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Sweden Close To Victory Over Coronavirus; Never Had A Lockdown Or Mask Mandate

“Sweden has gone from being the country with the most infections in Europe to the safest one.”

By Steve Watson

As the rest of Europe and the world remains under the grip of draconian rules and the threat of new lockdowns, Sweden, which allowed its citizens to remain free throughout the entire pandemic, has pretty much declared victory over the coronavirus.

The country now has one of the lowest infection rates on the planet, and it’s difficult not to admire how it has handled the past year, with no strict lockdown or compulsory face mask rules. All businesses, schools and public places remained open in Sweden for the duration.

“Sweden has gone from being the country with the most infections in Europe to the safest one,” Sweden’s senior epidemiologist Dr. Anders Tegnell commented to Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera.

“What we see now is that the sustainable policy might be slower in getting results, but it will get results eventually,” Tegnell clarified.

“And then we also hope that the result will be more stable,” he added.


Tegnell previously warned that encouraging people to wear face masks is “very dangerous” because it gives a false sense of security but does not effectively stem the spread of the virus.

“The findings that have been produced through face masks are astonishingly weak, even though so many people around the world wear them,” Tengell has urged.

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Video: Man Thrown Out Of Austin Bar Cidercade For Refusing Tyrannical Mask Mandate

An Austin local was escorted out of Bishop Cidercade after refusing to wear a mask while in the building. Once outside, he delivered an epic rant about medical tyranny in America!

Seriously everyone! THINK! Reflect a little. We are now being told we have all these dangerous SURGES, SPIKES, INCREASED SPREAD OF THE VIRUS with more people testing positive as if this is more evidence we need to keep everything locked down, more mask-wearing, more distancing. THE TRUTH IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE. If you believe the virus is spreading as they claim, it's proof positive that LOCKDOWNS DON'T WORK! MASKS DON'T WORK! SOCIAL DISTANCING DOESN'T WORK!


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Video: Dr. Jeff Barke: If you're under 25, you're 50 times more at risk to die from drowning than COVID-19

Dr. Jeff Barke: The fatality rate for young people is way below that of influenza. If you're under 25, you're 50 times more at risk to die from drowning than COVID-19.





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Video: UCLA, Stanford Study Finds for Average 50-64 Year Old, Chances of Dying From COVID-19 are 1 in 19.1M

A new study from medical researchers at UCLA and Stanford University found the chances of contracting or dying from coronavirus are much lower than previously thought. One America's Pearson Sharp has the details.


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Video: Robert Kennedy Jr. Discusses the Shocking Truth About the DNA-Altering COVID-19 Vaccines

Editor's Note: Kennedy has a condition called spasmodic dysphonia, a specific form of an involuntary movement disorder called dystonia that affects only the voice box.  Although the condition is by no means life-threatening, it is life-changing for the few who have it. It takes a bit to get used to Kennedy's voice but I guarantee you it is well worth the effort.


David Knight discusses whet Robert Kennedy Jr. recently revealed about the forthcoming Covid-19 vaccines they intend to force everyone to take.




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Video: Robert Kennedy Jr. Destroys Big Pharma, Fauci & Pro-Vaccine Movement

Editor's Note: Kennedy has a condition called spasmodic dysphonia, a specific form of an involuntary movement disorder called dystonia that affects only the voice box.  Although the condition is by no means life-threatening, it is life-changing for the few who have it. It takes a bit to get used to Kennedy's voice but I guarantee you it is well worth the effort.

Robert F Kennedy Jr. talks vaccines, Dr Fauci, family history and JFk assassination with Patrick Bet-David.


About Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.:  His reputation as a resolute defender of the environment stems from a litany of successful legal actions. Mr. Kennedy was named one of Time magazine’s “Heroes for the Planet” for his success helping Riverkeeper lead the fight to restore the Hudson River. The group’s achievement helped spawn 300 Waterkeeper organizations across the globe.
Mr. Kennedy serves as Senior Attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council, Chief Prosecuting Attorney for the Hudson Riverkeeper and President of Waterkeeper Alliance. He is also a Clinical Professor and Supervising Attorney at Pace University School of Law’s Environmental Litigation Clinic and is of counsel to Morgan & Morgan, a nationwide personal injury practice. He is co-host of Ring of Fire on Air America Radio. Earlier in his career he served as Assistant District Attorney in New York City.
He has worked on environmental issues across the Americas and has assisted several indigenous tribes in Latin America and Canada in successfully negotiating treaties protecting traditional homelands. He is credited with leading the fight to protect New York City’s water supply. The New York City watershed agreement, which he negotiated on behalf of environmentalists and New York City watershed consumers, is regarded as an international model in stakeholder consensus negotiations and sustainable development.
Among Mr. Kennedy’s published books are the New York Times’ bestseller Crimes Against Nature (2004), The Riverkeepers (1997), and Judge Frank M. Johnson, Jr: A Biography (1977) and two children’s books St Francis of Assisi (2005), American Heroes: Joshua Chamberlain and the American Civil War and Robert Smalls: The Boat Thief (2008). His articles have appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Rolling Stone, Atlantic Monthly, Esquire, The Nation, Outside Magazine, The Village Voice, and many other publications. His award-winning articles have been included in anthologies of America’s Best Crime Writing, Best Political Writing and Best Science Writing.
Mr. Kennedy is a graduate of Harvard University. He studied at the London School of Economics and received his law degree from the University of Virginia Law School. Following graduation he attended Pace University School of Law, where he was awarded a Masters Degree in Environmental Law.
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Video: CDC Director Admits Doctors & Hospitals Are Being Financially Incentivized To Inflate COVID Death Numbers

