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Video: John Fund: US Far Behind Mexico, Canada, and Europe in Election Safeguards

“Almost all [European nations], with one or two exceptions, require voter ID at the polls. … Mexico, which is our southern neighbor, has a very extensive biometric ID card and a very extensive voter registration system that’s constantly updated.”

How prevalent is election fraud in the United States? And what explains the aversion in America to voter ID laws, restrictions on mail-in voting, and other election integrity laws that are common in much of the developed world?

In this episode, we sit down with John Fund, who co-authored “Our Broken Elections: How the Left Changed the Way You Vote” with Hans von Spakovsky.

“Minorities are often the biggest victims of this because they live in the areas where it can be practiced most assiduously and with the least consequence because the [political] machine often controls the levers of [prosecution] and law enforcement,” Fund said.



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