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Video: VACCINE INJURY - "They Don't Want To See People Like Us"

In a Highwire exclusive, Del sits down with three healthcare workers who were on the frontline of Covid vaccine rollouts in America. In a candid and emotional interview, the three women go back to the day they received their vaccine, the severe reactions they endured starting just days after, and the complete denial the medical community has towards the groundswell of injured people looking for help.


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Video: What's REALLY Going on In India

Gee, you think it has anything to do with the MILLIONS OF PEOPLE who have been injected with the dangerous, totally experimental, and deadly poisonous COVID JABS? The Indian government did a fantastic job of scaring the living crap out of their people so they'd line up for these deadly jabs and are now blaming the carnage caused by these jabs on COVID so they can keep scaring the crap out of everyone so even more people will line up for the jabs. Oh, big surprise.


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Video: Are People Who Got the Jabs Putting YOU At Risk?!

Watch this powerful & urgent Critically Thinking episode with Dr. Palevsky & Dr. Tenpenny and their special guests Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Lee Merritt. Moderated by Maureen MacDonald. They discuss the latest disturbing consequences of the experimental bioweapons unleashed on humanity under the guise of being vaccines. THEY ARE NOT VACCINES! We are now seeing indications that people who have lined up for the shots are transmitting "something", perhaps the synthetic spike proteins vaccinated people are now factories for, to people who haven't lined up to be guinea pigs.


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Video: Tucker: Two COVID Vaccine Questions That No One Will Answer

In this segment of Tucker Carlsen Tonight Tucker highlights the FACT that people like Fauci REFUSE to answer the most basic questions about the vaccines.  Our leaders can't fully vouch for the vaccines we've been told to take, and won't say that they'll get life back to normal.


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New York's Vaccine Passport Program Is Already Failing

By Jordan Schachtel

Liberty advocates, rejoice! The idiocracy is going to save us from another form of COVID tyranny. Thanks to a combination of bungling authoritarians and decaying legacy corporations, these entities are simply too incompetent to pull off a functioning vaccine passport program.

New York’s rollout of its vaccine passport already has the markings of a five alarm dumpster fire. The New York State “Excelsior Pass” vaccine passport system, which was created by IBM, has so many issues that I wouldn’t be surprised if the program was scrapped altogether before the end of the calendar year. It has massive security flaws, a shrinking customer base by design, it remains incredibly impractical, and it’s incredibly easy to manipulate. Excelsior Pass sucks, thanks to the idiocracy that was responsible for its design and implementation.

A rigid system

Say you want to attend a Knicks game this evening at Madison Square Garden, a partner to the Excelsior Pass program. It’s 9 a.m. and your event is at 7:30 p.m. If you don’t have the vaccine yet, that means you will need to obtain a negative COVID-19 test to receive your pass. Want to take that test this morning? Not so fast! The antigen test needs to have been administered within the last 6 hours, so you better plan your entire day around navigating that short window between your COVID test and the event this evening.

Just received your second dose and you’re ready to hit the town? Not so fast! You must wait at least two weeks before your green check mark appears on your vaccine passport. 

Has it been more than 90 days since your last dose? Rejected! You only have a 76 day window (more than 14 days, under 90 days) to acquire a vax pass, which has to be renewed every 30 days.

Received a vaccine or COVID test from out of state? Took a private at home test kit or a test from a provider that is not registered in the New York State central database? Looks like you’re out of luck. You will not be able to receive your prized Excelsior Pass, because your information never made it into the system.

Are you an out of state resident looking to attend an event or enter an Excelsior Pass participating store? You’re out of luck! The New York system does not communicate with other databases, and other states plan on rewarding vaccine passport contracts to other companies.

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Video: David Icke on Dr. Michael Yeadon's Recent EXPLOSIVE Warnings About The COVID Jabs

In this episode of David Icke's video podcast, he discusses a recent interview by Dr, Mike Yeadon, former CSO and VP, Allergy and Respiratory Research Head with Pfizer Global R&D and co-Founder of Ziarco Pharma Ltd, talks about his grave concerns about the Coronavirus jab.


Here's the Yeadon Interview David Icke references in the video above.

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Former Pfizer VP : It’s ‘Entirely Possible’ Vaccine Campaigns ‘Will Be Used For Massive-Scale Depopulation’

Introduction by LifeSiteNews journalist Patrick Delaney.