While downplaying the significance, Dr. Robert Redfield, Director of the Centers for Disease Control actually admits that doctors and hospitals are being financially incentivized to inflate COVID death numbers.


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CDC: Here's the Shockingly Small Number of People Who Died From Only the Coronavirus

Editor's Note:  How much more evidence do we need to fully realize WE CANNOT TRUST THE CDC!?  It is a totally corrupt institution, joined at the hip with Big Pharma, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, the globalist, etc., etc.   While they publish info like this, they deliberately fail to cover anything like this in the media choosing instead to perpetuate totally false narratives and fear mongering to keep the COVID-19 FRAUD GOING with the end goal of destroying our economy and making BILLIONS FOR THE VACCINE INDUSTRY AND COMPANIES MAKING TESTING KITS. 
Bronson Stocking

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website disclosed the shockingly small number of people who died from only the Wuhan coronavirus, with no other cause of death mentioned. Hold on to your hat because here it is: out of the 161,392 deaths in the CDC data, just six percent, about 9,700 deaths, were attributed to the coronavirus alone. According to the CDC, the other 94 percent had an average of 2.6 additional conditions or causes of deaths, such as heart disease, diabetes, and sepsis. 



Instead of protecting the vulnerable – the elderly in nursing homes and those with comorbidities – health "experts" recommended locking everyone up and prescribing for Americans a wide range of ailments such as depression, suicide, missed early cancer screenings, unemployment, substance abuse, and poverty.

Something is driving the liberal media's morbid obsession with the U.S. death toll. The media is doing everything it can to blame the virus on President Trump, a virus that originated in China and is killing people all over the world. It's been widely known for months that people with comorbidities and the elderly are at higher risk for severe illness due to COVID-19, so why is the media clamoring for prolonged shutdowns and keeping schools closed? Is it because they see a connection between prolonged shutdowns, a weakened economy and the Democrats' electoral chances in November? 

Everyone with eyes should see how the Democrats and the media have weaponized the coronavirus against the president. Nothing made this more clear when the media and "public health experts" green lighting left-wing protests over the past few months. They know the virus poses little risk to young people healthy enough to go out and loot, tear down statues and vandalize property. 

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SHOCK REPORT: This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone

Rest Had Other Other Serious Illnesses

So get this straight – based on the recommendation of doctors Fauci and Birx the US shut down the entire economy based on 9,000 American deaths to the China coronavirus. 

We were first to report that the Director General of the WHO on March 3, 2020 a set off the panic with his highly flawed statement:

While many people globally have built up immunity to seasonal flu strains, COVID-19 is a new virus to which no one has immunity. That means more people are susceptible to infection, and some will suffer severe disease.

Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.

This statement caused a global panic.  We, however, knew it was wrong and we wrote about it on March 17, 2020. Here is the video of Dr. Ghebreyesus’s remarks.

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Video: David Icke Scorches Establishment at Unite For Freedom Rally in Trafalgar Square, London

Citizens come together at Unite For Freedom rally to protest coronavirus lockdown measures, mandatory vaccine

David Icke spoke in London, England on Saturday for the “Unite For Freedom” anti-lockdown rally to expose the establishment’s desire to keep the masses isolated and scared using the coronavirus as the pretext for total control.
“If we go on allowing the psychopaths to dictate our lives, this is not going to end well,” Icke told the cheering crowd. “But if we remember where the power is, then this can end in a dramatically short time. The power is with us.”

Thousands of people gathered at Trafalgar Square to protest the UK’s mandatory mask orders, as well as its restrictions on movement, potentially mandatory vaccines, and the UK’s government’s arbitrary extension of its emergency powers even as COVID deaths continue to fall.


It's happening in Germany As Well!


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