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The Fix Is In: New York Judge Merchan in Upcoming NY Trump Criminal Case Is Rabid Leftist

Donated to Democrats and Sent Trump’s 75-yr-old Former CFO to Prison



Leftist judge Juan Manuel Merchan, who will oversee President Trump’s junk criminal case in New York City that is scheduled to start next month on March 25, made political contributions to a nonprofit fundraising platform for Democratic candidates and progressive groups.

This latest election interference case by the radical Democrats involves a payment Trump made to Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election. Trump has pleaded not guilty to the charges brought by far left Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

Judge Merchan sent President Trump’s former 75-year-old CFO to prison for five months last year in a made-up tax fraud scheme targeting President Trump, his family, and his business.

This is the latest case against Trump by New York Democrats, who are hoping their lawfare cases keep President Trump out of the White House.

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NY Judge Hits Trump With $364 Million Penalty For Alleged Fraud

Editor's Note: And who is Trump supposed to pay this ridiculous penalty to since there weren't any injured parties?  AND REMEMBER, this totally corrupt judge ruled Trump was guilty before the trial even began!  Never gave Trump an opportunity for due process.  Never allowed Trump to defend himself.





New York Judge Arthur Engoron has ordered former President Donald Trump to pay $364 million for allegedly defrauding banks in order to acquire loans and other benefits – loans which the banks themselves testified they were satisfied with after doing their own due diligence.

Trump is also barred "from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation or other legal entity in New York for a period of three years," while his sons have been barred from serving as New York executives for two years.

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Video: Rep. Stefanik Files Complaint to Disbar NY Attorney General Letitia James

Citing ‘Professional Misconduct’ on Her Witch Hunt Investigation Against Trump



U.S. Representative Elise Stefanik (R-NY) has filed an official complaint with the New York State Committee on Professional Standards against Attorney General Letitia James, citing “violations of the rules of professional conduct” related to James’ conduct on her ongoing witch hunt investigation of President Donald Trump.

Stefanik has accused Attorney General James of engaging in a “relentless lawfare campaign” against Trump.

In her statement, Rep. Stefanik said, “I have found New York Attorney General Letitia James’ handling of the investigation and trial of President Donald Trump nothing short of shameful. It is evident that Attorney General James violated fundamental principles of fairness and impartiality by engaging in a relentless lawfare campaign against President Trump, marked by over 50 prejudicial comments on social media during just the first five weeks of the trial.”

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Ukraine Funding Package Includes Language for Automatic Impeachment if Trump Terminates Funding for Ukraine War!



In an unusual session held on Super Bowl Sunday, the US Senate voted to move forward a substantial $95 billion aid package that will support Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, with no southern border security provisions. The package includes $60 billion for Ukraine and $14 billion for Israel. The vote garnered support from RINOs, with a final tally of 67-27.

According to The Hill, Schumer offered Republicans the chance to vote on amendments in exchange for expediting the legislative process.

“By a vote of 67-27, The Senate invoked cloture on Murray substitute amendment 1388 to H.R.815, legislative vehicle for supplemental appropriations,” the Senate Press Gallery wrote on X.

Sixty-seven senators voted in favor of war funding, while 27 senators opposed the expenditure, all of whom were Republicans.

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New Report Reveals Trump Would Have Won in 26 out of 29 Mail-in Ballot Fraud Scenarios During 2020 Election



During the run-up to the 2020 Presidential Election, election processes were changed to roll out “no excuse mail-in voting.”  Some states even went as far as sending ballots to every voter on the voter registration roll.  Most of these changes were made without the consent of the state legislatures, as mandated by the US Constitution in Article 1, Section 4, Clause 1.

As a result of this, the number of mail-in ballots cast, according to the US Elections Assistance Commission, went from 33 million mail-in ballots in 2016 to approximately 65.5 million in the 2020 Election, despite warnings from a 2005 bipartisan report from President Jimmy Carter and former US Secretary of State James Baker in 2005 that stated mail-in balloting was “one of the major sources of fraud.”

