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Video: New Video of E. Jean Carroll Reveals a Completely Unpredictable and Deranged Woman Obsessed with Men and Sex

Editor's Note: When you review the kind of women Trump has married and women he's dated it's pretty obvious Trump is telling the truth when he says E. Jean Carroll is "not his type."  Frankly, I don't think she's any normal man's type. 


Even in the 90s E. Jean Carroll Was Already Unhinged



A newly resurrected video of E. Jean Carroll from her 1996 television show in New York City reveals a completely unpredictable and deranged woman who is obsessed with men and sex.

The guests look noticeably uncomfortable as E. Jean Carroll lays down on the floor during the segment, starts screaming something about ‘The Dating Game’ show and then objectifies the male guests.

E. Jean Carroll: All’s you have to remember is you’re a woman. And if you’re a woman you’re precious… Yes my darlings, chasing men is the highest amusement there is, but manhandling the difficult little buggers is something else… Call me… I hate that music. I hate that music. I hate that music. This is not, not, not The Dating Game… A melancholy proposition is before our beautiful Moira. She either’s going to prove herself as a complete nitwit as a man handler… Here I come. Is there anybody here that weighs less than 400 pounds.

This was around the same stretch of years she said Trump took her shopping for lingerie after meeting on the street and raped her in the dressing room at a high end department store. E. Jean Carroll does not even remember the year this took place and had to change her story because she was caught in a lie about the so-called dress she was wearing that day.

The fact that the case against President Trump made it to court shows how corrupt the courts in New York City have become and how dangerous it is to live and work in New York City as a conservative American.

As reported earler… In 2019, Elizabeth Jean Carroll claimed that former President Trump raped her in a Bergdorf Goodman department store dressing room in Manhattan in the mid-1990s while they were shopping. She’s not clear when this happened.

In the same year, E. Jean Carroll sat down for an interview with Vanity Fair following her bogus accusations against Trump.

The article paints Carroll as a complete lunatic who lived with mice in a cabin she called the “Mouse House,” painted trees and rocks outside her log cabin blue, and traveled the country with her blue-dyed poodle but not her cat, Vagina T. Fireball, who she left back home.

Vanity Fair wrote, “The “E” in “E. Jean” stands for Elizabeth, a name she gave herself after growing up as Betty Jean. She lives in a cabin she calls “the Mouse House,” surrounded by trees with trunks she’s painted a striking shade of pale blue. When she embarks on her road trip, in a Prius named Miss Bingley, she leaves behind her cat, Vagina T. Fireball, but takes her now-departed standard poodle, Lewis Carroll, whose pompadour was also dyed blue.”

E. Jean Carroll claimed to have had sexual tips from her dog, although it is still unclear if she was referring to Lewis Carroll, or to another dog she named Tits. Yes, you read that right.

E. Jean Carroll’s dog, Lewis Carroll (Youtube/Elle Magazine)

A video that was uploaded to Youtube by Elle Magazine on October 30, 2017, served as further evidence that the information on Vanity Fair was accurate.

The video centers on Carroll’s daily life at her house in upstate New York while wearing a red wig. As of this writing, it has been viewed nearly 33,000 times.

Below is the excerpt at the 4:40 mark:

“I call it the “Mouse House” because some very distinguished mice live here. Conneman(?) lives in the kitchen. Tuberski(?) lives in the bedroom.

This is my shed. And on that side are the books that most influenced me growing up. On the door, are the list of my dogs Markie, Fortuna de la Spunky(?), Heidi, Tits, Bloody, and Hepburn.

The streams and the rivers were dry and it so horrified me that I came out and started painting the rocks blue to indicate that there was once a river here. And then after I got done painting the rocks, I just sort of walked over here and then did that tree and then did that tree. And then I did this tree. And then pretty soon I’d done this whole forest.

“The Mouse House” (Youtube/Elle Magazine)

“The Mouse House” (Youtube/Elle Magazine)

Carroll painted the rock blue (Youtube/Elle Magazine)

(Youtube/Elle Magazine)

(Youtube/Elle Magazine)

(Youtube/Elle Magazine)


Carroll has served as a columnist for Elle magazine and claimed to have the longest-running advice columnist in history.

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