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A Fully Indexed Page With Just Election Fraud Articles & Videos
A Fully Indexed Page With Just Medical/Pandemic Fraud Articles & Videos

FREE Video Library: Government (United States)

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:


  •   No Oaths of Office in the Federal Government
    According to law, elected officials must swear an oath that they will support, defend, and bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. US attorney Todd Callender, along with his team at Project Proper Oath, found that not a single member of the existing cabinet has a valid oath of office.
  •   Col. Douglas Macgregor (Ret) Provides Nation With Alternative View of The State of The Union
    Macgregor begins by explaining how the Constitution mandates that the government promote the general welfare. This obligates Washington to secure the basic necessities of life, such as energy, food, and shelter.  “Regrettably, the current administration is failing to perform these tasks,” Macgregor said.  "It's impossible to drain the swamp with unsound money and colossal debt that we cannot sustain."
  •   Speaker Mike Johnson's Response to CNBC Separation of Church and State Canard
    This short clip is one of the best explanations by House Speaker Mike Johnson of the so-called separation of church and state political football used to criticize anyone who holds traditional Christian values in government.
  •   Ever Wonder Why They Keep Calling Our Form of Government a Democracy?
    Have you ever wondered why deep state actors and media repeaters use the word "democracy" instead of "Constitutional Republic"?
  •   The Difference Between a REPUBLIC and a DEMOCRACY
    This is an excerpt from "Overview of America" produced by The John Birch Society. It is narrated by John McManus. --- In a Democracy you can not have Snob rule, meaning, the Ruling Elite or Monarch can not go against the majority (the people). The majority overrules the Snob. However, in a Democracy you can have Mob rule, and the Mob can be just as tyrannical, if not worse than a Snob. The Founding Fathers of the United States warned against pure Democracy for this reason.


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