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It seems clear that those in control of destroying our country are deliberately destroying our monetary system, no doubt to make way for their total control scheme of replacing it with a completely digital monetary system. At this point, federal debt is rising by ONE TRILLION DOLLARS EVERY 90 DAYS!



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The Fraud Inherent in Fractional Reserve Banking



Suppose you bring a fur coat to a dry cleaner and later discover that the owner allowed his wife to wear it before cleaning it (an episode from Seinfeld). Or suppose you gave your car keys to a hotel valet and was told he lent your car to teenagers who took it for a joyride while you were sleeping at the hotel. You would not be too happy and for good reason. When you surrendered your clothes or your car keys, it was a bailment. You retained ownership and gave the clothes or car keys for safekeeping. In no shape or form did you surrender ownership of the items or lend out your property.

Suppose you lived in the eighteenth century and had a hundred ounces of gold. It’s heavy, and you do not live in a safe neighborhood, so you decide to bring it to a goldsmith for safekeeping. In exchange for this gold, the goldsmith gives you ten tickets on which are clearly marked as claims against a total of ten ounces. Now, gold is heavy and burdensome to carry, so in a short period of time, those claims will start circulating in place of gold. This is the creation of near monies. This doesn’t mean you have given up your ownership claims on gold but have instead used a simpler way of transferring ownership on this gold.

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Ron Paul: Blame the Fed for ‘Shrinkflation’

Shrinkflation is a rational response to increased prices caused by the Federal Reserve’s dollar depreciation.



President Biden may have recently made history as the first president to discuss snack chips in the State of the Union message. He used snack chips to illustrate the phenomenon of shrinkflation. Shrinkflation occurs when businesses reduce the amount of goods sold in order to avoid raising prices. President Biden pointed out that businesses hope that, since both the price and the size of the package remain the same, most consumers will not notice they are getting fewer chips, cookies, or whatever other product has been affected by shrinkflation.

President Biden called on Congress to pass legislation, sponsored by so-called moderate Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, to crack down on companies that reduce the amount of a good in a package. Biden and his congressional allies and media apologists think that this will stop shrinkflation. They think this because they believe shrinkflation is caused by corporate greed. In fact, shrinkflation is a rational response to increased prices caused by the Federal Reserve’s dollar depreciation.

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In Order to Curtail the Tyranny of Central Banks and Espionage Agencies, Americans Must Starve the State

Free markets, private property, and free speech are the bedrock of any TRULY free society



Central banks and espionage agencies are insidious threats to any free people. The former manipulate the value of money, and the latter manipulate the perceived truthfulness of information. Both ostensibly work for the broader public’s “best interest,” but as is true of all institutions, they ultimately serve the interests of those people who run them. Spies and bankers should not have so much power over free citizens.

Both institutions are not only plainly anti-democratic but also inherently authoritarian. The central banker says, “Free markets cannot be trusted to direct the flow of goods and services, so a small collection of experts must be empowered to manipulate markets at their discretion.”

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Central Banks and Domestic Spies


Central banks and espionage agencies are insidious threats to any free people.  The former manipulate the value of money, and the latter manipulate the perceived truthfulness of information.  Both ostensibly work for the broader public’s “best interest,” but as is true of all institutions, they ultimately serve the interests of those people who run them.  Spies and bankers should not have so much power over free citizens.

Both institutions are not only plainly anti-democratic but also inherently authoritarian.  The central banker says, “Free markets cannot be trusted to direct the flow of goods and services, so a small collection of experts must be empowered to manipulate markets at their discretion.”  The spy agency says, “Free peoples cannot be trusted to make wise decisions based upon available information, so a small collection of experts must be empowered to manipulate what the public knows.”

In both instances, freedom is diminished.  Adam Smith’s “invisible hand” of the marketplace is replaced with a banker’s gloved fist.  Self-government is superseded by a national security surveillance State.  A small caste of people exercise enormous power over everyone else.

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Video: US Debt of $30 Trillion Visualized in Stacks of Physical Cash

This video depicts what the US Debt would look like in stacks of physical cash in following sequence: $100, $10,000, $1 Million, $2 Billion, $1 Trillion, $30 Trillion The faith and value of the US Dollar rests on the Government's ability to repay its debt. "The money in the video has already been spent".

US Debt visualized info graphics article: http://demonocracy.info/infographics/...



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Video: The Creature From Jekyll Island – G. Edward Griffin

The author of The Creature from Jekyll Island; A Second Look at the Federal Reserve addresses such issues as: What is the Federal Reserve System? Who drafted the plan for the Fed and when did it occur? How is money created? What impact has this had on the American Dollar? Should our currency be backed by gold or silver? Where does Congress get most of its funding? – and much more.


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The 2024 Debt Spiral: How $1 Trillion in Interest Is Breaking the Federal Budget



Contrary to conventional wisdom, higher interest rates mean more inflation in the environment today.

That’s because the federal interest expense increases as interest rates rise. As the federal interest expense rises, so does the budget deficit. As the budget deficit increases, so does the currency debasement needed to finance it. Skyrocketing interest expense will have an enormous impact on the US budget.

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Intentional Destruction: First Covid, Now Comes "the Great Taking"

The Great Depression was a well-executed plan to seize assets, impoverish the population, and remake society. What comes next is worse..

A recent book by David Webb sheds new light on exactly what happened during the Great Depression. In Webb’s view, it was a set up.

Webb is a successful former investment banker and hedge fund manager with experience at the highest levels of the financial system. He published The Great Taking a few months ago, and recently supplemented it with a video documentary. Thorough, concise, comprehensible and FREE. Why? Because he wants everyone to understand what’s being done.

If you haven’t read “The Great Taking” or watched the documentary, I recommend you pour yourself a stiff drink and watch it now:

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