Most of our government is “run” by bureaucrats, not our members of Congress. The Congress is the legislative branch of government, mainly responsible for writing laws, setting policies and creating the budgets for running our government. The founding fathers never intended the Congress to be loaded with “experienced politicians.” It’s supposed to be a “representative” branch of our government, of ordinary people, by ordinary people and for ordinary people. And it’s supposed to have a lot of turnover.
If our representatives obeyed the law of the land, the Constitution, the Federal Government would not have grown to the size it has and have it's hands into every area of our lives. The Constitution was written specifically to "limit' the size and power of the federal government. Most power is supposed to reside on the state level.
The fact of the matter is most of legislation being cranked out of our Federal government is written by powerful corporate interests in order to make whatever they wish to do legal. It has NOTHING to do with the "peoples" business and protecting and defending our Constitutional rights. If we eliminated powerful private interest control of government and reigned in the size and role of the Federal Government to Constitutionally allowed proportions, our representatives wouldn't be buried in a mountain of unnecessary and harmful legislation that only serves private special interests.
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