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Sweden Shows Lockdowns Were Unnecessary.

No wonder public health officials hate it

by Dan Hannan

You know who isn’t worried about a second wave of COVID-19? Sweden. The stolid Scandinavian kingdom has just carried out a record number of COVID-19 tests and found a positive rate of just 1.2%, the lowest since the start of the pandemic. As Sweden’s case rate drops below Norway’s and Denmark’s, those commentators who spent April and May raging against what a Washington Post op-ed called its “experiment with national chauvinism” and predicting colossal fatalities have suddenly gone quiet.

“Sweden has gone from being one of the countries with the most infection in Europe to one of those with the least infection in Europe, while many other countries have seen a rather dramatic increase,” says Anders Tegnell, the state epidemiologist.

True, and it has happened not despite the absence of a lockdown but because of it. Sweden encouraged people to work from home, made university courses remote, and banned meetings of more than 50 people but otherwise trusted its citizens to use their common sense. The authorities judged that since hospitals could cope, there was no need to buy time by ordering people to stay indoors. That judgment has been amply vindicated.

A cause for unalloyed joy, you might think. Here, after all, is proof that a country can contain the coronavirus without depriving children of an education, piling up backlogs of non-coronavirus medical conditions, or leaving a smoking crater where its economy used to be.

But the rest of the world is far from pleased. Indeed, the tone of most foreign media coverage remains affronted, and you can see why. After all, if Sweden’s strategy was viable, the rest of us ruined ourselves for nothing. That is a disquieting thought, almost an unbearable one. But Sweden forces us to confront it.

Imagine a world where Stockholm had caved to international pressure and fallen into line with everyone else. In such a world, politicians and public health officials could get away with claiming that but for their closures and crackdowns, things would have been unimaginably worse. The disease, they would tell us, would have spread exponentially. Millions, perhaps hundreds of millions, would have died.

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Open Letter from Medical Doctors and Health Professionals to All Belgian Authorities and All Belgian Media


We, Belgian doctors and health professionals, wish to express our serious concern about the evolution of the situation in the recent months surrounding the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We call on politicians to be independently and critically informed in the decision-making process and in the compulsory implementation of corona-measures. We ask for an open debate, where all experts are represented without any form of censorship. After the initial panic surrounding covid-19, the objective facts now show a completely different picture – there is no medical justification for any emergency policy anymore.

The current crisis management has become totally disproportionate and causes more damage than it does any good.

We call for an end to all measures and ask for an immediate restoration of our normal democratic governance and legal structures and of all our civil liberties

‘A cure must not be worse than the problem’ is a thesis that is more relevant than ever in the current situation. We note, however, that the collateral damage now being caused to the population will have a greater impact in the short and long term on all sections of the population than the number of people now being safeguarded from corona.

In our opinion, the current corona measures and the strict penalties for non-compliance with them are contrary to the values formulated by the Belgian Supreme Health Council, which, until recently, as the health authority, has always ensured quality medicine in our country: “Science – Expertise – Quality – Impartiality – Independence – Transparency”. 1

We believe that the policy has introduced mandatory measures that are not sufficiently scientifically based, unilaterally directed, and that there is not enough space in the media for an open debate in which different views and opinions are heard. In addition, each municipality and province now has the authorisation to add its own measures, whether well-founded or not.

Moreover, the strict repressive policy on corona strongly contrasts with the government’s minimal policy when it comes to disease prevention, strengthening our own immune system through a healthy lifestyle, optimal care with attention for the individual and investment in care personnel.2

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Video: Fauci, Bill & Melinda Gates, CDC’s Redfield & Big Pharma Execs Should Take Rushed COVID Vaccine FIRST

Fauci, Bill & Melinda Gates, CDC’s Redfield & Big Pharma Execs Should Take Rushed COVID Vaccine FIRST to See if It’s Safe



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Video: Sweden Has Kept Schools Open During the Pandemic Despite Spike In Cases

Editor's Note: Funny how the Left always throws Sweden up as a glowing example our country to follow, EXCEPT WHEN IT GOES AGAINST THE POLITICAL AGENDA THEY ARE PUSHING. FACT IS an increase in cases doesn't mean a GD thing. They never tell you hardly any people they claim test positive are sick. Even if someone does get sick, for 99.9% of people the virus isn't going to kill them.  The Swedish people certainly aren't a bunch of simpering wimps like the people in our country are.

