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Video: Dems’ Worst Nightmare: Black, Gay Vet Leaves Party To Become A Republican And Tells The World Why

Rob Smith represents everything Democrats fear most in the #WalkAway era.

A black, gay, Army veteran, Smith became so sick of false narratives from liberals, and the perpetuation of a victimhood mentality that he decided to switch parties and become a Republican.

“I think for me, I got so sick of the lies. What they were telling black people,” Smith said Saturday during an appearance on Fox News’ “Watters’ World.”

“When you are a black person you get messages from Democrats saying you are a victim and you need us to succeed and you need us to achieve, you need this ever-expanding welfare state to make something of yourself,” he told host Jesse Watters. “I got tired of it and sick of that message that it needed them, and I got sick of that message of victimhood that they continue to push to black Americans for the last three decades of my life.”


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