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Doctors Share THEIR OWN Vaccine Injury Horror Stories, Revealing That Vaccines Are Devastating the Medical Profession

By Ethan Huff

Medscape has launched a new portal where doctors can share their own personal stories about vaccine adverse events. And already there are well over 1,000 entries, many of which contain horror stories about how chemical injections are destroying people’s lives.

One doctor expressed concerns about how low-risk, healthy adults are being pressured by the government and the media to get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). Children and even babies are also now being pressured as well.

Another linked to the Health Resources & Services Administration website, which contains information for people who have suffered vaccine injuries to apply for compensation through the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program.

Entry after entry tells of how vaccines of all kinds, including the ones launched by Donald Trump under “Operation Warp Speed,” are damaging people’s bodies and in some cases killing them.

The medical establishment would rather us all believe that such incidents are “rare,” but the truth is that they are much more common than people think. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) only captures maybe one percent of all injuries and deaths caused by vaccines, which means the figures are much, much higher than what the government is reporting.

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‘Centrist Chad’ Explains Vaccine Hesitancy in the Most Epic Thread You’ll Read All Year

By JD Rucker

Russia-British comedian and political commentator Konstantin Kisin had some thoughts about vaccine hesitancy. In fact, he had quite a few thoughts. We can debate the choice of posting over 2,300 words in a Twitter thread, but the content found in it is a masterclass on explaining the lack of trust tens of millions of people in the U.S. and U.K. currently have towards the Covid-19 injections both governments are pushing so hard.

Here’s the thread. Normally, we just post the Tweets but for the sake of making it easier to read, we’ll just post the first Tweet and the thread and unroll the rest in text format with links, images, and videos intact.

You’re struggling to understand why some people are vaccine hesitant. The “let me help you” megathread: Imagine you’re a normal person. The year is 2016. Rightly or wrongly, you believe most of what you see in the media.

You believe polls are broadly reflective of public opinion. You believe doctors and scientists are trustworthy and independent. You’re a decent, reasonable person who follows the rules and trusts authority.

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Video: The Volunatry Phase is Over - The Next Phase Is MANDATORY!

The stage is now set for mandatory COVID-19 "vaccinations" as the social engineers form an unholy alliance with Big Pharma & the MSM to condemn unvaxxers. YOU CANNOT FORCE DANGEROUS EXPERIMENTAL JABS ON EVERYONE when there are other safe and effective treatments for a disease!  There has to be no other options AND the jabs have to be shown to be effective and safe neither of which these jabs have demonstrated.  These people don't give a damned how totally ILLEGAL it all is because they control the vast majority of judges and the rest of the judges are just too stupid!


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Video: Nurses Speak Out About Vaccine Injuries and Corruption

Of course, we all know "these are not vaccines" but these dangerous experimental jabs are fraudulently being called vaccines, and they are doing tremendous damage. In this video, two nurses speak out about what's really going on. THEY ALL KNOW THE TRUTH! No other industry on the planet is allowed to get away with literally KILLING AND MAIMING HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE WITH THEIR PRODUCTS with complete liability protections. With the aid of government, Big Pharma is guaranteed BILLIONS IN PROFITS on, at best "worthless" and at the worst "deadly" products.


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How to Overcome the Pressure to Get a COVID Vaccine

By Christian Elliot

If I were an employee or student who was required or feeling coerced into getting a COVID vaccine, here’s how I would strategically handle it…

May 27, 2021 (True Whole Human) — Recently, a friend of mine who adamantly did NOT want to get a COVID vaccine did so anyway because of pressure from her peers and her employer. 

For any of you who feel pressured to get a COVID jab and feel like it’s becoming impossible to say no, I’ve got your back.

Before I’m done you will:

  1. Understand why vaccine mandates and coercion are illegal
  2. Have a practical way to converse about your decision to opt out.
  3. Feel confident in your decision, and (I hope) feel emboldened to speak up.

Side note: In case you missed my recent article on 18 reasons I won’t be getting a COVID vaccine, you might check it out if you want additional talking points beyond what’s below. 

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FDA Accidentally Reveals List of Covid Vaccine Side Effects, Including Myocarditis, Autoimmune Disease & Death

List also notes 'Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children' as one possible outcome following vaccination.

By Adam Salazar

An FDA slideshow presentation regarding Covid vaccines last year accidentally displayed a long list of possible adverse reactions to the vaccine, including myocarditis, seizures and even death.

The slide, showing the FDA’s draft list of “possible adverse event outcomes,” appeared briefly during a public meeting by the US Food and Drug Administration’s Product Advisory Committee on Oct, 22, 2020 reviewing the safety and efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines.

