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Everything About Time Magazine “Crying Girl” Immigration Propaganda Story is False….


Time magazine decided to take “fake” news to new levels of jaw-cropping falsity with their latest story of a Honduran toddler crying while accompanying her mother into the U.S.

Dozens of newspapers and magazines around the globe published a picture of a little girl and her mother Sandra Sanchez trying to get into the U.S., but everything about the story is false.

The two-year old and her mother were never separated; additionally, Mrs. Sandra Sanchez was previously deported for illegal border crossing.  This is the second time Sandra Sanchez was stopped attempting to gain entry, making her effort a felony under U.S. law.

The father of the child has told media and government officials, and the Honduran government confirms, the toddler’s mom abandoned her other three children in Honduras and there was no economic hardship.   Everything about this story is fabricated; however, that didn’t stop the media and politicians from attempting to exploit the narrative.

Washington – […] As more information comes out about the situation of Sandra Sanchez and her 2-year-old daughter, ICE confirmed on Friday that Sanchez was previously deported in 2013. (read more)

Reuters is reporting after contact with the child’s father:


“My daughter has become a symbol of the … separation of children at the U.S. border. She may have even touched President Trump’s heart,” Denis Valera told Reuters in a telephone interview.

Valera said the little girl and her mother, Sandra Sanchez, have been detained together in the Texas border town of McAllen, where Sanchez has applied for asylum, and they were not separated after being detained near the border.  Honduran deputy foreign minister Nelly Jerez confirmed Valera’s version of events.

Varela said he was awestruck and pained when he first saw the photo of his crying daughter on TV. “Seeing what was happening to her in that moment breaks anyone’s heart,” he said.

The photo was used on a Facebook fundraiser that drew more than $17 million dollars in donations from close to half a million people for the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES), a Texas-based nonprofit that provides legal defense services to immigrants and refugees.

[…] Sanchez and her daughter had left Puerto Cortes, a major Honduran port north of the capital city, Tegucigalpa, without telling Valera or the couple’s three other children, he said.

He said he imagined that Sanchez left with the little girl for the United States, where she has family, in search of better economic opportunities.

“If they are deported, that is OK as long as they do not leave the child without her mother,” Valera said. “I am waiting to see what happens with them.”  (read more)

Time Magazine issues a correction, but will not retract the story despite the entire claim surrounding the narrative being entirely manufactured:

Today on the floor of the Senate Democrats use the picture to continue a false immigration enforcement narrative:

Democrat politicians and their media enablers are willing to fabricate any story in order to advance political goals.  This is the essence of “FAKE NEWS”:

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