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Video: During J6 Arguments, Gorsuch References Kavanaugh Hearing Where 200 Insurrections Were Arrested



The Supreme Court is right now in the thick of a heated debate over a federal obstruction statute that’s been used to go after hundreds of January 6th political prisoners. This isn’t just any legal tussle—it has massive implications for these punished patriots and also for the election interference case against President Trump.

Everyone’s watching closely.

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Video: DC National Guard Whistleblowers Reveal PENTAGON Under Direction of Mark Milley REFUSED to Deploy Guard After 5PM

And Liz Cheney’s Committee Never Called Them to Testify



On Wednesday morning the House Subcommittee on Oversight held a hearing with National Guard whistleblowers who stepped forward to correct the media lies and dishonest narrative on the January 6 protests and riots.

Four members of the National Guard testified on Wednesday that they were ready to be deployed on January 6 but THE PENTAGON held them back!

This directly brings General Milley’s actions into question!

Kash Patel tipped us off last month that there were more reports like this coming.

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Hearing Set, Three D.C. National Guard Officers to Expose January 6th Committee

DC National Guard whistle-blowers to say they WERE ready to be deployed
on January 6 on Trump's orders hours but were held back by the Pentagon
in bombshell testimony contradicting Capitol riot committee's story


Whistleblowers from the Washington D.C. National Guard will tell Congress that Donald Trump did want them deployed during the Capitol riot and the Army delayed telling them to mobilize in a bombshell hearing next week.

DailyMail.com can exclusively reveal that at least three officers will appear Wednesday before a House subcommittee to claim their stories were also ignored by the Democrat-led January 6 committee, because it didn't fit their narrative.

The hearing will aim to further prove that Acting Defense Secretary at the time Christopher Miller did give advance approval of D.C. National Guard deployment at the direction of then-President Donald Trump.

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Biden Regime Just Proved Once and for all That the US Government is the Most Corrupt Organization in the World



Our justice system is a goner. The writing was on the wall the moment Douglass Mackey got a federal prison slot for posting an anti-Hillary meme. Then, seeing J6 patriots branded as domestic terrorists and political prisoners sealed the deal. And when they threw a parade of sham indictments at President Trump, also known as “election interference,” well, that was the cherry on top. However, if anyone’s still thinking our system might have a shred of fairness left, this latest saga ought to flip that switch for you and prove once and for all that the US Government is the most corrupt organization in the world and it’s not even close…

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Video: Video Revealed by Jan. 6 Defendant Raises Questions About Undercover Agents

The DOJ has filed opposition to the defendant’s motion, saying it has
‘no obligation to investigate’ who the men in the videos are.



Recently released Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol Police security video shows a suspected FBI special agent clapping and cheering as crowds surged up steps to the Columbus Doors and another meeting with an FBI tactical team just before it entered the Capitol after the fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt.

The videos were first identified by defendant William Pope of Topeka, Kansas, in court filings in his own Jan. 6 criminal case. Exhibits Mr. Pope originally filed under seal have become public since the release of thousands of hours of Jan. 6 security video by the Committee on House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight.

Two possible FBI special agents and a third unknown colleague were with John D. Guandolo, the FBI’s former liaison with U.S. Capitol Police, at the Women for a Great America event on the East Front of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, according to Mr. Pope.

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Federal Judge Orders Release of January 6th Defendant While Condeming DOJ for 'Fact-Free' Approach



A judge has ordered that Jan. 6 defendant Kevin Seefried be released from prison pending the appeal of his conviction.

Last year, Seefried was sentenced to serve three years in federal prison for his role in Jan. 6 after being found guilty on five criminal charges, one felony and four misdemeanors.

Then, last December, the Supreme Court agreed to hear Fischer v. United States, a case concerning the proper application of 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c), a felony statute that federal prosecutors are using against Jan. 6 for "obstruction of an official proceeding." If the Supreme Court rules the statute cannot be applied to Jan. 6 defendants, then Seefried and hundreds of others would have their felony convictions vacated, resulting in substantially lighter sentences.

In light of the Supreme Court agreeing to hear the case, Seefried asked a judge to release him from prison pending appeal.


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Video: Kash Patel Drops the January 6 Truth Bomb Video Everyone Needs to Watch

Kash Patel served as a U.S. National Security Council official, senior advisor to the acting Director of National Intelligence and chief of staff to the acting U.S. Secretary of Defense in the Trump administration.  Kash Patel details the FACT that President Trump authorized the use of 10-20 thousand National Guard troops to be used at the Capitol BEFORE the events of January 6th 2001 occurred.  It was Nancy Peolsi who prevented the deployment, for obvious reasons.  Pelosi and her ilk deliberately orchestrated what happened to create the false narrative of an insurrection in order to justify prosecuting Trump.



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A Thousand Years of Prison Time Over a 6-Hour Delay of Congress


Yes you read that correctly.  Every student of the First Amendment knows about the infamous Alien and Sedition Acts, the Palmer Raids of World War I, the railroading of the Chicago 7, crackdowns on anti-war movements, and the FBI’s infamous COINTELPRO abuses and surveillance of Martin Luther King and the Black Panthers.

But the single greatest mass infringement on fundamental First Amendment freedoms is happening right now. But the civil liberties establishment, which rakes in millions annually parroting the civil rights talking points of the 1970s, has turned its back on the greatest mass political persecution in American legal history: the railroading of January 6 defendants.

As these words are written, the US District Court for DC is approaching a grim milestone: sometime in the next few weeks, a total of a thousand years of prison time will have been handed out to J6ers.  January 6 injustices are eclipsing all other American legal disgraces.

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FOIA Texts Reveal CIA Involved in January 6 Response – Deployed Bomb Techs, Dog Teams, Texts Reveal



Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained a tranche of emails that further prove the CIA played a key role in January 6.

According to the records obtained by Judicial Watch through a June 5 FOIA lawsuit, CIA bomb technicians were sent over to the so-called ‘bombs’ found at the RNC and DNC headquarters. They also had dog teams on standby.

Per Judicial Watch: A heavily redacted series of text messages from redacted sources state, “Command post is at JERSEY and D St SE.” Three additional recipients are added to the text group at 1:21 p.m., one of whom reports: “Just made contact with [redacted] FBI is reporting an additional 3 possible devices for a total of 5 now.” A response follows: “Do you have the locations of the other devices?” The reply is: “Not yet, the FBI is going to pass it on. I believe one was located at the gates to the Power Plant.” The following text states: “LEO’s [Law Enforcement Officers] being attacked on the west side of Capitol with pieces of the restraining fence. Some officers injured.”

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‘Star Witness’ Lies, Destroyed Evidence and Collusion Highlighted in New House GOP Jan. 6 Report



The House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight released on Monday the initial findings of its investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol Hill uprising—a report that will serve as the GOP rebuttal to the Democratic January 6th Commission.

The subcommittee released the report late Monday afternoon, and Headline USA has not yet read it in full. This publication will report on the entire contents, but below is a summary.

The main findings from the report focus on the Jan. 6 Commission destroying evidence, “star witness” Cassidy Hutchinson contradicting herself on numerous occasions and the committee colluding with Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. Much of the findings have already been reported by this outlet and others.

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