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Face Masks Being Mandated by Government Specifically Say They Don’t Protect Against COVID-19

“Anything other than tight-fitting, surgical-grade masks are utterly pointless.”

Editor's Note:  WAKE UP PEOPLE!!  Forcing you to wear face masks IS NOT ABOUT YOUR HEALTH!


By Paul Joseph Watson

The same type of face masks that the UK government is mandating people wear in shops from July 24 onwards to protect against the spread of coronavirus specifically state on their packaging that they don’t protect against coronavirus.


Earlier this week, the government confirmed that anyone caught not wearing a mask when entering a shop or supermarket will be subject to a police fine of £100, prompting the Chair of the London Metropolitan Police Foundation to complain that this would be totally unenforcable.

However, the law states that cloth masks, scarves or other textile items that don’t require the use of hands to hold them in place are acceptable forms of protection against COVID-19.

One problem with that, the packaging on these kind of cloth masks specifically states that they don’t protect against COVID-19.

“This product is an ear loop mask. This product is not a respirator and will not provide any protection against COVID-19 (coronavirus) or any other viruses or contaminants,” states the packaging on a standard set of cloth masks currently being sold.

Skeptics have also pointed out that people continually touching potentially infected masks and then touching surfaces could even exacerbate the spread of coronavirus.

“Apart from everything else, the only coverings the Government is insisting on are cloth ones, which every man and his dog knows are COMPLETELY USELESS,” writes Toby Young.

“As Allison Pearson says in her excellent comment piece in today’s Telegraph, “anything other than tight-fitting, surgical-grade masks are utterly pointless – like trying to stop a bullet with a chain-link fence”. I mean, the evidence that the gold-standard N95 masks are effective in non-healthcare settings is threadbare at best – and they have to be disposed of after a single use.”

“There is literally no evidence that re-usable cloth masks are effective in community settings. None. It’s like wearing a tin foil hat in case you get struck by lightening – an ineffective way to protect yourself from an almost non-existent risk. What has become of us?”

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said mandating the wearing of masks would “give people more confidence to shop safely and enhance protections for those who work in shops,” however many have reacted to the law by asserting that they will simply avoid shops altogether.

This will lead to yet more economic devastation, more high street job losses and in the longer term, more poverty and death.

Again, genius.

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Video: The Truth Behind The Mask

Wearing the mask is part of an initiation ritual for the New World Order

Politicians, the media, and corporations are pushing masks on the population, insisting that they’re necessary for preventing the spread of COVID-19. But these same entities and institutions have given a pass to the nationwide Black Lives Matter protests which flouted all public health precautions like wearing masks or social distancing. So what’s really going on here?


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Video: Worldwide Population Being Tortured In Deep State Psyop

The response to Covid-19 mirrors Communist Chinese brainwashing torture techniques

The response by governments around the world to COVID-19 eerily mirrors the Amnesty International torture report, where populations are being systematically isolated, deprived of basic life necessities, inflicted by emotional pain, and psychologically weakened.



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Men Without Chests Threaten Our Culture and Civilization


By Kelleigh Nelson

“We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.” – C. S. Lewis

The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis was first copyrighted in 1944, which makes this short booklet all the more astonishing.  The insight Lewis had in those years of the pervasive philosophy that was intermingling within the educational systems is just as relevant for today, and now it is right in our faces. We can see vividly the corruption of morals and basic decency that is leading us more and more toward a Godless society.  C.S. Lewis looked logically at what happens when faith and tradition are removed from a society.  And we just watched what Lewis was describing in Judge Kavanaugh’s hearings, including the protests by Soros-paid anarchists.

Men Without Chests

“Men Without Chests” is the curious title of the first chapter of C.S. Lewis’ Abolition of Man.  Lewis explains that the “The Chest” is one of the “indispensable liaison officers between cerebral man and visceral man. It may even be said that it is by this middle element that man is man: for by his intellect he is mere spirit and by his appetite mere animal.” Without “Chests” we are unable to have confidence that we can grasp objective reality and objective truth.

