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Coming Soon! Programmable Money to Control How You Spend


The Central Banks want to use negative interest rates (money that expires) along with the introduction of digital currency to control how you spend. The expiring money could go into cash accounts. But how long will cash be around once they wallow in this type of control? It’s digital and programmable, and they want to fool you by calling it “smart” money.

Get used to terms like programmable money, negative interest rates, smart money, expiring money, and digital currency. The globalists want to control how you spend in every way imaginable.

With the Central Bank’s introduction of digital currency (CBDC), the Central Banks are considering using negative interest rates. The purpose is to incentivize [control] your spending or saving/holding money. This is to be used for “economic stability” [yours, not theirs]. They are concerned that negative interest rate policies won’t work as long as cash exists as an alternative. They are incentivized to end the use of cash at some point.

According to the IMF, around 100 countries are exploring CBDCs at one level or another. Some are researching, some are testing, and a few are already distributing CBDCs to the public.

In the Bahamas, the Sand Dollar—the local CBDC—has been circulating for over a year.

Sweden’s Riksbank has developed a proof of concept and is exploring the technology and policy implications of CBDC.

In China, the digital renminbi [called e-CNY] continues to progress, with more than a hundred million individual users and billions of yuan in transactions.

And, just last month, the Federal Reserve issued a report that noted that “a CBDC could fundamentally change the structure of the U.S. financial system.” They are looking to do exactly that to their benefit.


The Digital Euro and Digital Pound are considering introducing negative interest rates to incentivize or disincentivize. In other words, compelling people to spend or not. Another alternative, at least for the short-term, is to have the money flow into your bank account, making them not CBDCs any longer. They want to limit how much they are holding in CBDC.

Expiring money or negative interest rates have a value that falls to zero after a specific date. It is a potential monetary policy tool.

“Programmability,” a technical feature made possible by digitalization, can accelerate spending decisions, making it a very effective means for stimulating consumption – making you spend, or not.

This could be very useful for central banks and governments distributing aid during severe recessions or events like pandemics or calamities when higher uncertainty makes people spend less.

It could also become nefarious.


They call programmable money “smart” money. they love to use semantics to their benefit. It’s smart for them. Always translate into simpler, synonymous terms.

The European Central Bank (ECB) has previously proposed having spending limits on the digital euro, Fabio Panetta, an Executive Board Member of the ECB, has suggested that users of the digital euro should only be allowed to spend €50 per transaction and have a maximum monthly spending limit of just €1,000 if they want to avoid having their transaction data recorded by the ECB.

The digital euro is the European Union‘s (EU’s) proposed central bank digital currency (CBDC), and officials involved with the project have already confirmed that it will have less anonymity than cash. They will know what you do with your money. That leads to them knowing a lot about you and possibly wanting to control you better.

They are considering spending limits for “economic stability.” [for banks, not you]

The Bank of England (BOE) wants the power to decide what people spend their CBDCs on.

The World Bank blog, using expiring money (negative interest rates), wants to be able toban certain users from access to cash.”


“Programmability could be applied to digital cash for all kinds of purposes, including to pay a positive interest rate or to charge a negative interest rate on cash; to set conditions for the transfer of money to specific types of users or types of goods and services; to automate the transfer of specific values, such as tax payments for each purchase from a merchant, or to ban certain users from access to cash in a way similar to blacklisting.

It can facilitate pay-per-use, for example, for automated payment of rented items. It could facilitate so-called Internet of Things payments, where ”smart” machines make buying orders and authorize payments when needed (e.g., a refrigerator could automatically order milk from a grocer when running low, or a printer tracking toner usage could buy it via Amazon once it reaches a certain level).

Digital money could be programmed to settle payments between systems that are exchanging currency, where a payment from one system in a specific currency is conditioned on another payment from the other system in a different currency.

They could make it so confusing you wouldn’t know what was happening.

“In all such cases, payments or transfers of value would be triggered based on preset conditions handled under “smart contracts.” Until they break the contract, which they had clearly done when they chose to do so. The GM contracts with investors go last instead of first. The contracts with Russia when SWIFT was weaponized. It now has other nations running from SWIFT to BRICS.

Allegedly, it’s all to ensure “economic stability.” Don’t be a sucker.

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