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Video: O’Keefe Media Group: NIH Chief Confesses COVID Health Initiatives Were Completely Made Up…

“I Probably Shouldn’t Be Saying This Out Loud”


O’Keefe Media Group on Monday released its first undercover video in its NIH Tapes series.

In OMG’s first video release, Raja Cholan, Chief of Health Data Standards Branch US National Library of Medicine, said the Covid health initiatives were completely made up.

“I probably shouldn’t be saying this out loud. They might have funded a lab in Wuhan, China and Pfizer and Moderna are getting a bunch of money from all of these vaccine mandates,” Raja Cholan said to the OMG undercover journalist.

“I don’t even know if these vaccines stop you from getting COVID. They don’t,” Raja Cholan said, adding, “We’re all going to learn [about the dangers of the Covid vaccine] when it’s too late.”

Raja Cholan said the ‘six feet of social distancing’ rule “wasn’t based on any real evidence that it did anything – it was completely made up.”

The NIH Chief told OMG that Trump’s victory is “worse for the NIH.”

“It would be better for a Democrat to be in office,” he said.

We fly under the radar of really being scrutinized…I don’t think I have too much to worry about. That’s not recording, right?” he said to the undercover journalist.

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NIH Top Brass Caught Conspiring to Evade Questions About Coronavirus Research at Wuhan Lab



Newly disclosed emails reveal that top officials at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) planned to provide Congress with a response that “doesn’t actually answer the questions” about a grant the agency awarded to a nonprofit for controversial research conducted in collaboration with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

Independent journalist Paul D. Thacker, author of “The Disinformation Chronicle” on Substack, analyzed the emails, which were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by investigative reporter Jimmy Tobias.

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NIH Scientists Made $710 MILLION in Royalties From Drug Makers - A Fact They Tried to Hide


During the pandemic, the American people started to feel that Big Government was very cozy with Big Pharma.

Now we know just how close they were.

New data from the National Institutes of Health reveal the agency and its scientists collected $710 million in royalties during the pandemic, from late 2021 through 2023. These are payments made by private companies, like pharmaceuticals, to license medical innovations from government scientists.

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COVER-UP: Anthony Fauci's COVID Team Conspired to Evade FOIA Requests



With each new day, it seems, the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus pandemic uncovers some fresh outrage. The latest? More evidence of attempts by members of Dr. Anthony Fauci's team to destroy government records, as well as their forwarding of official records to unofficial, unapproved recipients and other attempts to evade Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. 

On Tuesday, the Subcommittee released information on their official X/Twitter account documenting the team's attempts to evade the FOIA requests.

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Video: Top NIH Adviser Deleted Records, Used Secret Back Channels to Help Fauci Evade COVID Transparency


A top adviser at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) deleted records critical to uncovering the origins of COVID-19 — and used a “secret back channel” to help Dr. Anthony Fauci and a federal grantee that funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China, evade transparency.

NIH senior adviser Dr. David Morens improperly conducted official government business from his private email account and solicited help from the NIH’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) office to dodge records requests, according to emails revealed in a memo by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, which The Post obtained Wednesday.

“[I] learned from our foia [sic] lady here how to make emails disappear after I am foia’d [sic] but before the search starts,” Morens wrote in a Feb. 24, 2021, email. “Plus I deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to gmail [sic].”

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IT WAS ALL A LIE: Former NIH Director Admits There Was No Evidence For ‘Social Distancing’ During COVID Pandemic



During the COVID-19 pandemic, one could not go five minutes without hearing the phrase “social distancing.”

The theory, according to the country’s leading scientific “experts,” was that by keeping a distance of six feet from one another, one could successfully protect the vulnerable from the COVID virus and save millions of lives.

Now it turns out it was all a lie.

Francis Collins, the former director of the National Insitute of Health, admitted in a closed-door interview earlier this year that he did not see any scientific evidence that social distancing was a proven method of containing the virus.

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Biden Recruits Compromised and Incompetent Doctor Monica Bertagnolli to Lead NIH



Here’s another data point for those who think Joe Biden’s administration is a wrecking

operation intentionally recruiting compromised incompetents to dismantle our federal constitutional government.

