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Armed Black Activists Protest Biden’s Open Borders: “Close the Borders”... ”Take Your A** Home!”

By Amy Crawford

On Saturday, a group of armed activists and black self-defense groups marched in the third annual “Second Amendment Unity Walk” in Austin, Texas, calling for an end to illegal immigration and demanding that Joe Biden close the US borders to illegal immigrants coming in from the southern border.

The protestors marched towards the Texas Capitol and chanted “close the borders” and “take your a** home”.

“What do we want? Closed borders! When do we want it? Now!” chanted the activist groups.

The activists were also, of course, marching in support of their Second Amendment rights. Major groups involved in the march were the EGP Gun Club and the Black Riders Liberation Party. One group member explained that instead of “hands up, don’t shoot,” they say “Guns up! Shoot back!”

The activists were also, of course, marching in support of their Second Amendment rights. Major groups involved in the march were the EGP Gun Club and the Black Riders Liberation Party. One group member explained that instead of “hands up, don’t shoot,” they say “Guns up! Shoot back!”

One man who was interviewed by reporter Ford Fischer expressed his group’s feelings towards the current state of immigration in the US. “We don’t have a problem with immigration,” he said.”But we do have a problem with illegal immigration because a lot of times, jobs are taken away from Black people because of illegal immigration.”


The group also demanded reparations for descendants of enslaved people and a hate crime bill protecting Black Americans.

In one video, a speaker laid out the group’s demands: An anti-crime bill for Black Americans, reparations for descendants of enslaved people, delineation, a stop to illegal immigration, and the same protection that the Native Americans have against CPS for our Black American children.

After listing the demands, the speaker let the Democrat lawmakers know that they have not secured the Black vote in the upcoming elections like they like to believe they have, directly calling out U.S. Rep Sheila Jackson Lee and gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke.

“Democrats, please do not make the mistake in thinking you have secured the black vote,” the speaker said. “Are you listening sister Sheila Jackson Lee? Are you listening Beto O’Rourke? We are not voting for you simply because you want to insult our intelligence and bring out an H.R. 40 bill.”

The speaker doesn’t stop there, though. She also issues a warning to Republicans in Congress, saying, “Republicans, do not dare make the mistake in thinking you will get our vote simply because we believe in exercising our Second Amendment… Don’t think we are standing with you because we are against illegal immigration.”

The speaker then talks more about the group’s problem with illegal immigration, saying, “We are full-on aware that illegal immigration with no border control is a detriment to the Black American community. Immigration has put a strain to our young black men who wish to obtain employment through trade and skill by undercutting the pay that they deserve.”


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