE POLICE STATE WE'VE BEEN WARNED ABOUT!


Joe Biden says that on day one of his administration, "we will have a national mandate to wear a mask. Not as a burden, but as a patriotic duty to protect one another."


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Video: Carlos Zapata Warns Shasta County Officials That a Revolution is Coming Because of Lockdown/Mask Insanity

Business Owner and Veteran Carlos Zapata warned the masked officials in the Shasta County, California Board of Supervisors, in their 'chamber', that a revolution is brewing. He is 100% correct. I will not let this patriot fight alone. I will fight beside him to help take down the tyrannical political class. police enforcing unconstitutional edicts, orders, and rules.


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Video: How Big is a Virus?

How small is a single coronavirus, really?

Editor's Note:  After viewing this video, I doubt you will be able to honestly say you think a mask is going to stop viruses from getting through or around a mask.  Pretty clear there's no way to prevent what you exhale from getting into the air around you.



This video from an Exploratorium exhibit designed to help you visualize how small a coronavirus really is and investigate the implications of its small size.


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CDC Admits To Remarkably Low Coronavirus Death Rate


The ever-fear-mongering CDC has been forced to admit that the true figures regarding deaths from coronavirus are extremely LOW. Of course, the mainstream media and most politicians (from both parties) will ignore this reality, but that doesn’t change the truth of it one iota.

Most people are more likely to wind up six feet under because of almost anything else under the sun other than COVID-19.

The CDC just came out with a report that should be earth-shattering to the narrative of the political class, yet it will go into the thick pile of vital data and information about the virus that is not getting out to the public. For the first time, the CDC has attempted to offer a real estimate of the overall death rate for COVID-19, and under its most likely scenario, the number is 0.26%. Officials estimate a 0.4% fatality rate among those who are symptomatic and project a 35% rate of asymptomatic cases among those infected, which drops the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) to just 0.26% — almost exactly where Stanford researchers pegged it a month ago.

Until now, we have been ridiculed for thinking the death rate was that low, as opposed to the 3.4% estimate of the World Health Organization, which helped drive the panic and the lockdowns. Now the CDC is agreeing to the lower rate in plain ink.

Plus, ultimately we might find out that the IFR is even lower because numerous studies and hard counts of confined populations have shown a much higher percentage of asymptomatic cases. Simply adjusting for a 50% asymptomatic rate would drop their fatality rate to 0.2% – exactly the rate of fatality Dr. John Ionnidis of Stanford University projected.

More importantly, as I mentioned before, the overall death rate is meaningless because the numbers are so lopsided. Given that at least half of the deaths were in nursing homes, a back-of-the-envelope estimate would show that the infection fatality rate for non-nursing home residents would only be 0.1% or 1 in 1,000. And that includes people of all ages and all health statuses outside of nursing homes. Since nearly all of the deaths are those with comorbidities.

The CDC estimates the death rate from COVID-19 for those under 50 is 1 in 5,000 for those with symptoms, which would be 1 in 6,725 overall, but again, almost all those who die have specific comorbidities or underlying conditions. Those without them are more likely to die in a car accident. And schoolchildren, whose lives, mental health, and education we are destroying, are more likely to get struck by lightning.  (Source)

And slowly but surely, medical professionals are beginning to awaken to the gross hyperbole (and even deception) of the mainstream narrative regarding corona. At this point, I would suggest that any medical professional who isn’t willing to acknowledge the hyperbolic nature of the corona narrative is doing so out of the blatant fear and intimidation that is being waged against them by the medical establishment—a medical establishment that is being bribed with millions and even billions of dollars from the federal government to go along with this charade.

A 30-year registered nurse I know, whose credentials include an RN, BSN and ACN, said this:

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