An investigation of Dr. Monica Bertagnolli, Joe Biden's nominee to lead the National Institute of Health (NIH), conducted by our friends at the American Accountability Foundation (AAF) has revealed her shocking history of incompetence as a doctor and her close multi-million-dollar ties to the very Big Pharma companies she is supposed to regulate.

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FREE Video Library: National Institute of Health (NIH)

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  •   Top NIH Adviser Deleted Records, Used Secret Back Channels to Help Fauci Evade COVID Transparency
    A top adviser at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) deleted records critical to uncovering the origins of COVID-19 — and used a “secret back channel” to help Dr. Anthony Fauci and a federal grantee that funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China, evade transparency.
  •   Declassified - Scientists Lose Jobs Amid Probe Into Foreign Ties With China
    An ongoing inquiry by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) into grantees’ failures to disclose foreign ties has resulted in the firings and resignations of 54 scientists. The NIH investigation has investigated 189 scientists for undisclosed foreign ties, with 93 percent of the hidden funding coming from China. Some 77 grantees have been removed from the NIH system as a result of the probe.
  •   Time For Dr. Fauci To Go!
    Is it time for Fauci to go?  "Yes," he's been wrong at EVERY TURN!
  •   Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - My Fight Against Mandatory Vaccinations, Big Pharma, And Dr. Fauci
    Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic Kennedy has contradicted the mainstream media and are here today to discuss the global lockdown, vaccine development, the roles of Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates and more.
  •   Dr. Graves Slams Dr. Fauci & Attack on Liberty Amid COVID19
    In this exclusive interview with The New American, Dr. Karladine Graves, a high-profile medical doctor who has been providing information and advice to the White House on coronavirus and other issues, slams the willingness of Americans to trade their liberty for supposed safety. She also slammed Dr. Anthony Fauci, questioning whether he has a conflict of interest. In particular, Dr. Graves believes the government should get out of the way and let doctors deal with their patients. She also supports the use of hydroxychloroquine, despite the Democrats and others trying to stop its use.


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Videos: Worse Than Fauci: Peter Hotez Vies for Power as Lead Propagandist for Big Pharma and the Global Deep State

UPDATE: 8-4-2024
‘Charlatan’ Dr. Peter Hotez Calls United Nations and NATO to Deploy Security forces Against “Anti-Vaxxers” in the US



  • Dr. Peter Hotez, dean for the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, is enamored with dangerous virus tinkering, censorship and state-directed cyberattacks on civilians. He decries the benefits of whole food and nutrition and is a leading advocate for biomedical tyranny and the murder of independent thinkers
  • In a professionally produced PR video for the World Health Organization, Hotez refers to vaccine safety advocates as “anti-science aggressors” and claims “anti-vaccine activism” has become “a major killing force globally”
  • Hotez ignores data showing the jab does more harm than good. For example, a recent Cleveland Clinic study concluded that the risk of COVID-19 infection “increased with the number of vaccine doses previously received”
  • Cleveland Clinic also found the bivalent COVID-19 booster was only 30% effective in preventing infection “during the time when the virus strains dominant in the community were represented in the vaccine”
  • In the fall of 2021, about 3 in 10 adults who died from COVID-19 were jabbed or boosted. By April 2022, 6 in 10 adults who died from COVID-19 were jabbed or boosted, and that remained true through August 2022, which is the latest data available

As Dr. Anthony Fauci steps down from his position as director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and top chief of the American bioweapons program, the scene is open for another word-wrangling science bungler to step into the limelight.

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Elon Musk Digs Up Dirt on Fauci, Goes Public: ‘The Head of Bioethics at NIH Is His Wife’



Twitter boss Elon Musk found some dirt on Dr. Anthony Fauci and went public on his social media platform to devastating effect.

Musk has raised the alarm over a glaring conflict of interest regarding Fauci that we should have known about a long time ago before calling him out over gain-of-function research.

In several posts on Twitter, Musk shared information about Fauci with his followers.

Musk said: “Almost no one seems to realize that the head of bioethics at NIH – the person who is supposed to make sure that Fauci behaves ethically – is his wife.

“‘Gain-of-function’ in this context is just another way of saying ‘bioweapon.’

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