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Video: ‘Unified Reich’ Hoax One of the Most Blatantly Dishonest Attacks On Trump Yet

Even the White House leapt headlong into the propaganda blitz.


With a brand new set of polls showing Donald Trump leading in six of seven swing states, establishment media has stooped to new levels of transparent dishonesty in a desperate effort to derail his campaign.

The latest example? An all-out hoax that had major outlets telling Americans that Trump shared a video promising that his reelection would lead to the “creation of a unified Reich,” in what was supposedly a shocking revelation of his intention to Make Nazism Great Again. 

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NPR Should Have to Rely on Its Dwindling Audience Rather Than Taxpayers


It has been a rough week for the National Public Radio (NPR) after a respected editor, Uri Berliner, wrote a scathing account of the political bias at the media outlet.

Although NPR responded by denying the allegations, the controversy has rekindled the debate over the danger of the government selectively funding media outlets. That is a debate that does not simply turn on the question of bias, but more fundamentally on why the public should support this particular media company to the exclusion of others.

The Biden administration and Congress continue to struggle with a massive budget deficit and growing national debt, which stands at $34 trillion and is approximately 99 percent of Gross Domestic Product.

Despite the need to make tough cuts in core public programs, the public subsidy for NPR has been protected as sacrosanct for decades.

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Video: “Fighting for a Free Press: Protecting Journalists and their Sources”

– with Catherine Herridge and Sharyl Attkisson


The House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government is currently hosting a hearing on freedom of the press and protecting journalists, as the Biden Regime attempts to infringe on the rights of the press and shape news stories to fit their narrative.

Rep Chip Roy opened the hearing at 9:30 am ET, remarking, “Today’s hearing is about defending our fundamental liberty and protecting journalists and their sources from these attacks. We will examine the federal government’s infringement on the freedom of the press and examine the prospects for federal shield law.”

Witnesses include investigative journalists Catherine Herridge and Sharyl Attkisson and Chief Broadcast Officer at SAG-AFTRA News & Broadcast Department Mary Cavallaro.

Recall that last month, Catherine Herridge, an Emmy-winning and nominated reporter known for her work on national security and intelligence, was held in civil contempt by an Obama-appointed federal judge for her refusal to unmask her confidential sources related to a blockbuster story on how there is infiltration from China in US universities.

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Video: 25-Year NPR Veteran Admits to All the Biased Coverage the Outlet Pushed During the Trump Years



Veteran National Public Radio (NPR) editor Uri Berliner published an essay on Tuesday exposing the government-funded outlet’s alleged bias during former President Donald Trump’s presidency.

Berliner, who has been at NPR for 25 years, alleges in the essay published in The Free Press that the outlet was striving to take down Trump during his presidency by citing Russia-collusion allegations that were later debunked. He also asserts that all levels of the organization were aligned on the prioritization of race and identity, leading to a lack of “viewpoint diversity” and increase in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives.

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Hypocrite Jon Stewart Went After Trump for Overvaluing His Property – Turns Out He Did the Exact Same Thing



Jon Stewart recently went after Trump on the Daily Show, claiming that Trump overvaluing his property, as the Letitia James case claims, was not a victimless crime. In truth it wasn’t a crime at all, it’s standard operating procedure in real estate deals.

But it turns out that Jon Stewart did the exact same thing with his New York City apartment.

Are leftists capable of anything other than projection?

The New York Post reports:

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Video: REMEMBERING ANDREW BREITBART: On the 12th Anniversary of His Death

Here Again Is His Historic Nashville Speech that Launched a Movement



Twelve years ago yesterday, on March 1, 2012, Andrew Breitbart collapsed on a Brentwood, Los Angeles sidewalk and died of massive heart failure.

Andrew was a legend, a fighter, a comedian, a brilliant analyst, a happy warrior, and a friend.

While he was taken from his family and this world far too soon, his memory and legacy are alive and well in America’s media and cultural landscape.

So much has happened in the twellve years since Andrew’s passing that it’s worth looking back on one of the moments that I believe galvanized the movement which eventually led to election of President Donald Trump.

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Worthy vs Unworthy Victims: Study Reveals the Media’s Selective Coverage of Lira and Navalny



A new MintPress News study of media coverage of the deaths of American journalist and commentator Gonzalo Lira and Russian political leader Alexey Navalny has found that the establishment U.S. press overwhelmingly ignored the former and focussed on the latter. The New York Times, Washington Post, ABC News, Fox News and CNN collectively ran 731 segments on Navalny between February 16 and February 22, compared to just one on Lira since his death on January 12, perhaps because one was a Western-backed figure who died at the hands of an official enemy state, while the other was a pro-Russian voice who met their end at the hands of the Ukrainian government.

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Video: Out of the Shadows

Out of Shadows is a documentary that lifts the mask on how the mainstream media and Hollywood manipulate and control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content.



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Video: Former Pharma Insider Unveils Big Pharma’s ‘Open Secret’


If you’ve ever wondered why there are so many pharmaceutical commercials on American television, your curiosity has now been answered.

Hint: the primary goal is not to sell drugs.

It may or may not come as a surprise, but TV pharmaceutical ads are illegal in every country besides the United States and New Zealand. One of the reasons for that is a big concern that pharmaceutical advertising could influence editorial decisions within media organizations.

And it seems those concerns are very legitimate because former pharma insider Calley Means unveiled on the Tucker Carlson Network Friday that the true goal of pharma ads on TV is not to sell drugs but, instead, is a “public relation lobbying tactic, essentially, to buy off the news.” He described this as an “open secret” working for pharma.

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Video: Mainstream Media Elite Laments Rise of Alternative News Sources:

“We Owned the News . . . We Were the Gatekeepers . . . We Very Much Owned the Facts”


In a year marked by dwindling public trust in key institutions and heralded by the theme “Rebuilding Trust” at the World Economic Forum’s annual Davos assembly, Emma Tucker, the Wall Street Journal’s Editor in Chief, has called for a reevaluation of how traditional media operates. Recalling a point when the mainstream press was the chief adjudicator of information and facts, she highlighted its demise that came with the rise of alternative media platforms.

Tucker, during a Davos panel supposedly dedicated to the preservation of truth, offered a lament for the era when the press held exclusive dominance over news and facts.

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