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Video: Bret Weinstein on the Dangers of the WHO's Global Pandemic Treaty

Since any of the legitimate methods for regaining the public’s trust (e.g., apologizing for their actions and reforming their conduct) will cost the billionaires a lot of money, the pandemic cartel is opting for the only other option available to them—doubling down on their current approach (e.g., by arguing the actual reason the pandemic response was a disaster was because we didn’t do enough of what they wanted) and reworking the legal system so any dissent from their policies is illegal. Since that would be almost impossible to do within the existing Democratic framework (as more and more countries are having populist movements rebel against the pandemic cartel) a global strategy which bypasses national governments is being employed instead.


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How We Can Stop the WHO's Horrific Pandemic Treaty

Reviewing exactly what is inside the worst treaty of our lifetime and the heroic efforts that are stopping it.



Story at a Glance:

  • “Preventing” pandemics is one of the most lucrative areas in medicine. Unfortunately, despite all the money this industry has received, it has only made the problem worse. This is because most pandemics are the result of lab leaks from “preventative” research, and because whenever an effective solution is discovered for a pandemic, it gets suppressed by the industry since so many business interests depend upon profiting off of an “unsolvable emergency.”
  • The way COVID-19 was handled was so egregious that it woke much of the public up to this grift. Because of that, the pandemic-industrial complex is now facing an existential risk to its business model (since much of the general population no longer is willing to go along with it).
  • To solve this problem, a covert WHO treaty has been put together behind the scenes which gives these international health agencies absolute control over anything related to an alleged “health emergency,” and in turn enshrines each awful policy which was conducted throughout COVID-19 (e.g., mass censorship or the promotion of dangerous and experimental vaccines).
  • A grass roots activist movement has accomplished something remarkable—despite the fact every single large organization has pushed the pandemic treaty through, in only a few short months, those activists have begun to derail it. I believe stopping this power grab is one of the most important issues of our time, and this article was written to explain exactly what they are doing so that each of us can help be a part of making sure this abhorrent treaty is never ratified.

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Tedros Tells the World Economic Forum the WHO Pandemic Treaty Is Needed To Combat “Disease X”

The treaty outlines proposals for increased surveillance, vaccine passports, and monitoring "misinformation."



The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has publicly advocated for a global pandemic treaty that has major implications surrounding speech, surveillance, and digital vaccine passports.

He emphasized the importance of international cooperation during a speech at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, pointing out the potential obstacles posed by an overemphasis on national interests.

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WHO Publishes Latest Draft of Pandemic Treaty To Combat “Misinformation”



The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) has published a new draft of its troubled pandemic agreement/accord/treaty – which the agency has complained is taking too long to finalize.

The latest draft of the negotiating text, released by the Bureau of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) on Monday must be considered until the INB session scheduled for November 6-10, when it should be formalized.

Some of the commitments contained in this version of the document have to do with combating “false, misleading, misinformation or disinformation, including through effective international collaboration and cooperation” – which skeptics might easily dub, “cross-border censorship.”

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Video: Top Physicist PROVES Covid Shot Caused 17 Million Deaths Worldwide

Plus Tucker Carlson Interview with Bret Weinstein

This Tucker interview provides the lesson of the Covid disaster that justifies giving its architects more power?  Bret Weinstein discusses the truth about the so-called COVID Pandemic and the WHO’s plans for you in the future.

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Video: Dr. Peter McCullough Says the Path Forward Is Clear: “No One” Should “Take Another Shot”


Last Wednesday, Dr. Peter McCullough gave a speech at the European Parliament during a hearing hosted by five Members of the European Parliament (“MEPs”).  In that speech, he said that the path forward with regard to mass vaccination for COVID-19 is clear. “No one” should “take another shot.”

The hearing was scheduled to raise awareness about the World Health Organisation’s (“WHO’s”) consistent and ever-increasing power grabs. The ruling classes are continuing to push these shots on the public regardless of the evidence that they are doing more harm than good. During the hearing, McCullough was quoted as saying: “The path forward is, clearly, for no one to take another shot – no one. The COVID-19 vaccines and all of their progeny and future boosters are not safe for human use.”

