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Videos: UFOs Werner Von Braun and the Hoaxed Alient Invation from Space

Werner von Braun: Warned to Beware Fake Alien Threat from Space


Tucker Carlsen - April 16, 2021


Commentary by Greg Steorts regarding "Swarming over military assets/"

Of course they are! How else do you set up pretext for a hostile "alien invasion?" You can't very well have them just flying lazily over a city zoo, a national park, or over the open desert. They need to be "swarming military assets and facilities." That way they can be framed as a "threat to national security."

The guy being interviewed in this FOX News segment below, is one I've heard before. He's a relatively new mouthpiece for UFO-related propaganda. Get ready for the deep state to rally the clueless, beleaguered masses under a banner of perpetual warfare, against a fabricated 'enemy from outer space.' This is how the deep state keeps its control over earth and its people; posing as "our protectors," while fending-off any hope for intelligent life ever visiting earth and upsetting the agendas the global oligarch's enjoy with impunity, from their entrenched positions of centralized control of literally everything.
No, we are not alone in the universe. The narrative that we are, has been the operative lie for generations, and if "aliens" wanted to invade a planet of violent morons more concerned with beating the crap out of one other over their differing skin color, or binge-watching "reality" TV while horking-down carcinogenic junk food and pharmaceuticals, they'd have landed on our lawns a long time ago. But ask yourself, when was the last time you wanted to visit a steaming pile of dog shit and explore its fetid dimensions?   

The "invasion" we're perpetually encouraged to fear from above by aliens, is a red herring that's been perfected in concept through Hollywood and TV since the early 50's, meant to distract us from the fact that those running our planet ARE the invading influence. If that sounds absurd, just look around you. Take note of who's turning our planet into a cesspool of insanity, toxicity, idiocracy, destruction, and endlessly-waged warfare-for-profit to fill the coffers of the military industrial complex, that sits like a vampire squid on the face of our planet, sucking it dry and leaving it a dead husk unfit for human well being. There's your invasion.

So I say, fear not an alien invasion from above. If extraterrestrials wanted to invade us they would have done it long ago. Better to be concerned that no real intelligence ever finds its way to earth.




by L C Vincent

Dr. Wernher von Braun was a top-ranking SS officer who was also the head of the Nazi rocket program during WWII. Von Braun was brought to America after the war because our government considered his knowledge and expertise too vital to fall into the hands of our enemies.

Dr. von Braun and his colleagues brought with them a wealth of information gleaned from other top Nazi scientists like his boss, SS General Hans Kammler. Von Braun may have been privy to work on anti-gravity propulsion vehicles reputedly under development during the last days of The Third Reich. Over the years of his tenure, von Braun may also have enjoyed access to NASA’s secret programs. It certainly does seem this way, as von Braun apparently began to see the “big picture” regarding the true goals of America’s space program and how the military-industrial complex was manipulating it according to a secret, hidden agenda during the latter years of his life.

Dr. Carol Rosin first met Dr. Wernher von Braun in February of 1974. It was at this time, shortly before his death in 1977, that von Braun confided to Dr. Rosin the details of this secret space agenda.

Inviting her into his office, Von Braun stunned Dr. Rosin by describing this plan, point for point, as well as describing in detail exactly where it was all leading: planetary control under an oppressive One World Government.

According to Dr. Rosin, von Braun then gave her one supreme assignment to thwart this plan: to stop the weaponization of space. Failure to do so would lead to calamity for the human race as a secretive trans-national power, already in existence, would move to permanently take control of this planet thru a hoaxed alien invasion from outer space.

According to von Braun, space-based weapons, later known as the “Star Wars” program, were to be publicly promoted as our space “shield” against the evil Russians. Then they would be promoted as our defense against terrorists from Third World countries (‘rogue’ nations or ‘nations of concern’). Then their necessity would be justified as protection against asteroids and meteors, and the “last card,” the final justification according to von Braun, would be their installation in orbit against an extraterrestrial threat from outer space.

Von Braun told Dr. Rosin that she would begin to notice a certain “spin” on the news, which would illustrate the need to build space-based weaponry because our enemies “might” have these weapons, so our intelligence community would proceed on the assumption that they DO have these weapons. As we now know, this is exactly how the Star Wars program transpired.

According to Wernher von Braun, all of these publicly announced threats were lies. Von Braun cited the reality of nuclear suitcase bombs being available even then, as well as chemical, viral, bacterial and biological terror weapons against which these space-based weapons would be useless.

More importantly, von Braun told Dr. Rosin in 1974 that we already had the technology to build anti gravity vehicles and entire transportation systems which did not require so-called ‘fossil fuels but instead used “beams” of energy, thereby eliminating all pollution from these sources permanently. Perhaps Dr. von Braun had seen anti-gravity vehicles with his own eyes in Germany before the end of the war, as wel l as their continued development at other secret technology sites afterwards.

Von Braun further told Dr. Rosin that we had the ability to transform our “war” based military/industrial complex into a space and energy industry for the benefit of all of humanity, and that we had the capability of building entirely nonpolluting transportation technologies using this same limitless energy, while ending the arms race without dislocating the jobs associated with it. Mankind could transition to a new industrial paradigm and usher in an era of peace, plenty and prosperity for everyone on Earth.

