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Video: Col Douglas Macgregor: "It's OVER! There is no Coming Back From This

In a bold and somber assessment, Col. Douglas Macgregor declares that the Ukraine conflict is irreversibly concluded with Russia as the victor. Simultaneously, he criticizes Israel, accusing them of seeking financial and military support for what he terms as an ongoing genocide against Palestinians. Macgregor also raises concerns about the impending conflict with the Houthis in Yemen, depicting the current global situation as a total disaster and a failure on the part of President Biden. Join us as we explore the complexities of Macgregor's analysis, examining the evidence and perspectives that contribute to his grim evaluation of current international affairs. This interview sparks a crucial conversation about the state of world affairs and the challenges faced on multiple fronts.



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The ‘Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World Today’ . . . The U.S. Government!

Revisiting MLK Jr’s Epic Vietnam Speech



The ‘I Have A Dream’ speech by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King will live on for many years in the public consciousness, and for good reason: This speech – delivered on August 28, 1963 – creates a powerful vision of a world where all people are treated as equals, and has been an inspiration to millions. However, it was not just this speech but his huge body of work that made him a significant figure in American history.  And as he lived for nearly five years after proclaiming ‘I Have A Dream,’ this alone was likely not the thing that got him killed. There was another speech – given almost four years later on April 4, 1967, at the Riverside Church in New York City and exactly one year to the day before his assassination – that may hold that distinctive honor. His closest friends and staff called this his finest and most powerful speech, but it was also his most controversial. It’s known today as the ‘Beyond Vietnam’ speech. 

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Video: FDR’s Pearl Harbor Stand-Down EXPOSED

Watch & share this report that's based on the work in Robert B. Stinnett's
acclaimed book, "Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor."

Brian Wilson breaks down how Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s administration provoked Japan
nto attacking Pearl Harbor in order to bring the United States into World War II.



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Video: The Truth About World Events Summed Up in 90 Seconds

In this short clip a woman precisely explains how the insanity of this world is orchestrated and what we can do about it.  Fact is, 1% of the population controls the world.  4% of the population are the puppets of the 1%.   90% of the population are zombies and 5% are trying to wake the zombie population up.



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How the United States And Its NATO Allies Sabotaged Peace Between Russia And Ukraine


We now know that the United States played the primary role in sabotaging the March 29, 2022 tentative peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine thanks to the recently published article by Hajo Funke and Harald Kujat, HOW THE CHANCE WAS LOST FOR A PEACE SETTLEMENT OF THE UKRAINE WAR — AND THE WEST WANTED TO CONTINUE THE WAR INSTEAD. The United States persuaded its NATO allies that pursuing the war against Russia, using Ukraine as a proxy, offered a legitimate opportunity to destroy Russia. You want a definition of evil? This is it. Instead of helping end the war between Russia and Ukraine, the United States and its NATO puppets condemned hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers to death in a war with Russia they could not win.

In the course of strong arming Ukraine’s Zelensky into rejecting the peace agreement, the West prepared and launched a propaganda campaign that claimed that Ukrainian military forces defeated the Russian forces and compelled them to retreat. It was a lie. As you will read in the timeline below, Putin ordered the withdrawal of Russian forces starting on April 1, 2022 as a good faith gesture about Russia’s seriousness in complying with the 29 March Istanbul Agreement.

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Video: General Wesley Clark " We're going to take-out 7 countries in 5 years. "

Seven Countries In Five Years

It’s important to recognize that citizens of the United States and people around the world are currently being pounded with wartime propaganda that’s coming from places like Ukraine, Russia, Israel, and Palestine, but predominantly from the United States. As you navigate this intricate minefield of emotions, it’s important to remember that these are narratives carefully crafted by the regime for reasons that support war—their biggest money-maker.


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Video: Flashback: Julian Assange Explains How People Are Conned Into Accepting War

Is there any doubt as to why they threw Julian Assange in Jail and are doing everything they can to keep him there until he dies?  In this short clip, Assange expresses what we hall have really known for a long, long time . . . that control of mainstream media's never-ending stream of LIES is a primary reason the world is such a hell hole.



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Video: The Chain Of Lies That Lead To The War In The Middle East

This short video documents the chain of lies, one morphing into the next in a perfectly orchestrated and timed sequence that ensured by the time the new lie was delivered, the previous ones has already been forgotten.  This is what corrupt, lying, manipulative people do to achieve goals that they know nobody would support if they were actually told the truth about what was happening.


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FREE Video Library: Uniparty (U.S.)