The slide is headlined, “FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines: DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes ***Subject to change***.”


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Scotland Confirms 5,522 Deaths Within 4 Weeks of ‘Vaccination’ in a Population Smaller Than Minnesota

According to government-provided records, nearly a 10th of a percent of Scotland's population has died within 28 days of receiving a Covid-19 shot. 0.1% of the U.S. population would be over 331,000.

By Scott Boyd

A freedom of information request made in Scotland in May yielded a report on the number of people who have died in the nation within 28-days following a Covid-19 injection. The results, delivered June 22nd, are startling.

5,522 people have died shortly after receiving at least one of the Covid-19 “vaccines.” To be fair, that does NOT mean that all of them died as a result of the jabs. In fact, one can assume a large percentage of those deaths had nothing to do with the injections at all. But even if half — and it’s likely much higher — of those deaths were influenced by the experimental drugs, then the number is still astronomical compared to what governments around the world are telling us.

It has been nearly a month since the Public Health Scotland released the information and very little has been done with it, even in Scotland itself. News outlets across the United Kingdom and throughout the European Union have actively suppressed the information while accounts on social media have been censored for sharing it. Nevertheless, etitioner Mark McKee has tried to get the information out. The Daily Expose from the United Kingdom finally picked up on the story this week.

Scotland’s population of just under 5.5 million is lower than the population of Minnesota. That means that just under 0.1% of the population has died within four weeks of getting jabbed. Keep in mind, that does not mean 0.1% of those vaccinated have succumbed to whatever it is that’s happening with these drugs. It’s 0.1% of the entire population, vaccinated or not.

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MIT Study: Vaccine Hesitancy Is 'Highly Informed, Scientifically Literate,' and 'Sophisticated'

By Rick Moran

Vaccine hesitancy is a big problem, according to the Biden administration.  Less than half the public is fully vaccinated while about 56 percent have received at least one jab.

The goal of fully vaccinating the American public appears to have stalled. This should not surprise us. When the vaccines were first approved for emergency use back in December 2020, 40 percent of Americans expressed skepticism about the vaccine.

Trying to shame the holdouts has failed spectacularly. Insulting and degrading them as “morons” or “ignorant” has resulted in a vicious pushback and a hardening of positions on getting vaccinated.

The administration’s plan of sending people door to door to vaccinate them only feeds anti-vaccine skepticism. Trust in authority is at an all-time low, which makes a government-sponsored vaccine program suspect.  But the root cause isn’t ignorance or a belief in conspiracy theories. An MIT study on the problem revealed some surprising results.


Proponents of the vaccine are unwilling or unable to understand the thinking of vaccine skeptics — or even admit that skeptics may be thinking at all. Their attempts to answer skepticism or understand it end up poisoned by condescension, and end up reinforcing it.

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Bombshell Research: Natural Covid Immunity 6.72 Times More Effective than Vaccines

Research: Natural Covid Infection Creates Real Immunity While Vaccines Destroy It


Testing “positive” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) and later recovering from it, assuming you got sick at all, provides lasting immunity that science shows cannot be conferred through “vaccination.”

The latest figures presented to the Israeli Health Ministry show that Chinese Virus injections do not provide any type of lasting protection against disease. In fact, they increase a person’s risk of contracting and testing positive for variants like “delta,” which are now said to be circulating.

According to the science, those who already had the Fauci Flu at some point throughout the past year were immune to Israel’s recent “outbreak,” while those who got injected have been falling ill and dying from the latest “wave” of the virus.

More than 7,700 “cases” of the Wuhan Flu were detected in Israel during the latest variant surge, and only 72 of them, or less than one percent, occurred in people who had previously contracted the Chinese Virus. More than 3,000 patients, or about 40 percent of new cases, meanwhile, were detected in people who had gotten injected in compliance with the government’s command.

“With a total of 835,792 Israelis known to have recovered from the virus, the 72 instances of reinfection amount to 0.0086% of people who were already infected with COVID,” reported Israel National News.

“By contrast, Israelis who were vaccinated were 6.72 times more likely to get infected after the shot than after natural infection, with over 3,000 of the 5,193,499, or 0.0578%, of Israelis who were vaccinated getting infected in the latest wave.”

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Video: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko: Giving Kids Coronavirus Vaccines is 'Beyond Moronic'

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, the New York doctor who pioneered the use of Hydroxychloroquine and zinc to treat the coronavirus, explains why coronavirus vaccines are unnecessary and discusses some of the dangers associated with them.


You can view the full interview HERE.
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