The result of such chest-less education, as Lewis warns, is a dystopian and totalitarian future.

As our society disintegrates into what C.S. Lewis described in his short booklet, we are seeing more and more men without chests.  Those men are allowing the destruction of our society by anarchists who literally hate America and her culture and want it destroyed.


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Video: Control the Words, Control the Culture

The culture war is first and foremost a war of words - and the left is winning. The consequences can be seen everywhere: in politics, in education, in media. In this video, Michael Knowles, host of the Michael Knowles Show, explains why we should not cede another syllable.


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Dereliction of Duty

When will Republicans stand up to leftist political child abuse?

“We'll get you through your children," Allen Ginsberg to Norman Podhoretz.


Where did March for Our Lives come from?

We know where the organization, the money and the leadership come from.

But where do the hundreds of thousands of young people massing into crowds and calling for the abolition of the Bill of Rights come from? It’s not just the Right to Bear Arms: Freedom of Speech and of Religion have never been as unpopular among the youngest generation of voters as they are now.

They came out of the classroom. They’re the politically abused children preyed on by mental molesters.

Your local high school has some of the same radical programming as your local college. The toxic radicalism trickles down to elementary schools. And occasionally even begins in kindergarten.

Americans were shocked and disgusted at the sight of radical leftists dragging 5-year-olds out to participate in the walkout protests in Connecticut. But racist white privilege indoctrination is hitting kindergarteners in New York, Minnesota, Virginia, Missouri  and other states. Political indoctrination is being embedded in every subject, including math, with Teach for America pushing, “Teaching Social Justice through Secondary Mathematics”.  And teachers are usually radicalized before they ever enter the classroom with classics like Democracy & Education being replaced by Pedagogy of the Oppressed.

To radicals, your children and grandchildren are just another community to be organized into protests.

By Danial Greenfield
Frontpage Mag

And while this political child abuse was going on in schools across the country, where were Republicans? If only some politicians would spend as much time protecting our children as they do the DREAMERs.  

Political child abuse doesn’t just happen in New York City, Boston or Los Angeles. It isn’t limited to blue states. Indoctrinated faculty with degrees in radicalism, administrators with big plans to spread radical division and non-profits pushing politicized courses can pop up anywhere.

The racist creed of Black Lives Matter isn’t just making its way into Baltimore, Washington and New Jersey schools. You can find it being embedded in schools in Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Kansas.

A Vermont school even flew the racist Black Lives Matter flag.

Walkouts against the Bill of Rights took place in Alabama and Iowa. At a Wyoming school, a test featured, "He was shooting at Trump" as an answer, and in a Utah school, a guest speaker declared himself, "Trump's worst enemy". Islamic indoctrination has found its way into schools in Kentucky, Florida, North Carolina, West Virginia and Missouri.

In Colorado, the Pledge of Allegiance began with, “One nation under Allah.”

Where are Republican legislators in these states doing while this political child abuse goes on?

Conservatives used to take, “We’ll get you through your children” to mean college campus brainwashing. But college students are adults. Children as young as 5 are now the targets.

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A Male Backlash Against #MeToo Is Brewing

By Kyle Smith

Men are scared, and feminists are delighted. But the urge to call out and punish male sexual transgression is bound to clash with an inescapable truth: We’re all in this together, men and women.

Consider what’s happening in the capital of Florida. Female staffers and lobbyists have found “many male legislators will no longer meet with them privately,” reported The Miami Herald. “I had a senator say, ‘I need my aide here in the room because I need a chaperone,’ ” lobbyist Jennifer Green told the paper. “I said, ‘Senator, why do you need a chaperone? . . . Do you feel uncomfortable around me?’ ‘Well,’ he said, ‘anyone can say anything with the door shut.’ ”

“I’m getting the feeling that we’re going back 20 years as female professionals,” said Green, who owns her company. “I fully anticipate I’m going to be competing with another firm that is currently owned by some male, and the deciding factor is going to be: ‘You don’t want to hire a female lobbying firm in this environment.’ ”

This kind of thinking is catching on in aggressively P.C. Silicon Valley, where men are taking to message boards like Reddit to express interest in sex segregation — sometimes labeled “Men Going Their Own Way,” or the “Man-o-Sphere.” How will that work out for women in the tech industry, where they already face substantial challenges?