Bucking the global trend, Swedish schools have stayed open throughout the pandemic even with relatively high cases of Covid-19. FRANCE 24’s Catherine Norris-Trent and James André report from Stockholm.


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"Everyone Involved Should Face Jail Time"

Trump Jr. Slams Nashville Officials For Concealing Low COVID-19 Numbers


Donald Trump Jr. has weighed in over Nashville officials concealing the low number of COVID-19 cases in bars and restaurants.

In a Thursday tweet, the president's son said "The Dem Mayor of Nashville KNOWINGLY LIED ABOUT COVID DATA to justify shutting down bars & restaurants, killing countless jobs & small businesses in the process," adding "Everyone involved should face jail time. How many other Dem run cities is this happening in?"

Leaked emails between the senior adviser to Nashville's Mayor and a health department official reveal a disturbing effort to conceal extremely low coronavirus cases emanating from bars and restaurants, while the lion's share of infections occurred in nursing homes and construction workers, according to WZTV Nashville.

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PROOF: Trump Didn’t Downplay COVID Seriousness To America (But The Dems Did)

By Jeff Dunetz

President Trump told Bob Woodward during his interview sessions that he wanted to always play it down the COVID virus, and he still plays it down, “because I don’t want to create a panic.” This drove Democrats and the liberal media to accuse President Trump of lying to America about the seriousness of the pandemic. However with the words “playing it down,” Trump meant that he wasn’t going to panic, or spread panic. In fact, unless is a member of the liberal media or a leftist Democrat, any reasonable observer looking the actions and words of Trump and his administration knew how serious they took the pandemic, and should have gotten the message that Americans should be taking the virus very seriously also.

Take a look at the COVID-19 timeline below. It runs from Dec. 31, when China announced the discovery of CoronaVirus, through April 13, when President Trump told Woodward the virus was easily transferrable.

Looking at the timeline, you will see that while the President didn’t want America to panic, he always displayed the seriousness of the pandemic in words and action. You will also see that at the same time, Joe Biden and his people were publicly downplaying COVID-19.

The black text below represents an action or announcement by Pres. Trump or part of his administration, indicating the seriousness of Covid-19 (this does not represent all their actions or statements). The brown text describes actions/statements by Democrats, WHO, and Woodward’s question answers. T

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Coronavirus Man-Made in Wuhan Lab, Says Nobel Laureate

French virologist and Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier made the claim


French virologist and medicine Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier has made explosive revelations regarding the origin of the coronavirus, saying that the deadly virus was manufactured in a laboratory in China’s Wuhan.

Montagnier’s claims come at a time when the US has alleged the possibility of the virus originating in a lab in China. The theory that COVID-19 was created in a Chinese lab and “leaked” out to the world has been making the rounds since its outbreak in December 2019. President Donald Trump also fired a fresh salvo when he warned China of consequences if it was “knowingly responsible” for the virus. China has refuted these allegations.

In an interview to a French news channel, Montagnier claimed that the virus, which causes the COVID-19 infection that is wreaking havoc around the world, was the result of an attempt to manufacture a vaccine against HIV in a Chinese lab.

Montagnier won the 2008 Nobel Prize for Medicine along with Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Harald zur Hausen for the discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

According to reports, Montagnier alleged the presence of elements of HIV and germ of malaria in the genome of coronavirus is “highly suspect” and it “could not have arisen naturally”. The French researcher also alleged an “industrial accident” to have taken place in the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, which specialises in coronaviruses since the 2000s.

However, agencies have reported other researchers of rubbishing Montagnier’s claims, saying that it “does not make sense”. Another French virologist Étienne SimonLorière told AFP that “these are very small elements that are found in other viruses of the same family”.

