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Sessions Opens Investigation: Obama, Holder, Lynch Defrauded Taxpayers of at Least $6 Billion


By John Locke

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has finally announced an investigation into the use of federal money to fund radical leftwing advocacy groups.  In making the announcement Sessions cited that at least six billion dollars was funneled into what was essentially a slush fund for Obama’s army of street activists.  It’s almost a certainty that that amount is going grow significantly.

The groups receiving the money included La Raza (now UnidosUS), NeighborWorks America, National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Operation Hope, Black Lives Matter, and a spin-off of Acorn The Mutual Housing Association of New York, among numerous other extremist groups.

The scheme called for Obama’s Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch to direct lawsuit settlements, including punitive settlements, to thirty parties who were not part of the DOJ’s legal action. 

The punitive damages should have legally gone directly to the U.S. Treasury for the benefit of taxpayers.  Instead, Citigroup and Bank of America were among a number of large U.S. corporations that were shaken down in this manner to fund these anti-American radical protestors that gave Obama cover as a moderate as he moved us closer to his vision of a Marxist-open borders utopia.

Sessions took steps to stop the illegal transfer of taxpayer money last June and is now preparing to conduct criminal prosecutions of those involved.  At that time Sessions said:

“Settlement funds should go first to the victims and then to the American people — not to . . . the political friends of whoever is in power.”

We first reported that Obama had been shaking down corporate America – in the fashion of third world dictatorships – more than a year ago.

At that time we had also reported that the Department of Health and Human Services had defrauded investors in both the Federal National Mortgage Association and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation of $187.5 Billion in a scheme that diverted the profits they were expecting and instead were used to delay the bankruptcy of Obamacare until he had left office.

Last March we wrote:

This should be the major news story of the week but the mainstream media will again abandon all pretense of objectivity and instead direct our attention to Jeff Sessions meeting with a Russian ambassador.

Soon investigators under Sessions’ direction at the D.O.J. will be dropping the hammer on the largest RICO operation ever conceived – virtually the entire United States government.  It will be beyond awesome to watch these lying, phony, corruptors being brought to justice by the most mild-mannered man who walks among them.

Patriots will have the last laugh but it’ll have to wait until the indictments are handed down.  For the meantime expect the character assassinations to continue against President Trump’s closest advisors.  It’s all these swamp dwellers have left.

This morning we can say that it is finally happening.

We have been under constant attack by the mainstream media, and the titans of social media for spreading fake news.  It’s only fake new until it becomes real news. 

There’s a reason that Facebook is silencing websites like our.

Counting on the bought and paid for mainstream media to protect you from an out-of-control government is a fool’s errand.

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