As mentioned in the Heartland Institute report, the narrative in the Mockingbird Media shifted from calling out the dangers of no-excuse mail-in ballots prior to 2020 to falling in line with the idea that mail-in balloting was perhaps “even more secure than in-person voting” (NY Times, May 2020) and “voting by mail is the surest path to a more inclusive, more accurate and more secure election.” (Times, August 2020)

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Video: New Video of E. Jean Carroll Reveals a Completely Unpredictable and Deranged Woman Obsessed with Men and Sex

Editor's Note: When you review the kind of women Trump has married and women he's dated it's pretty obvious Trump is telling the truth when he says E. Jean Carroll is "not his type."  Frankly, I don't think she's any normal man's type. 


Even in the 90s E. Jean Carroll Was Already Unhinged



A newly resurrected video of E. Jean Carroll from her 1996 television show in New York City reveals a completely unpredictable and deranged woman who is obsessed with men and sex.

The guests look noticeably uncomfortable as E. Jean Carroll lays down on the floor during the segment, starts screaming something about ‘The Dating Game’ show and then objectifies the male guests.

E. Jean Carroll: All’s you have to remember is you’re a woman. And if you’re a woman you’re precious… Yes my darlings, chasing men is the highest amusement there is, but manhandling the difficult little buggers is something else… Call me… I hate that music. I hate that music. I hate that music. This is not, not, not The Dating Game… A melancholy proposition is before our beautiful Moira. She either’s going to prove herself as a complete nitwit as a man handler… Here I come. Is there anybody here that weighs less than 400 pounds.

This was around the same stretch of years she said Trump took her shopping for lingerie after meeting on the street and raped her in the dressing room at a high end department store. E. Jean Carroll does not even remember the year this took place and had to change her story because she was caught in a lie about the so-called dress she was wearing that day.

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Trump’s Mar-a-Lago, Valued at $18m by NY Judge, Sold for $20m in 1981.



Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, valued at just $18 million by Judge Arthur Engoron in a civil fraud trial against the former president, sold for $20 million in 1981.

“In 1981, the New York Times reported that Mar-a-Lago was for sale for $20 million,” commented America First lawmaker Rep. Matt Gaetz, sharing a clipping of the story.

“Now, 43 years later New York Judge Engoron expects you to believe that Mar-a-Lago has not appreciated a cent and is actually worth $18 million.”

The discrepancy is even worse than Gaetz suggests, however, as $20 million in 1981 was the equivalent of roughly $70 million by 2023, due to decades of inflation.

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25 Reasons Trump Won't Pay a Dime E. Jean Carroll

That eye-popping $83 million judgment will not survive an appeal.
A proper settlement would subtract at least $82,972,000.



n 2019, a strange woman named E. Jean Carroll accused Donald Trump of raping her in a changing room of the Bergdorf Goodman department store in Midtown Manhattan. Trump called her crazy, and a jury found him liable for both sexually abusing her and defaming her with the “crazy” talk. Last week, a New York jury decided Carroll deserves $83 million for defamation.

Here are 25 reasons why that’s nuts.

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Video: How Ashli Babbitt's Murder Was Handled Compared to How the E. Jean Carroll Case Has Been Handled

Greg Kelly from Newsmax exposes how our politicized judicial system deals with cases that advance their agendas and cases that don't by comparing how the murder of Ashli Babbitt was handled and how the E. Jean Carroll vs Trump case has been handled.



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Victor Davis Hanson Shreds $83.3M Judgment in E. Jean Carroll Suit Against Trump—An 'Embarrassing Farce'



There are a whole lot of pundits out there, but there are a few who stand above the rest because they’re truly smart. I listen carefully for instance when George Washington University Law School professor Jonathan Turley speaks, because he’s usually right on the money.

Another commentator who is always spot on is Victor Davis Hanson, the classicist, military historian, farmer, and political commentator, so I was very curious to see what he had to say about the $83.3 million awarded to columnist E. Jean Carroll in her defamation trial against former President Donald Trump. I had written that I thought the whole thing was absolutely ludicrous and wondered if Hanson would agree.

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