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Video: CDC Director Admits Doctors & Hospitals Are Being Financially Incentivized To Inflate COVID Death Numbers

While downplaying the significance, Dr. Robert Redfield, Director of the Centers for Disease Control actually admits that doctors and hospitals are being financially incentivized to inflate COVID death numbers.


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CDC: Here's the Shockingly Small Number of People Who Died From Only the Coronavirus

Editor's Note:  How much more evidence do we need to fully realize WE CANNOT TRUST THE CDC!?  It is a totally corrupt institution, joined at the hip with Big Pharma, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, the globalist, etc., etc.   While they publish info like this, they deliberately fail to cover anything like this in the media choosing instead to perpetuate totally false narratives and fear mongering to keep the COVID-19 FRAUD GOING with the end goal of destroying our economy and making BILLIONS FOR THE VACCINE INDUSTRY AND COMPANIES MAKING TESTING KITS. 
Bronson Stocking

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website disclosed the shockingly small number of people who died from only the Wuhan coronavirus, with no other cause of death mentioned. Hold on to your hat because here it is: out of the 161,392 deaths in the CDC data, just six percent, about 9,700 deaths, were attributed to the coronavirus alone. According to the CDC, the other 94 percent had an average of 2.6 additional conditions or causes of deaths, such as heart disease, diabetes, and sepsis. 



Instead of protecting the vulnerable – the elderly in nursing homes and those with comorbidities – health "experts" recommended locking everyone up and prescribing for Americans a wide range of ailments such as depression, suicide, missed early cancer screenings, unemployment, substance abuse, and poverty.

Something is driving the liberal media's morbid obsession with the U.S. death toll. The media is doing everything it can to blame the virus on President Trump, a virus that originated in China and is killing people all over the world. It's been widely known for months that people with comorbidities and the elderly are at higher risk for severe illness due to COVID-19, so why is the media clamoring for prolonged shutdowns and keeping schools closed? Is it because they see a connection between prolonged shutdowns, a weakened economy and the Democrats' electoral chances in November? 

Everyone with eyes should see how the Democrats and the media have weaponized the coronavirus against the president. Nothing made this more clear when the media and "public health experts" green lighting left-wing protests over the past few months. They know the virus poses little risk to young people healthy enough to go out and loot, tear down statues and vandalize property. 

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SHOCK REPORT: This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone

Rest Had Other Other Serious Illnesses

So get this straight – based on the recommendation of doctors Fauci and Birx the US shut down the entire economy based on 9,000 American deaths to the China coronavirus. 

We were first to report that the Director General of the WHO on March 3, 2020 a set off the panic with his highly flawed statement:

While many people globally have built up immunity to seasonal flu strains, COVID-19 is a new virus to which no one has immunity. That means more people are susceptible to infection, and some will suffer severe disease.

Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.

This statement caused a global panic.  We, however, knew it was wrong and we wrote about it on March 17, 2020. Here is the video of Dr. Ghebreyesus’s remarks.

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Video: David Icke Scorches Establishment at Unite For Freedom Rally in Trafalgar Square, London

Citizens come together at Unite For Freedom rally to protest coronavirus lockdown measures, mandatory vaccine

David Icke spoke in London, England on Saturday for the “Unite For Freedom” anti-lockdown rally to expose the establishment’s desire to keep the masses isolated and scared using the coronavirus as the pretext for total control.
“If we go on allowing the psychopaths to dictate our lives, this is not going to end well,” Icke told the cheering crowd. “But if we remember where the power is, then this can end in a dramatically short time. The power is with us.”

Thousands of people gathered at Trafalgar Square to protest the UK’s mandatory mask orders, as well as its restrictions on movement, potentially mandatory vaccines, and the UK’s government’s arbitrary extension of its emergency powers even as COVID deaths continue to fall.


It's happening in Germany As Well!


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Video: David Icke's Speech at the Unite for Freedom Rally, Trafalgar Sq, London

David Icke spoke in London, England on Saturday for the “Unite For Freedom” anti-lockdown rally to expose the establishment’s desire to keep the masses isolated and scared using the coronavirus as the pretext for total control.

“If we go on allowing the psychopaths to dictate our lives, this is not going to end well,” Icke told the cheering crowd. “But if we remember where the power is, then this can end in a dramatically short time. The power is with us.”

Thousands of people gathered at Trafalgar Square to protest the UK’s mandatory mask orders, as well as its restrictions on movement, potentially mandatory vaccines, and the UK’s government’s arbitrary extension of its emergency powers even as COVID deaths continue to fall.


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Video: Fauci and WHO Know Damned Well Healthy People DO NOT Drive the Spread of a Virus

This is a segment from a briefing given on January 28, 2020 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in which Dr. Fauci very clearly explains the "well-known FACT" that . . .

