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President Trump to Declassify June 2017 Carter Page FISA Renewal App Signed By Rod Rosenstein

Look for President Trump to declassify the June 2017 Carter Page FISA renewal this month, says investigative reporter, Paul Sperry.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and then-Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe both signed off on the June 2017 Carter Page FISA renewal–things could get interesting!

Screenshot of Rosenstein’s signature on June 2017 FISA renewal app:


Thanks to Judicial Watch, the Carter Page FISA docs were released a couple weeks ago after the watchdog filed a FOIA lawsuit.

Although the documents were dishonestly and heavily redacted, they confirm the FBI and DOJ misled the FISA courts.

GOP lawmakers such as Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-NC) and Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) called for the FISA docs to be declassified.

President Trump tweeted about the Carter Page FISA docs shortly after they were released to the public, slamming Crooked Hillary and called for the discredited Mueller witch hunt to be shut down.

House GOP Intel Committee members asked President Trump in June to declassify the Carter Page FISA docs, in a letter obtained by Fox News’ Catherine Herridge.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders initially came out and said the President will remain ‘uninvolved’ [for the time being] and won’t declassify the Carter Page FISA docs despite a request from the House Intel Majority.

“However, he sees more and more every single day that this is proving further and further to be a total witch hunt, particularly because it was based on a false and unverified and discredited dossier,” Sanders added.

It looks like President Trump may have had enough and he’s ready to declassify the Carter Page FISA renewal app DAG Rosenstein signed so the American public can know the truth.

President Trump may also possibly declassify the FBI’s 302 notes on 12 interviews they conducted with twice-demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr between December 2016 – May 2017.

Via Paul Sperry: Look this month for POTUS to declassify …

— 20 redacted pages of June 2017 FISA renewal

… and possibly …

— 63 pages of emails and notes b/t Ohr & Steele

— FD-302 summaries of 12 FBI interviews w/ Ohr re Steele

… and watch Dems and media toadies become apoplectic

Things are about to get interesting–it looks like President Trump is gearing up to really turn up the heat on DAG Rod Rosenstein.

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