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The Truth About Obama’s Illicit ‘Operation Hammer’ And All Involved



On March 4, 2017, President Trump tweeted “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!”

Following President Trump’s tweet, the mainstream media said that President Trump was “crazy” for accusing Obama of spying on him.

In response to President Trump’s allegation that Obama illicitly spied on him, The “Whistleblower Tapes” were published which proved President Trump’s allegation against Obama was true.

One of the many illegal actions that President Obama partook during his eight years in office was the assimilation of personal data on all Americans.

‘Operation Hammer’

What is Operation Hammer?

‘The Hammer’ is the Stasi-like secret surveillance system created by CIA/NSA/FBI contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis L. Montgomery for Obama’s intelligence chiefs, CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

The Hammer (HAMR) appears to be a massive supercomputer system that was used to eavesdrop on phone calls by deploying or “throwing” malicious plugins at targeted computers and smartphones to collect the intercepts and then send the data back to the master supercomputer framework.

Other plugins could presumably hack into online banking, messenger, email and other apps and then transmit the collected data back to the HAMR data center.

Under the Obama administration, The Hammer negated every American’s constitutional rights to privacy, turning the United States into a police state where the federal government was weaponized by the Obama administration against its political enemies.

Obama’s “Operation Hammer” was in full force in March 2016, via Mary Fanning and Alan Jones at the American Report.

Was Trump wiretapped?

According to the secretly-recorded audio tapes released by Federal Judge G. Murray Snow, “The Hammer” wiretapped Donald Trump “a zillion times.”

According to the Whistleblower Tapes, Brennan and Clapper utilized “The Hammer” to spy on 159 Article III judges, the head of the secret FISA court, SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts, SCOTUS Justice Antonin Scalia, business leaders, millions of innocent Americans, and Donald Trump.

CIA/NSA/FBI contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis L. Montgomery stated that Donald Trump was wiretapped for years because: ‘the CIA feared Trump.’

Former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson revealed in 2013 she was under electronic surveillance for at least two years and that three classified documents were planted on her “compromised” computer.

The discovery of President Obama’s utilization of “The Hammer” to wiretap Donald Trump began in 2015 when transcribed secretly-recorded audio tapes were released back in November of 2015 by U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow.

Just hours after General McInerney made a radio appearance on Dr. Dave Janda’s “Operation Freedom” – that broadcasts from terrestrial radio station WAAM 1600 – exposing ‘operation Hammer’, Strzok and Page exchanged a text message that explicitly referenced Dennis Montgomery and Montgomery’s attorney Larry E. Klayman.

Only a few hours earlier, General McInerney had referenced Montgomery & Klayman on “Operation Freedom,” exactly the same names that Strzok and Page were texting about.

It was the very next morning, the Russian Collusion probe was born.

On Monday, March 20, 2017, FBI Director James Comey told House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence that FBI Counterintelligence Division, where Peter Strzok served as Deputy Assistant Director, was investigating Donald Trump’s connections to Russia.

Comey claimed that the FBI had “no information” to support Trump’s tweet claiming that Obama wiretapped him.

In reality, Comey lied to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and to the American people.

Comey was well aware that President Trump was under illegal surveillance because Montgomery had already turned over evidence to Comey’s FBI confirming the existence of Brennan’s and Clapper’s illegal surveillance system.

On August 19, 2015, Montgomery turned over 47 hard drives that contain over 600 million pages of documentation from Brennan’s and Clapper’s secret surveillance system to James Comey’s office.

Also, Comey‘s “right-hand men,” FBI Special Agents William Barnett and Walter Giardina, debriefed Dennis Montgomery in a secure SCIF after Montgomery had handed over the 47 hard drives that Montgomery says proves that under President Obama, Brennan and Clapper were running a massive illegal surveillance operation for “leverage” and blackmail.

Attorney Klayman, founder of Freedom Watch, represented Montgomery before federal Judge Royce C. Lamberth. Klayman, who characterizes his client Montgomery as a “whistleblower,” told Fox News that Montgomery “turned over 600 million plus pages of information to the FBI.” Judge Lamberth was formerly the presiding judge over the FISA court.

After Montgomery produced his documentation, the FBI gave him two immunity agreements: one in the area of “production” and the other regarding “testimony.”

The FBI then took possession of Montgomery’s documentation.

Attorney Klayman asserts that this information precipitated James Clapper’s resignation.

Many FBI and DOJ officials who were involved in the investigation of Dennis Montgomery’s whistleblower claims about Brennan’s and Clapper’s illicit surveillance system are the very same government officials who ended up on Mueller’s Russia collusion investigation team.

Montgomery also says that the FBI, under then-Director Robert Mueller, supplied the computers for Brennan’s and Clapper’s illegal surveillance system that spied on Donald Trump.

Also, the March 7, 2017 WikiLeaks dump of CIA Vault 7 confirmed the existence of The Hammer (HAMR) in two separate CIA documents.

According to highly-placed sources, General McInerney’s radio appearance has “created a veritable sh*t storm in D.C.” and “immediate blowback from the Deep State.”

A storm is coming

Former FISA court counsel Joe diGenova stated during an April 24, 2019, Fox News panel discussion:

The problem for Brennan and Clapper and Comey and Baker and all of them now is, is that the FISA court has already communicated with the Justice Department about its findings. And their findings are that for more than four years before the election of Donald Trump, there was an illegal spying operation going on by FBI contractors, four of them, to steal personal information, electronic information about Americans, and to use it against the Republican Party.

There are going to be indictments. There’s going to be grand juries. John Brennan isn’t going to need one lawyer. He’s going to need five. . .

. . . The Obama administration, for more than four years before the 2016 election, allowed four contractors working for the FBI to illegally surveil American citizens, illegally. The FISA court has already found that.

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