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Video: COVID: Behind the Global Nursing Home Disaster, and the Case-Number Scam

Who cares about all the old people dying?


John Rappoport

Scandal. Tragedy. Ongoing crime. (For part-2, click here.)

In nursing homes, elderly people are already on the edge of the cliff, suffering from long-term illnesses and years of toxic medical treatments…but now you terrify them with COVID propaganda…then you actually label them “COVID”, WITH NO JUSTIFICATION…then you isolate them completely…they’re all alone…no contact with family and friends…what do you expect will happen to these fragile, heavily drugged people?

As of May 22, Forbes reports that, “…in the 43 states that currently report such figures, an astounding 42% of all COVID-19 deaths have taken place in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.”

Washington Post, May 18: “The World Health Organization said half of Europe’s covid-19 deaths occurred in such facilities.”

Headline of same Post article: “Canada’s nursing home crisis: 81 percent of coronavirus deaths [in the country] are in long-term care facilities.”

The Guardian, May 16: “About 90% of the 3,700 people who have died from coronavirus in Sweden were over 70, and half were living in care homes, according to a study from Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare at the end of April.”

“Spain—The country was shocked at the end of March when the defence minister revealed that soldiers drafted in to disinfect residential homes had found some elderly people abandoned and dead in their beds.”

“…the regional governments of Madrid and Catalonia have been publishing their own figures on people who have died in care homes from the virus, or while exhibiting symptoms consistent with it.” [AKA, absurd eyeball diagnosis]

“In Madrid, the total for Covid, or suspected Covid, deaths since 8 March stood at 5,886 on Thursday. In Catalonia, it was 3,375. Between them, care home deaths in the two regions account for more than a third of all the coronavirus deaths in the country.”

And there was a great deal of early warning on the subject, if anyone from public health agencies wanted to pay attention—The Guardian, 13 April: “About half of all Covid-19 deaths appear to be happening in care homes in some European countries…Snapshot data from varying official sources shows that in Italy, Spain, France, Ireland and Belgium between 42% and 57% of deaths from the virus have been happening in homes, according to the report by academics based at the London School of Economics (LSE).”

There are two con jobs going on here, as huge numbers of these elderly patients have died and are dying.

The first is the COVID-19 diagnosis, which is either made on the absurd basis of simply eyeballing the patient and seeing general signs of illness, such as shortness of breath and flu-like symptoms; or by test, which I’ve explained is completely unreliable, because it registers positive on all sorts of germs in the body that are irrelevant.

But once the COVID diagnosis is made, then medical authorities claim the deaths of so many patients in nursing homes are occurring because the COVID virus naturally has more impact on the elderly and infirm.

Nonsense. There is no need to invoke the coronavirus to explain why these people in nursing homes are dying.

People all around the world, old people, who have traditional illnesses like flu and pneumonia, are being repackaged as COVID cases. Especially people in nursing homes, who are terrified by COVID propaganda and are intentionally isolated from friends and family…

And in fact are dying of their long-term multiple medical conditions, plus years of treatment with toxic drugs…

Plus the terror of COVID, plus complete isolation, plus filthy conditions in some facilities, plus inattention and outright brutality on the part of nursing home staffs, plus breathing ventilators and sedation in some cases —

Not a virus.

No need to invoke a virus as an explanation.

No need at all.

Obviously, if you subtracted all these deaths from official COVID statistics, you would have a completely different picture of the so-called pandemic.


And the first order of business would be to go into these places and clean them up and straighten them out and in many cases make arrests of the personnel.

As a number of nursing home patient-advocacy groups have pointed out, the main monitor on what goes on in these homes, and the main source of protection for patients is: visiting families and friends, who keep a careful eye on things.

But because the fake COVID diagnosis immediately leads to locking down the facilities, friends and families can’t come in. They’re shut out.

For the planners of this false pandemic, it all works out. COVID death numbers rise, case numbers rise. Phony numbers to the core.

But real and tragic deaths.

People pushed into death by the concocted IDEA of a virus, by a STORY about a virus.



* https://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2020/05/26/nursing-homes-assisted-living-facilities-0-6-of-the-u-s-population-43-of-u-s-covid-19-deaths/#12d6083874cd

* https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/paloma/the-health-202/2020/05/19/the-health-202-the-hopeful-news-about-moderna-s-coronavirus-vaccine-is-extremely-preliminary/5ec2e480602ff11bb118504f/

* https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/coronavirus-canada-long-term-care-nursing-homes/2020/05/18/01494ad4-947f-11ea-87a3-22d324235636_story.html

* https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/16/across-the-world-figures-reveal-horrific-covid-19-toll-of-care-home-deaths

* https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/13/half-of-coronavirus-deaths-happen-in-care-homes-data-from-eu-suggests

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