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Why Do You Have Ads On This Site?

It's always amazing when people complain about advertising on web sites like this.  Some people seem to believe it can't be a genuine effort if there's any sign money is being solicited to fund the project.  Seriously, what makes people think we are supposed to do everything for free?  What makes people think it's possible to make anything happen without any funding whatsoever?  That view is beyond unrealistic.

We are up against people who literally have unlimited resources, unlimited wealth and power, which is why they have accomplished all that they have accomplished to destroy our country.  It is not possible to mount a serious national campaign against the powers-that-be with no funding. 

As it stands now, the advertising on this web site does not generate very much revenue.  We have no staff to speak of because of the lack of funding.  So . . . if you think this project is a good idea, help fund the idea so we can actually bring in enough revenue to hire a staff and mount a powerful national campaign.  Such a thing is not possible without adequate funding.



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Wouldn't Be Better To Just Refuse To Vote Altogether? Boycott the Whole Process?

The argument of boycotting the election process sounds compelling only because those proposing it always leave out one BIG issue.   There are a lot of people who think the government is running just fine.  I guarantee you that they will all show up to vote.

I think the best way to look at this question is to imagine the consequences IF you were successful in convincing a lot of people to refuse to participate.  You'd be darn lucky to get 70% of the voters to go along with you, which would leave 30% of the voters who will show up to vote.  So the net result of your grand plan would be that you just let a smaller than usual handful of people reelect all the exact same scum bags and NOTHING will change.

If however we do what the KTAO project is proposing and we manage to get 70% of the voters to vote for the incumbent's strongest challengers, we would be successful removing every one we possibly can.  70% beats 30% any way you slice it.  Even with vote tampering.   Tampering cannot stop that kind of turnout.  

So 70% refuse to vote.  Nothing changes.   70% votes the strategic way we're proposing, everything changes.

Taking no action has never solved anything.  By doing nothing you just make it even easier for those in control to continue doing exactly what they are doing.


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This Will Never Work Because Elections Are Not That Simple.

I just love this one.  I primarily hear it form people that are steeped in the current political system, you know, the people that "know everything about how things work."  I always have to laugh because they are basically saying, we can't do this because unless we do what needs to be done within a system that we all know doesn't work, it won't work.  That's just like this absurd notion that we must voluntarily give up our liberties and freedoms so or beloved government can control every aspect of life in order to make sure the evil terrorists can't rob us of our liberties and freedoms.

This campaign will work precisely because it's a way to participate in our election process that is totally outside the "how it's supposed to work box."   As long as we participate in the elections the way "we are supposed to," we will never be able to stop what's happening.  We all know that game is rigged against us.  So why play a game that we all know is rigged?  We need to play the game in a way that isn't rigged if we hope to produce a different outcome.

This campaign will work simply because it ignores all the rules.  It provides a totally different reason for voting that has nothing to do with political parties or anything that we are told it has to do with.  This campaign shows everyone we can cast our votes in a unified fashion that has nothing to do with deciding which party controls the purse strings.  And it shows everyone that by casting our votes to vote against all incumbents, we can stage an event the likes of which the world has never seen.  We can FIRE CONGRESS with our votes if we cast them in this revolutionary way.
This election CAN BE THIS SIMPLE.  We don't have to play party politics.  We don't have to get all caught up in all the B.S.  We can simply go and make our will felt in the most undeniable way possible.  We can ruthlessly, mercilessly, vote out every incumbent.  We can.  I is that simple.   

If we do this just once, we will change the whole political ball game in a major, major way.  And the new freshman Congress with have to deal with something no Congress in history has ever had to deal with.  They will have the knowledge that WE just fired everyone that came before them.  They will know that the American people have snapped out of it and they are not going to put up with it anymore.


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Won’t It Be Too Disruptive To The Operation of Our Government If We Do This?

The quick answer is no. Since our government is run more like a mob operation, an institution of pure corporate cronyism than “The People’s House,” that it’s supposed to be, we will simply be stopping the bulk of criminal activity. Being worried about disrupting the smooth operation of our government is literally like saying it wouldn’t be a good idea to stop the smooth operation of the God Father’s criminal activities.