Of course, what is equally interesting is what Dr. von Braun left unsaid. If space based weapons technologies are not really being developed to protect the U.S. and its allies against rogue nations and their weapons; if, indeed, such weapons are useless against suit case nuclear bombs, as well as chemical, biological and viral weapons, then exactly why are they being developed? Could select populations of resistors, whether nation-states or isolated groups opposed to the coming New World Order, be singled out and eliminated?

That is certainly one possibility. Yet another possibility is that such space based weapons will be part of the “smoke and mirrors” light show designed to terrify the population of the Earth when “Project Blue Beam” debuts, with its false, projected presentation of an alien invasion.

According to Dr. Steven Greer, the head of the “Disclosure Project,” “….the prospect that a shadowy, para-governmental and transnational entity exists that has kept UFO’s secret — and is planning a deception that will dwarf the events of 9/11…” is a scenario that more people within the depths of our government have begun to reveal.

If Dr. Werhner von Braun already knew that anti-gravitic technology existed in 1974, then we must also conclude that part of the coming alien “light show” and invasion scenario scheduled to frighten us into the arms of a One World Government, utilizing the technology described in Project Blue Beam, is based on anti-gravitic “alien” craft under the planetary control of the unseen Illuminati hand which silently moves under the radar of the world’s staged media.

Even Dr. Greer, who had brought Dr. Rosin to Washington D. C. to publicly testify about Dr. von Braun’s warning and concern for the future of humanity based upon the nefarious plans he had uncovered during his tenure at NASA, admits that he was at first skeptical of the reality behind this proposal.

Dr. Greer writes: “Since 1992 I have seen this script unveiled to me by at least a dozen well-placed insiders. Of course, initially I laughed, thinking this just too absurd and far-fetched…. and yet others told me explicitly that things that looked like UFOs, but that are built and under the control of deeply secretive ´black´ projects, were being used to simulate – hoax – ET-appearing events, including some abductions and cattle mutilations, to sow the early seeds of cultural fear regarding life in outer space. And that at some point after global terrorism, events would unfold that would utilize the now-revealed Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs, or reversed-engineered UFOs made by humans by studying actual ET craft) to hoax an attack on Earth.”

The goal of this hoaxed space alien invasion was simple: control thru fear, to drive governments of all nations to submit and unite under one central authority, a One World Government, and as Dr. Greer said: “…to justify eventually spending trillions on space weapons… th us uniting the world in fear, in militarism and war.”

Of course, we have been purposely conditioned over the years to view any space aliens as threatening and predatory. Such films as “Independence Day,” “Alien”, “War of the Worlds” and others produced by Hollywood studios have had their effect on the subconscious mind of the general public. As Dr. Greer states: “…this mental conditioning to fear ET has been subtly reinforced for decades, in preparation for future deceptions.”

The essence of the plan is simple: create an anonymous enemy “out there” in the limitless void of space. As Dr. Greer explains: “By commingling fact with fiction, and by hoaxing UFO events that can look terrifying, The Plan is to eventually crate a new, sustainable, off-planet enemy… Wernher von Braun warned of such a hoax, as a pretext for putting war in space.”

Dr. Carol Rosin revealed this information before the national press in Washington, D.C. where she also said that she was willing to make the exact same statement under oath to Congress. Of course, the official main stream media never saw fit to make mention of this startling pronouncement by Dr. Rosin.

The possibility of an “off planet” space fleet already in existence was given even more credence recently when a young Scottish hacker by the name of Gary McKinnon recently broke into the Pentagon’s computers and reputedly came up the names of some of our “off-world” U.S. space fleet (identified under the abbreviation: USSS), two specific space ships, (the USSS LeMay and the USSS Hillenkoetter), the names of the various crews, their ranks, and transfer assignments between various “off Earth” space ships.

Apparently, this computer security breach so enraged the brass at the Pentagon that The U.S. Government is currently seeking to extradite McKinnon from the U.K. to face charges of computer hacking with a punishment of LIFE IN PRISON! Certainly this is one way to permanently silence an embarrassing discoverer of forbidden information.

Wernher von Braun, his assistant Dr. Carol Rosin, and Dr. Steven Greer of The Disclosure Project have done their best to warn the world at large of this coming deception based on secret energy technology, new visual projection technology and the continued demonization of space aliens by our media and our military/industrial complex.

Dr. Greer concludes: “Space based weapons are already in place – part of a secret parallel space program that has been operating since the 1960s. ARVs are built and ready to go. Space holographic deception technologies are in place, tested and ready to fire. And the Big Media is a pawn…”

But we do not have to be. Now that we know what The Illuminati and their minions have planned, we can prepare for the greatest deception in human history by warning others, taking stock of our present set of circumstances, and deciding how we might deal with a hoaxed space-alien invasion scenario.

The knowledge that technology may exist today which would end the need for mining, drilling, refinement and distribution of oil, gas, and coal, as well as traditional nuclear energy; which could usher in a new age for the entire human race while eliminating the pretexts for the endless wars which have roiled our planet for the last two hundred years, must give us pause to ponder.

This alternate scenario, that of free energy, of peace, plenty and prosperity and the elimination of pollution forces us to face the dark core of evil wherein the ironically named “Illuminati” reside. For despite the potential of creating a revolutionary leap forward in the history of Mankind, this insidious group continues to plot to keep our world mired in poverty, fear, war, and ignorance while moving to make their dark desire for total control permanent upon this planet.

It is time to choose which destiny we truly desire. Nothing worthwhile in life ever comes without struggle. The Illuminati have given us the challenge of our lives. May we be prepared for the coming battle.

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