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Video: Globalist United Nations Treaty Behind Biden’s Border Invasion

UN Global Migration Compact of 2015


The Florida Standard

EL PASO, TEXAS — As the situation on the U.S. southern border further escalates, with caravans of hundreds of thousands of migrants looking to get into the country, many are mystified over the Biden administration’s policies and the cost it will entail for regular Americans.

The State Department announced on Wednesday that the U.S. is “doubling the number of refugees to be accepted from the Western Hemisphere,” “expanding and creating new family reunification programs” and “accepting up to 30,000 individuals per month from Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, and Haiti.”

There are also plans to open around 100 “regional processing centers” in foreign countries in the Western Hemisphere, where migrants will be able to apply for asylum before making the journey to the U.S. border. These centers will apparently be staffed with UN personnel.

The Florida Standard has previously reported on how the U.S. federal government – in partnership with international organizations – provides significant logistical and other support for the migration wave.

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While Barely Anyone Was Watching, Leaders at the UN Made a 7 Year Agreement to Implement a Single Global Agenda


Have you heard about the agreement that global leaders adopted at the United Nations during the “2023 SDG Summit” that was held earlier this week?  On Monday and Tuesday, officials from all over the world gathered in New York City to commit their nations to fully implement the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals over the next 7 years.  If you are not familiar with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, you can find them right here.  They are essentially a blueprint for how the globalists want the world to be run.  Just about every area of human activity is covered by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and it would take extreme measures over the next 7 years in order to achieve all of them by the deadline.

But that was what the “2023 SDG Summit” was all about.

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Video: United Nations : “We Own the Science and Think the World Should Know It”

Globalist UN Official Calls for More Controls Over Speech, Greater Censorship of the Masses


Melissa Fleming is the “Chief Communicator” for the United Nations since 2019.

Her bio on her substack page says she promotes a peaceful, sustainable, just and humane world. This is how she describes herself. In real life she is anything but that.

Fleming is a power-obsessed narcissist whose goal is to contral everything that you think, read, or hear.

Fleming went viral this week on social media after a recent speech she made was made public. The woman is a stone-cold tyrant. Worse than that she is too arrogant to see how vicious she sounds to the masses. And she claims her expertise is communications?

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Video: More Lies: Global Warming Conspiracists Insist the “World Is Boiling” – It’s as if 1936 Never Happened


United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres announced on Thursday that the era of global warming has ended and the era of global boiling has arrived.

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UN ‘Pact For The Future’ Seeks Permanent Emergency Powers For ‘Complex Global Shocks’

Any new major event will see globalists attempt to take complete control


The UN is set to outline a far reaching plan to secure emergency powers that would allow the global body to lead a “common agenda” for all nations during any “complex global shocks” such as a new pandemic.

The Federalist reports that the plan is to be finalised at a September 2024 ‘Summit of the Future,’ where the UN will adopt a ‘Pact for the Future,’ to include policies that have been outlined in the globalist body’s ‘Our Common Agenda‘ report.

One such policy is an “emergency platform” during any events that have a global impact that would provide the UN the authority to “actively promote and drive an international response that places the principles of equity and solidarity at the centre of its work.”


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“A Global Digital Compact” – UN Promoting Censorship, Social Credit & Much More


Late last month the office of the United Nation’s Secretary General published a policy document on aims for the future of the internet.

A follow-up to the 2021 report “Our Common Agenda”, the new report’s title says it all really, “A Global Digital Compact”. That’s the goal, international legislation that would seek to control and enforce the use of digital technology.

The proposed clauses promote everything you’d expect them to promote.

Digital identities linked with financial access:

Digital IDs linked with bank or mobile money accounts can improve the delivery of social protection coverage and serve to better reach eligible beneficiaries. Digital technologies may help to reduce leakage, errors and costs in the design of social protection programmes

Environmental or climate change-based social credit systems:

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Video: James Lindsay to EU Parliament: 'Woke Is Marxism, Evolved to Attack The West'

James Lindsay exposes the reality of WOKENESS, that it is Marxism in disguise, and that we need to understand this before we can take the proper actions to defend against it.  If we do not understand this we will not act correctly, we will not cure it, and it will conquer our country.



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FLASHBACK: UN Document Reveals Plan To Flood America With 600 Million Migrants

By 2050, 73% of population would be immigrants or their descendents



With the migrant surge currently on America’s Southern Border, it's time to revisit this 2018 article by Paul Joseph Watson that raised alarm over a UN document admitting to “replacement migration.”

Original article:

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UN Seeks Vast New Powers for Global Emergencies

Lawmakers and critics are sounding the alarm, but the White House supports the agenda

Editor's Note:  One BIG question needs to be asked.  What has the United Nations ever done to make this world a better place?!  NOTHING.  In fact, its sole purpose is to destroy nation states to make way for its psychotic global domination wet dream.



The United Nations is seeking vast new powers and stronger “global governance” tools to deal with international emergencies such as pandemics and economic crises, a new U.N. policy brief has revealed, and the Biden administration appears to support the proposal.

The plan to create an “Emergency Platform,” which would involve a set of protocols activated during crises that could affect billions of people, has already drawn strong concern and criticism from U.S. policymakers and analysts.

Among those expressing concern is House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), whose committee oversees U.S. foreign policy and involvement in international organizations.

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Video: On Watch: UN and Soros Corruption in Guatemala Funded With $44.5 Million In US Funding

In this episode of "On Watch," JW Director of Investigations & Research Chris Farrell explains how the Left Uses "Lawfare" to attack constitutional republics and freely elected governments, funded by the United States to the tune of $44.5 MILLION.


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