March 29, 2020 (America’s Frontline Doctors) –  Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former Vice President and Chief Science Officer for Pfizer, spoke with great urgency to America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) late last week warning that the drive to inject the largest possible portion of the population with experimental COVID-19 vaccines is “madness,” involves “evil,” includes “crimes against humanity” and may have the intention of “massive-scale depopulation.”

Yeadon’s comments are also made in the broader context of a sharp debate over theories offered by Geert Vanden Bossche, a vaccine expert associated with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, who, with the appearance of a “whistleblower” has also warned of a “global catastrophe without equal” due to the way these vaccines have been utilized.

In short, Vanden Bossche fears these experimental vaccines, which do not prevent infection or transmission of the virus, will foster the development of “dangerous variants” that will be far more lethal to the unvaccinated and vaccinated alike, who, for different reasons, will not have sufficient immunity to protect them.

In addition to the immediate halting of the current vaccination campaign, Vanden Bossche’s proposed solution is yet another worldwide vaccination of a different type.

While Yeadon also fears terrible consequences due to these vaccination campaigns, he strongly disagrees with Vanden Bossche’s theory, and with the proposed solution of more vaccination.

“I think the Gerrt Vanden Bossche story is highly suspect,” Yeadon said. “There is no evidence at all that vaccination is leading or will lead to ‘dangerous variants’. I am worried that it’s some kind of trick.”

Last December, Yeadon, a British national, filed a petition with the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to immediately suspend testing on these experimental vaccines due to many safety concerns, including pathogenic priming, which involves “an exaggerated immune reaction, especially when the test person is confronted with the real, ‘wild’ virus after vaccination.”

In their white paper on the topic, AFLDS warned that such reactions, which can be fatal, “are difficult to prove,” as they are often interpreted as infection with “a worse virus,” or, perhaps, a more dangerous variant.

Having maintained that there is “no need of vaccines” for COVID-19, Yeadon emphasizes below, “PLEASE warn every person not to go near top up vaccines. There is absolutely no need to them.”

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From Europe: 3,964 People Have Died from Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines” – 162,610 Injuries

Thousands of Europeans have been injured and have died from taking the COVID-19 (China coronavirus) vaccine since it was first distributed to the public.

Joe Hoft

A database maintained in Europe has an inventory of cases where people either died or were injured from the China coronavirus vaccines.

The list is as follows – we’ve decided to share these results in their entirety for your information:

Their report through March 13, 2021 lists 3,964 deaths and 162,610 injuries following injections of three experimental COVID-19 shots:

There is also data for a fourth experimental COVID “vaccine,” COVID-19 VACCINE JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S). We have not included data from the Johnson and Johnson COVID shot in this report, but will do so in future reports.

Here are the results in detail:

1) Total reactions for the experimental mRNA vaccine Tozinameran (code BNT162b2, Comirnaty) from BioNTechPfizer: 2,540 deaths and 102,100 injuries to 13/03/2021


  • 7,604 Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 15 deaths
  • 4,636 Cardiac disorders incl. 276 deaths
  • 22 Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 2 deaths
  • 2,683 Ear and labyrinth disorders
  • 52 Endocrine disorders
  • 2,941 Eye disorders incl. 2 deaths
  • 23,074 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 125 deaths
  • 72,072 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 957 deaths
  • 102 Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 12 deaths
  • 1,928 Immune system disorders incl. 11 deaths
  • 6,020 Infections and infestations incl. 275 deaths
  • 2,198 Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 32 deaths
  • 4,565 Investigations incl. 111 deaths
  • 1,567 Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 49 deaths
  • 37,365 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 22 deaths
  • 55 Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 3 deaths
  • 44,993 Nervous system disorders incl. 185 deaths
  • 81 Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 2 deaths
  • 57 Product issues
  • 3,742 Psychiatric disorders incl. 28 deaths
  • 525 Renal and urinary disorders incl. 37 deaths
  • 545 Reproductive system and breast disorders
  • 8,788 Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 294 deaths
  • 10,808 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 18 deaths
  • 229 Social circumstances incl. 6 deaths
  • 69 Surgical and medical procedures incl. 4 deaths
  • 4,820 Vascular disorders incl. 74 deaths

2) Total reactions for the experimental mRNA vaccine mRNA-1273 (CX-024414) from Moderna: 973 deaths and 5,939 injuries to 13/03/2021

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CDC Ignores Inquiry Into Increasing Number of Deaths, Injuries Reported After COVID Vaccines


VAERS data released today showed 38,444 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 1,739 deaths and 6,286 serious injuries since Dec. 14, 2020.

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