"even if there is some asymptotic transmission, in all the history of respiratory born viruses OF ANY TYPE, asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks.  The driver of outbreaks IS ALWAYS A SYMPTOMATIC PERSON!

They all know that even if someone has a virus and they're not sick, it's because they are HEALTHY, WITH A HEALTHY IMMUNE SYSTEM that is easily dealing with the virus. They know damned well there's is no legitimate scientific basis to LOCKDOWN, HOUSE ARREST, FORCE MASK WEARING, AND TESTING ONTO HEALTHY PEOPLE!  We have been mindlessly handing over BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to an industry that is LYING TO US and deliberately scaring everyone into doing what they want us to do, which is to willingly participate in our own destruction!

An enormous amount of money, resources and time is being wasted on people who ARE NOT SICK! They want to spend BILLIONS on vaccines that 99% of people do not need because their immune systems have no problem dealing with the virus.

In this briefing, they reference information coming out of China claiming asymptomatic people are spreading the virus but nobody has seen anything to substantiate such a claim that goes totally against the norm. And . . . like we can trust anything coming out of China . . . who clearly wants to keep us all in conditions of fear and economic collapse because, for one thing, THEY WERE LOSING THE TRADE WAR.

There is also a segment from a briefing given by the WHO in June of 2020 reiterating the exact same thing. THEY ALL KNOW THIS yet they are imposing criminal lock downs on EVERYONE!


Full briefing from January 28, 2020 can be found here:
Update on the New Coronavirus Outbreak First Identified in Wuhan, China | January 28, 2020

Dr. Scott Atlas explains the FACT that all the studies, all the data shows that people who are NOT SICK do not spread infections and that this should not be controversial.  It's only made controversial for purely political purposes.

If the video won't play please report the problem by clicking here.

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False Positives: One Texas County Drops From 4600+ Active Chi-Com Virus Cases to Under 100 After Audit

Coronavirus impact has been politically exploited and grossly overstated

By Kit Daniels

Doubting the accuracy of State of Texas Covid-19 numbers, Collin Co., Texas, dropped its active case numbers from over 4600 to under 100 overnight after an audit.

Earlier this month, Collin Co.’s ‘Covid-19 Dashboard’ claimed over 4600 active cases in the county based on data provided by the Texas Dept. of State Health Services, prompting county officials to question the accuracy of the data because, presumably, the county’s hospitals weren’t overloaded.

“Collin County is providing COVID-19 numbers and data as a convenience to our residents, however, Department of State Health Services (DSHS) officials have acknowledged that the active case count for Collin County is significantly overstated,” reads a disclaimer on the county’s web site. “We advise residents that Collin County lacks confidence in the data currently being provided to us.”

“DSHS officials have agreed to immediately redirect resources to correct the issue, but have not provided a timeline on when their reports will be corrected.”

The DSHS data reported over 4600 active cases in Collin Co. on Aug. 25:

Compare that to the revised active cases on Aug. 26 of just 81:

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W.H.O. Skips Wuhan During China Trip; “Sat in Beijing For Three Weeks”

“Any chance of finding a smoking gun is now gone”


A delegation from the World Health Organization tasked with investigating the origins of COVID-19 failed to go to Wuhan, China – ‘ground zero’ for the pandemic, and instead “sat in Beijing for three weeks” according to a senior US official, who told the Financial Times that Western governments are skeptical over China’s commitment to identifying the origins of the pandemic.

“Any chance of finding a smoking gun is now gone,” the official continued. Though we’re not sure what any team of investigators would find after China blocked international epidemiologists for eight months after the outbreak began.

Australian MP Dave Sharma told the Times: “The international community is right to have serious concerns about the rigour and independence of the WHO’s early response to this pandemic, and its seeming wish to avoid offending China.

“If this allegation is proven, it is another disturbing incident of the WHO — which is charged with safeguarding global public health — putting the political sensitivities of a member state above the public health interests of the world, in the critical early stages of this pandemic. We are all now bearing the immense costs of such a policy.”

The WHO, meanwhile, says that the three-week visit was ‘merely laying the groundwork in advance of a full international mission,’ but gave no indication when this might happen.

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Video: PLANDemic - InDoctorNation - Full Film

Guided by the meticulous work of Dr. David E. Martin, Plandemic II: Indoctornation, tracks a three-decade-long money trail that leads directly to the key players behind the COVID 19 pandemic. Plandemic II connects the dots between all forms of media, the medical industry, politics and the financial industry to unmask the major conflicts of interest with the decision-makers that are currently managing this crisis.

Website: https://plandemicseries.com/




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