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The Receipts: How the WHO, Gates and Blackrock Want to Take Over the World

Beatrix von Storch is deputy chair of the AfD party in the German parliament



Op-Ed: Largely unnoticed by the public, the World Health Organization (WHO) is working to significantly expand its powers and usurp far-reaching control through the back door. Alternative for Germany Deputy Chair in the Bundestag Beatrix von Storch reveals the US billionaires behind it and who bought whom.

The WHO is currently working on a comprehensive initiative for pandemic prevention, which includes a Pandemic Treaty and changes to health regulations. These are expected to be decided by no later than May of next year. It’s important to understand that the pandemic treaty is only part of the problem. More dangerous are the changes to international health regulations. While the Pandemic Treaty must be ratified as new international law, the changes to international health rules automatically apply to every WHO member unless they explicitly opt out.

Rockefeller, Gates & Bloomberg Foundations Control Global Health

The powerful players in global health are not elected governments, but three private foundations: the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Bloomberg Philanthropies. Among these, the Rockefeller Foundation, endowed with $5 billion, is by far the smallest, but also the oldest of the three. The Gates Foundation has an endowment of $40 billion US dollars, and Bloomberg Philanthropies has $50 billion.

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Video: All Eyes Are on the W.H.O. as They Try to Take Over the World



  • In May 2022, the World Health Organization adopted Amendments to International Health Regulations, time for individual countries to turn around and reject them is running out
  • A whole new set of potentially dangerous Amendments is in the works, the latest draft is not available to the public, the available drafts are nefarious
  • On September 20, 2023, the UN plans to adopt a “Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response” promoting the need to spend an additional 30 billion every year on “global health emergency preparedness”
  • In May 2024, the 300+ new amendments and the WHO CA+ Framework Convention (formerly known as “Pandemic Treaty”) are scheduled to be adopted
  • Time to let our opinions heard and say no to neofeudalism is now

All Eyes on the WHO

The World Health Organization circa 2023 is a villain. They are an excuse for money laundering and subjugating innocent people for the benefit and the convenience of the biggest oligarchs.

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FREE Video Library: WHO (World Health Organization)

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:


  • “Enough Is Enough!” – Swiss Cardiologist Calls for the Abolishment of the WHO
    Dr. Binder called for the abolishment of the World Health Organization, after the botched and extremely dangerous actions and statements during the COVID pandemic.
  • Japanese People Hold Massive Protest Against WHO, Deadly Covid Vaccines
    Japanese citizens took to the streets in protest of the World Health Organization and the Covid-19 vaccine, which has been blamed for causing a number of severe adverse effects and deaths.  Footage out of Tokyo on Friday showed thousands of people attending the “National Movement to Protect Lives from WHO: Massive Rally,” reportedly meant as a “demonstration against the revision of the IHR (International Health Regulations),” according to Sputnik Japan.
  • UN Troops Being Brought In As Migrant Refugees
    Are armed enforcers of the next WHO-enforced pandemic lockdown already in Western countries and waiting for orders?
  •   The Vaccine Passport LIE Just COLLAPSED And The WHO is FURIOUS!
    As the WHO’s leading vaccine expert admits in court that vaccine passports may have been a scam due to the fact that the vaccines did not stop transmission, were vaccine passports just one part of an axis that allowed for increased regulations and government control, as well as gigantic profits from the big government donors, the pharmaceutical industry?
  • Who is the W.H.O. and who is their Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus?
    Tedros is the first person in the 72-year history of the WHO who is NOT even a medical doctor, just like Bill Gates. It was Schwab who supported him for that post, just as he recommended Legarde for the IMF and then for the European Central Bank. He has also put in the head of the IMF from his board of the WEF as well. Schwab also has the WHO in his back pocket. To put someone who is not a medical doctor at the head of the World Health Organization would be like putting Jeffrey Epstein as the head of a monastery.
  • Bret Weinstein on the Dangers of the WHO's Global Pandemic Treaty
    Since any of the legitimate methods for regaining the public’s trust (e.g., apologizing for their actions and reforming their conduct) will cost the billionaires a lot of money, the pandemic cartel is opting for the only other option available to them—doubling down on their current approach (e.g., by arguing the actual reason the pandemic response was a disaster was because we didn’t do enough of what they wanted) and reworking the legal system so any dissent from their policies is illegal. Since that would be almost impossible to do within the existing Democratic framework (as more and more countries are having populist movements rebel against the pandemic cartel) a global strategy which bypasses national governments is being employed instead.
  • DISEASE X- An Overton Original Documentary
    Learn how COVID-19 was a trial run to war game independent free media's response to their lock-downs, toxic shots, mandates, and how to censor those voices when the nebulous Disease X rears it's globalist head.
  •   War to Collapse US: Chinese Lockdown Model Being Pushed at UN COP28 Summit
    The great reset, a global conspiracy to usher in a new age of globalism and loss of individual and national sovereignty, is upon us, InfoWars founder Alex Jones and journalist Alex Newman warn.  Jones and Newman, with laser precision and years of research backing every claim, detail the names behind secret societies such as Skull and Bones and the Bohemian Grove, exposing the big agenda behind the news, all the while emphatically pointing to the greater spiritual forces pulling the strings.
  •   Geneva - The Head of the Snake
    ”Everything evil in the world, related to democide … comes from Geneva.” That’s a quote from Pascal Najadi, a former banker and son of World Economic Forum (WEF) cofounder Hussain Najadi, who claims his father left the WEF “out of disgust” in the early ‘80s.
  • Dr. Peter McCullough Says the Path Forward Is Clear: “No One” Should “Take Another Shot”
    Dr. Peter McCullough gave a speech at the European Parliament during a hearing hosted by five Members of the European Parliament (“MEPs”).  In that speech, he said that the path forward with regard to mass vaccination for COVID-19 is clear. “No one” should “take another shot.”
  • All Eyes Are on the W.H.O. as They Try to Take Over the World
    The World Health Organization circa 2023 is a villain. They are an excuse for money laundering and subjugating innocent people for the benefit and the convenience of the biggest oligarchs.  They glorify themselves — but words are cheap, and we may be hurting — but we are not lobotomized. We have not forgotten what their “guidance” has done to us in the past three years. We are sicker, we have less freedom, less dignity, and somebody is constantly trying to stick a needle or ten into our arms.
  • Why Countries Should Leave the World Health Organization
    Countries that treasure individual freedom and respect bodily autonomy have only one choice: Exit the World Health Organization. It is now beyond clear that the WHO intends to eliminate both of those, and then some, through an international program called One Health, formally adopted by the WHO and the G20 health ministers in 2017.
  • ONE HEALTH — The Global Takeover of Everything
    The World Health Organization is seeking to cement its control over global health through amendments to the international health regulations (IHR) and its pandemic treaty.  The pandemic treaty will grant the WHO power over far more than pandemic responses. It emphasizes the “One Health” agenda, which combines human health, animal health and environmental concerns into one.