The fact of the matter is, most of what goes on in our Congress has nothing to do with taking care of the people’s business. Most all of our representatives time is taken up with legislation and regulations that only serves to advance powerful private interests or activities that will get them reelected. The so-called smooth operation of our government you’re worried about is mostly destroying this country as fast as it possibly can. If you want proof of this, check out the stories on the web site about the North American Union we are being dissolved into. Very few politicians are saying one word about it and like every other act that destroys more of our liberties and freedoms; they are just letting it happen.

Most people just don't realize the Federal government is not supposed to have its fingers in everything. Its roll is supposed to be very limited with most power residing on the state level of government. What has happened is that powerful, private corporate and special interest groups have taken over government and are using its powers to invade and control every area of our lives. The real problem is we have just been conned into believing that the Federal Government is supposed to be involved in our lives from cradle to grave. It's hogwash. It's just another successful ad campaign by those with the most wealth and power.

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If We Elect All New People, We Won't Know Anything About Them.

Yes, this is true. But this fear is really pretty hollow. If you think about it, how much do you know about the people in the Congress now? For that matter, how much do you really know about most of the people that are directly in your life? Most of the people in our lives are merely acquaintances. Our politicians aren't even that. Most of us have never even met them face to face. We may recognize their face, their names, but most of us have no idea what kind of person they are or even what their voting record is.

It seems as though we have been socially conditioned to associate familiarity with a sense that we know someone. It's just not true. I don't think most people would think they really 'know' someone they have very little personal interaction with, so why do we do it with politicians? I'm sure you have heard stories about what our politicians are 'really' like when the cameras are off. The bottom line is there really is no way to truly know what a person's character is going to be until we see what their actions are. We know that the people currently in office have made it abundantly clear that we can't trust them. Virtually all of them are aggressively engaged in selling us out as fast as they can, destroying this country and stripping us of our liberties and freedoms.

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How Can This Work With So Much Vote Tampering Going On?

This is another question that’s a concern about something that’s already happening. No matter what we do, they are going to mess with the results. The truth is, they have been doing it for a long time, long before the electronic machines came along. thousands, upon thousands of paper ballots are routinely tossed every election all across the country for one reason or another. So this is nothing new.

The question should be, if we know they are going to be tampering, how can we prevent them from benefiting from it?  The way to prevent them from benefiting from their tampering is to orchestrate landslide elections against every incumbent.  Vote tampering cannot stop landslide elections.   They'd simply have to throw too many votes and it would absolutely expose what they were doing to everyone. 

The fact of the matter is, according to groups like Black Box Voting, they estimate that voting machines are rigged to throw roughly 3-5% of the votes one way or the other.  So the good news is 95% of our votes are actually counted accurately.   The whole tampering scheme only works when elections are close, which is why they try to make them all very, very close  races.

There’s no way they could tamper with the outcome if we all decided to go to the polls for one reason this time and one reason only.  To vote out incumbents.  Period. We just have to vote for their strongest competitors to make sure they get the boot.   Landslide elections against all incumbents would absolutely deny those tampering with our elections any say over the outcome. 

And don't worry about whether or not we just elect a bunch that are just as rotten because if we do this, if we fire Congress, the new freshman Congress will have to deal with something no Congress has ever had to deal with in our history, the knowledge that the American people just FIRED everyone that came before them.  We will have proven we are not going to put up with this crap anymore and the new Congress will know it!  So they will be far more likely to do the job we've hired them to do.  The reason we are no longer represented in our government is primarily due to the fact that we have no power over it.  Until we cast our votes in a way that will be FELT, we have no power. 

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If We Don't Support Incumbents Our Party Can't Win Control Of Congress?

This is a big one . . . perhaps the biggest one because we have been totally conned into believing the whole point of elections is to decide which party controls the Congress. If you are someone with a strong political party allegiance, the criteria you probably use to decide who your candidate will be is almost entirely determined by your perception of whether or not you think they can beat the opposing party candidate. Name recognition, looks, their ability to appear “electable” is usually the values applied by those with strong party feelings in deciding whom they will endorse for political office. A huge number of people can’t get past this one.

