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Won't It Be Too Hard To Organize Enough People To Do It?

The short answer is no, it won't be too hard. 

This is an amazingly simple task. It doesn't require a massive organization to implement it. It's not a complex task like forming a new political party. All we need to do is convince all our friends and family to give this a try, just this once.  There is more than enough information on this site you can pass onto your friends, to inform them sufficiently about why this action is necessary and the best option for us to effect the kind of sweeping change we all know we need.

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How Will The Government Run If We Lose All The Experienced People?

Most of our government is “run” by bureaucrats, not our members of Congress. The Congress is the legislative branch of government, mainly responsible for writing laws, setting policies and creating the budgets for running our government. The founding fathers never intended the Congress to be loaded with “experienced politicians.” It’s supposed to be a “representative” branch of our government, of ordinary people, by ordinary people and for ordinary people. And it’s supposed to have a lot of turnover.

If our representatives obeyed the law of the land, the Constitution, the Federal Government would not have grown to the size it has and have it's hands into every area of our lives.  The Constitution was written specifically to "limit' the size and power of the federal government.   Most power is supposed to reside on the state level.

The fact of the matter is most of legislation being cranked out of our Federal government is written by powerful corporate interests in order to make whatever they wish to do legal.  It has NOTHING to do with the "peoples" business and protecting and defending our Constitutional rights.  If we eliminated powerful private interest control of government and reigned in the size and role of the Federal Government to Constitutionally allowed proportions, our representatives wouldn't be buried in a mountain of unnecessary and harmful legislation that only serves private special interests.

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What If The Incumbent is Running Unopposed?

This is will likely happen in some districts.  The only thing you can do about it is to get someone to run against them or run yourself.  One of the great things about this project is if people embrace it, there's no better opportunity for ordinary people to run for office.  If everyone decides they will not vote for incumbents, a person can win just by being an alternative on the ballot.  It would be possible to win without spending hardly any money at all.   Just get out and talk to your neighbors and spread the word.

If we all decided enough was enough and refused to vote for any sitting politician, they would not win no matter how much money they spent trying to con us into voting for them again.  Just find someone to run against them as an independent or run yourself as an independent.  If you can't get on the ballot, start a "write in campaign."


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Why Aren't You Set Up As A Tax Exempt Non-Profit?

We decided not to set up this project as a tax exempt 501-c3, non-profit primarily because if we did, we would be extremely limited in what we could and couldn't say in order to retain a tax exempt status.  The truth of the matter is, the criminals running things established this scam in order to shut a lot of people up. It's sole purpose was to create a way to limit free speech.  What better way than to do it through a special interest financial perk.  Give up your first amendment rights and we'll not tax the crap out of you.   In one fell swoop, they silenced and controlled virtually every pulpit in the country and a host of others.  I personally know of a church where the pastor is deathly afraid of saying anything political because he will loose his tax exempt status.  It's nuts!  He has been visited by government officials in order to let him know they are watching.

So we say it's not worth it.  Yes, it would be nice if people could deduct their contributions, but it's just not worth the price.  This whole project is about protecting and defending the liberties and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.   We believe it's better to simply pay the taxes.  We pay to play!  And we can say whatever the heck we need to say.  This isn't about saving money.  It's about saving our country!


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Are you proposing eliminating all lobbying?

No, we are not proposing eliminating all lobbying.  Lobbying is an important part of the political process.  We are specifically targeting corporate lobbying primarily because corporate lobbying is arguably the worst form of lobbying, and corporations should not be treated as if they are entitled to have the same access to influence the political process as 'real' people do.   Corporations are not people.  They are nothing more than a legal fiction required to create the legal entity necessary to conduct business. 

You will never see a person called IBM standing in line behind you at the polls to cast his vote.  Yet people that own corporations like IBM and massive corporate behemoths like it use the wealth and power of their corporate entities to gain totally unfair advantage over the rest of us.  Because they have finagled "human rights protections" for their corporations, the people that own the most powerful corporations render the democratic process null and void because money usually determines what will and won't happen, not our votes.

Bottom line is, our democratic process, our votes have no power so long as "money" equals free speech, and corporations are allowed to bullhorn over our voices with all their money.  An artificial entity such as a corporation that has no right to vote should have no right to lobby or directly interfere with our government and democratic process.

There will always be lobbying in the political process.  The problems arise when lobbying groups get so huge and powerful that they can silence any voices that oppose them and even drive good people out of office for daring to challenge them (The Israel Lobby comes immediately to mind).  There are plenty of lobbying groups that represent real people that have grown so large they can also cause tremendous harm to our Republic.

But the main premise of this project is we have to start somewhere if we are going to turn things around.  We can't solve every single problem all at once.  One of the biggest lobbying problems is corporate lobbying at this point and it's something we can actually solve fairly easily.  Once we solve that one, we can move onto setting up some rules for what massive lobbying groups can and can't do in order to keep the playing field as level as possible.

Our position is we must start with the first step, then the second step, then before you know it, we've moved 10,000 steps down the road towards the kind of world we all would prefer, mainly one that's not dominated by selfish, maniacal control freaks that would simply love to return the world to a feudal system where they lord it over all mankind.


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Wouldn't We Lose The Power To Tax And Regulate Corporations?

In the art of lying it is hard to surpass corporate lawyers. They have managed to place in the minds of law students, in the texts of some law books, and in the public mind, the idea that corporate personhood is necessary to bring corporations under rule of law. This is such a big lie it is amazing that they can tell it with a straight face. Corporations were taxed when they were artificial entities, long before they were granted personhood. They were more subject to the rule of law, not less, before receiving personhood. Read up on the history; don't be fooled again.


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Why Do We Want To Restrict The Freedom of Stockholders and People Who Work For Corporations?

This is a trick question. Corporate lawyers and propagandists will try to get people who work for corporations to support corporate personhood by lying to them about the effects of revocation. In fact individuals, whether they work for corporations or not, will retain all of the freedoms recognized in the constitution. In addition, individuals will have their freedom enhanced by not having their liberty overpowered by the rule of corporations. Only the artificial entity of the corporation will be redefined to have restrictions on its liberty.


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Would the media lose its freedom of the press and free speech?

The ruling that corporate ads on political and social issues is free speech could be overturned, but the corporate media would continue to have freedom of the press. New legislation would be needed to restrict corporations to ownership of a single radio or TV station, newspaper, or magazine and to insure that individual and non-corporate voices could be heard as well.


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