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun: 



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FREE Video Library: War

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun


  •   Colonel Derek Harvey Gives Insights on Unrestricted Warfare
    “Unrestricted Warfare” is a concept introduced in a book titled “Unrestricted Warfare: China’s Master Plan to Destroy America.” It was written by two Chinese colonels, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, and published in 1999. The book discusses unconventional methods that countries, particularly China, could use to challenge and defeat more technologically advanced adversaries like the United States.
  •   April 20, 2024 - The Final Nail in America’s Coffin?
    When future historians go searching for the final nail in the US coffin, they may well settle on the date April 20, 2024.  On that day Congress passed legislation to fund two and a half wars, hand what’s left of our privacy over to the CIA and NSA, and give the US president the power to shut down whatever part of the Internet he disagrees with.
  •   The Ship, With Multiple Backups, Never Should Have Lost Steering
    It turns out the cargo ship that crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, causing its collapse, not only had multiple backup power systems, but it had multiple steering systems as well. Both Federal and International maritime standards call for these auxiliary systems. They also need to be completely separated from each other so power and steering are never lost.
    Intel Sources Claim Baltimore Bridge Collapse Was an “absolutely brilliant strategic attack."  Here’s what Logan had to say about the cargo ship’s “accident” with the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore.
  •   Col Douglas Macgregor: "It's OVER! There is no Coming Back From This
    In a bold and somber assessment, Col. Douglas Macgregor declares that the Ukraine conflict is irreversibly concluded with Russia as the victor. Simultaneously, he criticizes Israel, accusing them of seeking financial and military support for what he terms as an ongoing genocide against Palestinians. Macgregor also raises concerns about the impending conflict with the Houthis in Yemen, depicting the current global situation as a total disaster and a failure on the part of President Biden.
  •   FDR’s Pearl Harbor Stand-Down EXPOSED
    Watch & share this report that's based on the work in Robert B. Stinnett's acclaimed book, "Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor."  Brian Wilson breaks down how Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s administration provoked Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor in order to bring the United States into World War II.
  •   Geroge Carlin - The Only Thing We're Good At Anymore is War
  •   George Carlin - We Declare War on Everything
  •   The Truth About World Events Summed Up in 90 Seconds
    In this short clip a woman precisely explains how the insanity of this world is orchestrated and what we can do about it.  Fact is, 1% of the population controls the world.  4% of the population are the puppets of the 1%.   90% of the population are zombies and 5% are trying to wake the zombie population up.
  •   Seven Countries in Five Years ”: The 2001 Regime’s War Plan Resurfaces in 2023?
    We’re beginning to really uncover the past dirty deeds of our corrupt government, and the revelations are truly alarming. Let’s rewind to 2001, when the United States was attacked by Osama bin Laden. Now, we know our government lied to us about “weapons of mass destruction,” but it seems they had an even grander and more deadly scheme in mind, which prominently featured Iran—a nation, alongside Russia, they’ve been itching to attack. Interestingly, the echoes of the past resonate a tad too closely with our present in 2023, as talk of a potential war with Russia and Iran resurfaces once again. Round and round our war machine goes, right?  This recent deep dive into 2001, spotlighted by Joe Rogan, reveals chilling revelations from General Wesley Clark. Clark claims that the U.S. had ambitions to topple seven countries in just five years. Rogan also examines the potent wartime propaganda used to convince citizens that airstrikes and warfare are the only viable solutions.
  •   General Wesley Clark " We're going to take-out 7 countries in 5 years. "
    It’s important to recognize that citizens of the United States and people around the world are currently being pounded with wartime propaganda that’s coming from places like Ukraine, Russia, Israel, and Palestine, but predominantly from the United States. As you navigate this intricate minefield of emotions, it’s important to remember that these are narratives carefully crafted by the regime for reasons that support war—their biggest money-maker.
  •   Flashback: Julian Assange Explains How People Are Conned Into Accepting War
    Is there any doubt as to why they threw Julian Assange in Jail and are doing everything they can to keep him there until he dies?  In this short clip, Assange expresses what we hall have really known for a long, long time . . . that control of mainstream media's never-ending stream of LIES is a primary reason the world is such a hell hole.
  •   All Wars Are Banker Wars
    What if every war fought in the last century was just a means to install central banks into countries that didn't want them? If you look at a list of all the nations the US has toppled since 9/11, it's every nation that was not connected to a central bank under international control. It's not a coincidence, and any time a nation attempts to back their currency with something like gold or silver, its leaders mysteriously get assassinated or some other disaster happens that upends the government so it can be coup'd.


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