The World Health Organization has also said that there is no evidence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus being created in a lab in China.


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Video: Whistleblower Says SARS CoV-2 is a Man-Made Virus Created by China

EDITOR'S NOTE: My instinct is not to trust anything coming from China so I'm not sure what to make of this Dr. and what she's saying.  Most of the information I've found makes it pretty clear there isn't any SARS CoV-2 virus, only a genetic sequence that supposedly came from China.  This could just be more disinformation aimed at salvaging their fake pandemic now that many people are realizing what a massive criminal hoax it all is.


Dr. Li-Meng Yan joins Tucker Carlson with insight on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' claiming SARS CoV-2 virus is not a naturally occurring virus, that it was made in the Wuhan Lab by China and deliberately released on the world.


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Video: David Martin Exposes Fauci’s CRIMINAL Violations

David Martin, PhD , DavidMartin.world, joins to discuss the criminal violations of Fauci — and the money trail & patents that lead to the usual suspects. Money through shell corporations to fund banned research, corruption, predatory pricing, anti-trust violations — Fauci could easily be led away in handcuffs if AG Barr wished.


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Fauci Backpedals on Vitamin C and D Recommendations

Editor's Note:  As if we need any more proof of what a self-serving fraud Fauci is, here's more!  This evil toad has not said one word about the importance of boosting our immune system to help protect us from COVID-19 illness. . .  until now.  



By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • The largest hospital system in New York state, Northwell Health, has been giving COVID-19 patients admitted into intensive care 1,500 milligrams of intravenous vitamin C three to four times a day in conjunction with the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin
  • Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the face of the White House coronavirus response team, says life probably will not go back to normal until we have the ability to vaccinate the entire global population against COVID-19
  • Yet, four years ago, Fauci touted vitamins C and D as good for boosting your immune system and fighting infectious disease
  • The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing finds vitamin D “plays a critical role in preventing respiratory infections, reducing antibiotic use, and boosting the immune system response to infections”
  • An April 2020 scientific review presents evidence that vitamin D supplementation could reduce risk of COVID-19 infection and death. Researchers recommend raising your vitamin D level 40-60 ng/mL (100–150 nmol/L). “For treatment of people who become infected with COVID-19, higher vitamin D3 doses might be useful,” the researchers state

As reported in my April 7, 2020, article "Vitamins C and D Finally Adopted as Coronavirus Treatment," the largest hospital system in New York, Northwell Health, has been giving COVID-19 patients admitted into intensive care 1,500 milligrams of intravenous vitamin C three to four times a day in conjunction with the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin, both of which have shown promise in coronavirus treatment.1

According to Dr. Andrew G. Weber, a pulmonologist and critical-care specialist affiliated with two Northwell Health facilities on Long Island, "The patients who received vitamin C did significantly better than those who did not get vitamin C. It helps a tremendous amount, but it is not highlighted because it's not a sexy drug."2

NIAID Director Backpedals on Vitamin C and D Recommendations

Curiously, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the face of the White House coronavirus response team, is now saying life probably will not go back to normal until we have the ability to vaccinate the entire global population against COVID-19.3

I say "curiously," as just four short years ago, in a Washingtonian article,4 "How to Avoid Getting Sick When You're Around People All Day," Fauci touted vitamins C and D as being good for boosting your immune system and fighting infectious disease. 

Vitamin C "can enhance your body's defense against microbes," he said — a statement backed by recent research showing vitamin C supplementation lowers your risk of the common cold.5 At the time, Fauci said he was taking 1,000 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C, himself, every day. "Many people also do not get enough vitamin D, which affects a lot of body functions, so that would be helpful, too," he added.

Yet, in a March 26, 2020, interview with RealClear Politics,6 he changed his tune, saying there was "no definite proof" that the vitamins work, even though some studies show they do. What changed? Why did he say vitamins C and D help boost immune function and ward off infectious disease four years ago, only to deny it now?

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