Across industries, “Several major companies have told us they are now limiting travel between the genders,” Johnny Taylor, president of the Society for Human Resource Management, told the Chicago Tribune, citing execs who tell men not to go on business trips or share rental cars with women co-workers. UCLA psychologist Kim Elsesser, the author of “Sex and the Office,” sees a nascent “sex partition.” If men start to back away from women, at least in professional settings, it’s difficult to see how that will aid the feminist cause.

As is characteristic of movements led by the left in general, #MeToo faces the prospect of being seen to push too far, too fast. Not long ago, the British magazine The Spectator depicted the cause a feminist Reformation, with a modern woman nailing her demands to the door of a church like Martin Luther. These days the entirely justified anger and calls for change are venturing into iconoclasm: Let’s knock over some innocent statues and shatter all those stained-glass windows!

‘Several major companies have told us they are now limiting travel between the genders’

Outraged feminists triggered by “Thérèse Dreaming,” a suggestive 1938 painting of a clothed pubescent girl by the Polish-French artist Balthus, demanded the Metropolitan Museum of Art remove it. (The Met refused, to its credit). Moms are dressing their sons in humiliating “the Future is Female” T-shirts. The women’s Web site Bustle banned the word “flattering” because it implies there’s an ideal shape for a woman, and we all know women aren’t interested in looks.

Companies are firing perverts and sexual harassers, which is great, but those who can’t find any bad behavior to punish are casting around angrily looking for random things to attack. Jordan Peterson, the University of Toronto professor and author of the bestseller “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos” who has become a YouTube sensation by rebutting crazy left-wing students, has been lambasted on social media for citing sociological studies that say women are more agreeable in the workplace and suffer some salary repercussions because of it. Although this is essentially a restatement of the thinking behind “Lean In” — if you want it, push for it — Peterson found himself being subjected to an absurdly hostile interview by British broadcaster Cathy Newman in a confrontation that went viral and led to more abuse being heaped on Peterson.

Writing in The American Interest, Claire Berlinski calls the #MeToo movement “a frenzied extrajudicial warlock hunt that does not pause to parse the difference between rape and stupidity” and “a classic moral panic, one that is ultimately as dangerous to women as to men.” She tells a story about how she just discovered she has a new power: the power to ruin the career of a professor she knew at Oxford who grabbed her butt 20 years ago while drunk at a party. “I was amused and flattered,” she writes, saying, “I knew full well he’d been dying to do that. Our tutorials — which took place one-on-one with no chaperones — were livelier intellectually for that sublimated undercurrent. He was an Oxford don and so had power over me . . . But I also had power over him — power sufficient to cause a venerable don to make a perfect fool of himself at a Christmas party. Unsurprisingly, I loved having that power.”

Reformers should keep her underlying point in mind: Change may be good, but be wary of unintended consequences. Turning men and women into hostile opposing camps is not going to be good for either sex.

Kyle Smith is critic at large at National Review


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Video: ReasonTV’s John Stossel Takes On The Southern Poverty Law Center’s ‘Hate Map’

By Frank Camp

On Tuesday, ReasonTV uploaded a new video to their YouTube channel featuring John Stossel. In the video, Stossel speaks about the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an organization "dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society," according to their official website.

SPLC has an interactive "Hate Map" where you can see all the groups and people they believe promote hatred and violence. There are 917 alleged hate groups on the map.

"I once believed in the center’s mission," Stossel says. "Well-meaning people still do; Apple just gave them a million dollars. But what donors don’t know is that today, the center smears people who don’t deserve to be smeared."