  • Famous Doctor Accuses UNICEF, WHO of STERILIZING Mothers
    Doctor Wahome Ngare is combatting the diabolical poison that has been sterilizing mothers in a truly dangerous and covert operation tied to UNICEF, the WHO, and more. John-Henry Westen has the full details, revealed by the Catholic Doctors Association, which discovered that beta-hCG — a hormone produced by a growing baby — was STOPPED by these “vaccines.”  As a result, women were being sterilized against their will and knowledge. Countless women faced infertility because of the poison that was given them as a “vaccine,” but Dr. Wahome Ngare is officially revealing the true damage done by them in a breaking exposé that will have irreversible consequences around the world.
  • Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda
    A film by award-winning filmmaker Andy Wakefield, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Children’s Health Defense. Watch the chilling tale of African women whose fertility was tragically stripped away through an experimental tetanus vaccination program. Are women everywhere next?
  •   THE PLAN – WHO Plans for 10 Years of Manufactured Pandemics, from 2020 to 2030
    THE PLAN shows the official agenda of the World Health Organization to have ten years of ongoing pandemics, from 2020 to 2030. This is revealed by a WHO virologist, Marion Koopmans.  You will also see shocking evidence that the first pandemic was planned and abundantly announced right before it happened.
  •   What You Need to Know About the WHO Pandemic Treaty
    The globalists that brought us the wildly exaggerated COVID pandemic in an effort to cement a biosecurity grid into place is now hard at work on the next phase of this New World Order.  The World Health Organization has started drafting a global pandemic treaty on pandemic preparedness that would grant it absolute power over global biosecurity, such as the power to implement digital identities/vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, travel restrictions, standardized medical care and more.
  •   Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg - The Broad Issue of Corruption in the World Health Organization (WHO)
    In this intimate sit down interview from the film "Planet Lockdown" with Wolfgang Wodarg, we discuss the broad issue of corruption in the WHO, how we should understand the "pandemic," or lack there of and how we must stop this diabolical trend towards a fake medical dystopia that will take over all aspects of our lives. He is one of the most honest and thoughtful people we have ever met and has an amazing resume and has lived a rich life full of experiences that uniquely qualifies him to understand the depth and breadth of this complex situation we find ourselves in.
  •   Trust WHO? Clandestine Influences Revealed
    The World Health Organization was created in 1948, founded by 61 member states and financed from their contributions. It appeared to be a promising start, intended to end human suffering and save lives but, according to Robert Parsons, a journalist based in Geneva, Switzerland, where the WHO headquarters are based, “it was infiltrated by industry from the very start.”
  •   Who’s Who At The W.H.O?
    This report examines the history of the leadership of the World Health Organization, and speculates about their ultimate goal in moderating the so-called COVID pandemic.
  •   What is the WHO (World Health Organization)?
    James Corbett clarifies the founding, the funding and the true intentions of the World Health Organization. Join James as he lays out some of the information connecting the WHO to big pharma, Bill Gates and the Covid World Order agenda.
  •   Corbett Report - The WHO Publishes A Guide On How To Deal With Vocal Vaccine Deniers
    The WHO (World Health Organization)is a globalist controlled organization that IS NOT CONCERNED WITH GLOBAL HEALTH!  It is an organization that was formed by the globalist to push/impose their medical tyranny onto all of humanity.  They are vaccine pushers!  This is just the latest example of this fact. The WHO has made a handy-dandy guide on how to debate vaccine deniers.  James delves into the document and examines its ideas.
  •   The WHO and the Vaccine Industry Are Total FRAUDS - And So Are The Alleged Pandemics They Orchestrate
    In the video, Reese discusses a 2010 Forbes article titled “Why The WHO Faked a Pandemic,” which breaks down how the World Health Organization in 2010 attempted to stage a fake Swine Flu outbreak, with scientists describing the “false pandemic” as “one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century.”  The article explains how WHO was able to fake the pandemic by changing the definition to “eliminate severity as a factor.”


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Video: Christine Anderson - The Fight Is On! - EUROPEAN CITIZENS' INITIATIVE Against WHO Power Grab

There is wonderful news from our fight against the planned WHO treaties! A few days ago, 7 brave citizens from 7 countries, with the support of 5 MEPs, launched a European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) called "Trust & Freedom". Thereby, EU citizens can force the European Commission to deal with a specific issue. The Commission must also make a public statement on how to proceed with the demands of the citizens' initiative. In addition, a hearing will be held in the EU Parliament, in which the Commission must also participate. At the end of the process, the Commission will prepare a legal opinion and a political opinion within three months and will decide whether a new legislative proposal can be made and publicly justify its decision.


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