In order to do it, you have to be willing to step outside of the box for a moment. You have to take a step back and consider that perhaps those in control of our government and election process have purposely overemphasized party politics because it’s what they need you to believe in order for them to control the outcome much more easily. I ask you to consider that the people running both major political parties are doing the bidding of the same people our politicians really work for. Ask yourselves “what if” the heads of both main parties are completely aware that it’s all a performance and “what if” they are employed to perpetuate the con? Would that really be so hard to imagine? I mean look at the entire industries that exists just to support the partisan game, the massive numbers of political party strategists, the pollsters, the talking heads, the advisors, the pundits, the authors . . . it goes on and one. There’s a lot of money being made keeping this game going and plenty of incentive to make sure we keep buying into it. The people in control of our government are very savvy. They are masters at psychological manipulation. And they know that human beings have a deep-seated tribal instinct. They know the easiest way to control large numbers of people is to encourage them into tribal behavior.


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How Do We Know We Won't Just Be Electing More Bad People . . . More Of The Same?

This is really a mindless fear.  But I hear it over and over.  What is really being asked is, “what if we do this and nothing turns out any different?”  So what’s the big fear?  The thing you are so worried about is nothing will change.  What is so scary about that?  We're all used to that outcome.  Why should that stop us from trying to make a sweeping change to see if will make a difference? 

This fear that nothing will changes is just one possible outcome.   The other side of the coin is, what if it makes a huge difference?  If the worst that could happen is nothing changes, well, what do we have to lose?

This really isn’t a critical issue.  If we set a precedent by firing them all, the whole notion that politics is a path to wealth and power will experience a lethal blow.  As Jefferson said to a friend who was all concerned about how to get only good people into Congress:

Speak to me not of good men.  Rather let us bind men down with the chains of the Constitution.

I’m just amazed that so many people think there’s some way to make sure only good people get into government.  Most all the people in there now got in there because they LIE about their values and what they believe in.  I’d be willing to wager that a lot of people running now that seem to be all for restoring the Constitution are simply opportunists embracing whatever people want to hear in order to get into office.   Jefferson and all the founding fathers knew full well there’s no way to prevent rotten people from getting into office.  And there’s no way to prevent good people from doing stupid things.  So they deliberately wrote the constitution to severely limit the role of the Federal Government.  If we simply demanded that the government comply with the Constitution, their power to tax and regulate would be severely restricted so no man or woman, good or bad, could do too much damage.

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People Are Sheep. How Can You Hope To Get Them To Do Anything?

This is really quite a bleak view of our fellow man isn’t it? I think people are sheepish simply because it’s our basic nature to be kind, gentle, easy-going, and inherently cooperative. People are overly sheepish for many reasons, most of which are out of the average person’s control. If we accept that being sheepish is some horrible condition that renders the average person incapable of doing anything, incapable of standing up when the time comes, I think we are cutting ourselves very short. I mean what kind of society do we really want? Do we want a society filled only with predatory types, winner takes all, survival of the fittest? When you look at what our society has turned into, we have allowed this predatory attitude to dominate just about everything.

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If We Do This Won't the Good Ones In Congress Will Be Booted As Well?

Many people express the fear that we will be throwing out the baby with the bath water; we’ll toss the good ones in Congress as well if we do an indiscriminate house cleaning.  Fact of the matter is, the few good people that everyone is worried about will most likely be reelected anyway.    But, to make a concession to this concern, we have given a free pass to the two most often mentioned candidates that we need to hang onto, Dr. Ron Paul (Republican) and Dennis Kucinich (Democrat).  So believe it or not, we actually give them KEEPER status in our list of incumbents, though I should retract Denise after he flip-flopped on the healthscare bill.  He was adamantely against it until he stepped onto Airforce One.  Would love to have been a fly on the wall in that room! 

The best way to look at the whole election process and the form of government we are supposed to have is with a comment that Jefferson said to someone who was concerned about how to elect only good people to office:

Speak to me not of good men.  Rather let us bind men down with the chains of the Constitution.

In other words, it’s impossible to ensure that we only elect good men and women.  The founding fathers knew this full well so they wrote the Constitution, not to ensure we only elect good people, but to make sure no matter what kind of person is elected, they have very limited power and therefore can do very little harm.  If we actually had a fully functional Constitutional Republic that adhered to the guidelines of the Constitution it wouldn’t make any difference who served because their ability to tax and regulate would be severely restricted.

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