SPLC’s leadership wouldn’t speak with Stossel, so instead, he speaks with Nomiki Konst of The Young Turks:

KONST: They have a history – a long history of fighting against extremists like the KKK.

STOSSEL: History, yes. But they label skeptical Muslims like Ayaan Hirsi Ali as haters.

KONST: When you have a horrible experience with religion, that’s one thing. It’s another thing to use those experiences as ammunition against others who are practicing their religion peacefully.

STOSSEL: But they’re just speaking, criticizing it.

KONST: Of course she has the right to free speech, as does the Southern Poverty Law Center has a right to push back.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is an activist who was raised in a "devout Somali Muslim Family," according to Britannica, and suffered female genital mutilation as a young girl. Ever since she left the Islamic faith and began to speak out against extremism, Ali has faced numerous threats to her life.

Stossel then brings up the shooting at the Family Research Council (FRC). In August 2012, a man named Floyd Lee Corkins went to the FRC with the intent to kill "as many people as [he] could." Fortunately, he didn’t make it very far. After shooting a guard, he was brought under control by that very guard.

According to court documents, Corkins knew about the FRC because they were on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s "Hate Map." During an interview with federal investigators, Corkins said, "Southern Poverty Law lists anti-gay groups ... I found them online, did a little research, went to the website, stuff like that."

STOSSEL: The council’s offices were attacked by a guy with a gun. They don’t deserve this.

KONST: There’s always extremists out there, and it’s unfortunately the world that we live in, and, you know, hopefully, people can kind of separate that.

There’s so much more to this eye-opening video about the Southern Poverty Law Center. Take a look:


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Video: Who Controls Our Children - The Deliberate Dumbing Down of our Children by Corporate Design

While parents, schools, provinces and states across North America bicker about the democratic process of running public schools, forces are manipulating education from behind the scenes. Major international players are reshaping public education to suit their own self-serving agendas, without regard for the wants of parents and the welfare of their children. This video lecture documents how today's educational system dumb down kids deliberately, making zombie-like people who don't ask any questions but just follow orders.  This video is not very good quality but the information is invaluable. 

If you truly want to understand the degree to which "the powers-that-be" socially engineered our entire population, if you care about your children and what kind of society we create, you MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO.


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Video: 1984 by George Orwell

This film used to be primarily perceived as a far-out imagined fantasy.  Sadly, it is more accurately seen now as prophetic.  Our nation, the U.K., nations all over the world are becoming exactly what this film portrays.  Tyrants, combined with unimaginable levels of technology can now make 1984 a reality if we let them.  It's on our doorstep right now!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1984 is possibly the definitive dystopian novel, set in a world  that used to be beyond our imagining. A world where totalitarianism really is total, all power split into three roughly equal groups--Eastasia, Eurasia, and Oceania. 1984 is set in Oceania, which includes the United Kingdom, where the story is set, known as Airstrip One.

Winston Smith is a middle-aged, unhealthy character, based loosely on Orwell's own frail body, an underling of the ruling oligarchy, The Party. The

hastakenearly20th century totalitarianism to new depths, with each person subjected to 24 hour surveillance, where people's very thoughts are controlled to ensure purity of the oligarchical system in place. Figurehead of the system is the omnipresent and omnipotent Big Brother.

But Winston believes there is another way.

1984 joins Winston as he sets about another day, where his job is to change history by changing old newspaper records to match with the new truth as decided by the Party.

 "He who controls thepast, controls the future" is a Party slogan to live by and it gives Winston his job, but Winston cannot see it like that. Barely old enough to recall a time when things were different, he sets out to expose the Partyfor the cynically fraudulent organization that it is. He is joined by Julia, a beautiful young woman much in contrast with Winston physically, but equally sickened by the excesses of her rulers.

You will meet many recognizable characters, themes, and words which have become part of our everyday life as you read 1984. Where did Big Brother first appear? Certainly not on Australian TV! Written in Orwell's inimitable journalistic style, 1984 is a tribute to a man who saw the true dangers of historian Lord Acton's (1834-1902) statement: "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."
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