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The Witch Hunt is Dead! Long Live the Witch Hunt!

By David Blackmon

The Witch Hunt is dead! Long live the Witch Hunt! – In case you are wondering why every Democrat from Hawaii to Maine is screaming for Attorney General William Barr to “release the full, unredacted Mueller Report!”, it’s because they know that will never happen.

They know that Mueller’s report – assuming it is a fullsome narrative and not just the listing of indictments, prosecutions and deferrals required by the governing statute – will certainly be chock-full of classified information and other passages that the FBI and intelligence agencies will want to redact under their handy “sources and methods” rubrick.  They also know that AG Barr is an old pro, a guy who is going to play this situation strictly by the book, which likely means he is going to compile his own summary report that fully eliminates such concerns and release that to congress and the public instead.

Thus, their cynical and unfillable demand for the “full, unredacted report” will then be transformed into claims that Barr, the disciple of George H.W. Bush who most of them were praising just a few months ago, is now just a Trump toadie who is engaged in a coverup, claims that the Democrats plan to keep pounding right on through Election Day, 2020.

This claim of coverup will become a major part of the Democrat justification for mounting their own Witch Hunts that will consume most of the time over the next 18 months of at least three House committees:  Judiciary, Intelligence and Oversight. Party leaders feel they have no choice but to keep all of this anti-American nonsense alive in order for one of their array of freaks, miscreants, commies and outright nutjobs to have any chance of defeating President Donald Trump at the ballot box next year.

So, if you are frustrated that the Democrats who have spent the last 20 months guaranteeing us that Gestapo Chief, er, “Special Counsel” Mueller has “got the goods” on the President and several members of his family now refuse to accept Mueller’s finding that there was no “Russia Collusion” or “obstruction of justice” and allow our country to return to some sense of normalcy, well, this is why. Yes, it is demented; yes, it is depraved; yes, it is utterly despicable and un-American behavior, but hey, this is the Democrats we are talking about here.

What did you expect?

So, let’s review the Mueller Witch Hunt from a statistical perspective:

  • Money spent – well in excess of $30 million
  • Number of days – 675
  • Number of indictments – 34
  • Number of indictments against Americans – 8
  • Number of indictments against Russian ham sandwiches Mueller knows will never come to this country to stand trial – 25
  • Number of indictments against Concorde Management, whose trial Mueller continues to desperately postpone because he has a big bag of nothing against them – 1


  • Number of indictments related to “Collusion” or “Obstruction” – ZERO, ZIP, ZILCH, NADA

And what of our fake news media, this collection of propagandists for the Democrat Party who spent 20 months coordinating their messaging with the DNC on this matter, promoting the “Russia Collusion” fantasy like Nabisco promotes Vanilla Wafers?

In case you missed it, MSNBC’s resident conspiracy theorist, Rachel Maddow, was so upset by Mueller’s “no collusion” conclusion that she literally wept on national television last night:

Isn’t that glorious?

You can be sure that there was plenty of weeping going on behind the scenes over at CNN and the New York Times and the Washington Post and ABC, NBC, CBS as well, as all the fake-newsers saw their vaunted Ship of Mueller run aground on the sharp shoals of reality. But will there be any accountability for these people, even the slightest, meekest admissions of their abject, overwhelming wrong-ness for the last 20 months?

Oh, hell no. Of course not. Nobody at any of our major media organizations maintains the slightest concern about getting anything right anymore – they just care about getting Trump. So all we will see out of these despicable hacks – the ones who don’t break down in tears on live TV, anyway – will be a change in talking points to make it seem like they had predicted this outcome from Mueller’s operation all along, and that the “real action” is over in congress and the Southern District of New York U.S. Attorney’s office.

And remember: The reason they will do this is because… wait for it…THAT’S WHAT THEIR DEMOCRAT MASTERS TELL THEM TO DO.

Once you realize and accept that, it all makes perfect sense.

That is all.

Follow me on Twitter at @GDBlackmon

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