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Declassified Files Reveal Gov’t Plot to Carry Out Soviet False Flag Attacks in US to Start War


As the deep state continues to push the Russian election interference narrative—with no concrete evidence—the damage to US-Russia relations continues to grow. Sadly, those who continue to buy the Russiagate conspiracy theory have forgotten the US government’s history when it comes to propaganda used to start wars and bolster the military-industrial complex.

A recent revelation from the newly released JFK Files can now help put this entire Russian hacking scenario into context—as it has been the subject of previous propaganda campaigns. On March 22, 1962, a meeting, held by the “Special Group (Augmented),” which according to an encyclopedia on the Central Intelligence Agency, included Attorney General Robert Kennedy, CIA Director John McCone, National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Lyman Lemnitzer, discussed the creation of a false flag attack on the United States to be blamed on the Soviets.

According to the documents, the US government wanted to manufacture or obtain Soviet aircraft so they could launch an attack on America or friendly bases and use those attacks as a pretext for war.

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Video: UNDERCOVER IN ANTIFA: Their Tactics and Media Support Exposed!

What happens when two guys infiltrate Antifa, live amongst them for weeks, and take part in their deeply rooted tactics of disruption and violence?


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Happy Birthday CIA: 7 Truly Terrible Things the Agency Has Done in 70 Years

By Carey Wedler


On Monday, President Trump tweeted birthday wishes to the Air Force and the CIA. Both became official organizations 70 years ago on September 18, 1947, with the implementation of the National Security Act of 1947.

After spending years as a wartime intelligence agency called the Office of Strategic Services, the agency was solidified as a key player in the federal government’s operations with then-President Harry Truman’s authorization.

In the seventy years since, the CIA has committed a wide variety of misdeeds, crimes, coups, and violence. Here are seven of the worst programs they’ve carried out (that are known to the public):

  1. Toppling governments around the world — The CIA is best known for its first coup, Operation Ajax, in 1953, in which it ousted the democratically elected leader of Iran, Mohammed Mossadegh, reinstating the autocratic Shah, who favored western oil interests. That operation, which the CIA now admits to waging with British intelligence, ultimately resulted in the 1979 revolution and subsequent U.S. hostage crisis. Relations between the U.S. and Iran remain strained to this day, aptly described by the CIA-coined term “blowback.”

But the CIA has had a hand in toppling a number of other democratically elected governments, from Guatemala (1954) and the Congo (1960) to the Dominican Republic (1961), South Vietnam (1963), Brazil (1964), and Chile (1973). The CIA has aimed to install leaders who appease American interests, often empowering oppressive, violent dictators. This is only a partial list of countries where the CIA covertly attempted to exploit and manipulate sovereign nations’ governments.

  1. Operation Paperclip — In one of the more bizarre CIA plots, the agency and other government departments employed Nazi scientists both within and outside the United States to gain an advantage over the Soviets. As summarized by NPR:

The aim [of Operation Paperclip] was to find and preserve German weapons, including biological and chemical agents, but American scientific intelligence officers quickly realized the weapons themselves were not enough.

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Video: Catherine Herridge Uncovers State Dept. Cover-Up of Benghazi Terror Attack

The US State Department hired a UK company with no experience in hostile climates who operated without weapons in Benghazi. A US security firm was told to be silent about it or risk losing future contracts. This is the Swamp Squared.


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Petition To Declare George Soros a Terrorist

And seize all of his related organizations' assets under RICO and NDAA law

We the people ask the federal government to Propose a new Administration policy:


Whereas George Soros has willfully and on an ongoing basis attempted to destabilize and otherwise commit acts of sedition against the United States and its citizens, has created and funded dozens (and probably hundreds) of discrete organizations whose sole purpose is to apply Alinsky model terrorist tactics to facilitate the collapse of the systems and Constitutional government of the United State, and has developed unhealthy and undue influence over the entire Democrat Party and a large portion of the US Federal government, the DOJ should immediately declare George Soros and all of his organizations and staff members to be domestic terrorists, and have all of his personal an organizational wealth and assets seized under Civil Asset Forfeiture law.

Sign Petition Here


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Unmasked: 11 Antifa Mugshots Guaranteed To Make Your Blood Boil

Chants at Berkeley rally: 'No Trump, no wall, no USA at all!'

“With an average age of 30, those arrested during the violent Berkeley riots of Sunday 27 August do not fit the profile of the average college undergrad,” Lopez told WND.

“In fact, they more closely fit the profile of professional off-campus thugs,” she said. “And once we understand that antifa is a motley collection of Marxist-Leninist anarchists, the direct descendants of the 1920s and 1930s communist street fighters in Europe, the better we will be prepared to realize why these hoodlums so violently targeted a ‘No To Marxism’ rally. Antifa was there to defend communism and plunge America into chaos.”


By Leo Hohmann

Berkeley Police released mugshots Tuesday of 11 of the 13 persons arrested at Sunday’s violent political riots in the California university town.

Charges include assault with a deadly weapon, felony assault and various municipal code violations.

The rallies Sunday saw approximately 4,000 “antifa” agitators and other leftists shut down a “No to Marxism” rally and prayer vigil being held by about 400 conservative Christians. The leftists took over Martin Luther King Jr. Park near the University of California Berkeley campus and beat several of the anti-Marxist protesters.

One officer was injured while making an arrest, and several others were struck with paint and bottles.

The San Francisco Chronicle, which had reporters on the scene Sunday, referred to the antifa crowd as anarchists:

“The msked counterprotesters, often referred to as antifa or antifascists, significantly outnumbered the people who had come for the rally, many of whom wore red clothing indicating support for President Trump. The anarchists chased away the right-wingers, and in one case four or five pummeled a man with fists and sticks before a radio host for Reveal, Al Letson, jumped in to shield the victim. Anarchists also attacked reporters who documented their actions.”

The average age of the 13 people arrested is 30.

Clare Lopez, vice president of research and analysis for the Center for Security Policy, said the mugshots reveal that the people behind the antifa masks were mostly professional agitators, not local college students.

“With an average age of 30, those arrested during the violent Berkeley riots of Sunday 27 August do not fit the profile of the average college undergrad,” Lopez told WND.

“In fact, they more closely fit the profile of professional off-campus thugs,” she said. “And once we understand that antifa is a motley collection of Marxist-Leninist anarchists, the direct descendants of the 1920s and 1930s communist street fighters in Europe, the better we will be prepared to realize why these hoodlums so violently targeted a ‘No To Marxism’ rally. Antifa was there to defend communism and plunge America into chaos.”

War cry wish for erasure of USA

Antifa’s war cry, caught on video during the rally, was no less than the total destruction of American society.

“No Trump, no wall, no USA at all!” they chanted.

Watch video of antifa members chanting their wish for an end to America’s existence as a nation:

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Video: Man Sends Audition Tape To Globalists To Be Crisis Actor in Next False Flag

This is a hilarious video! Only 3 min long. Watch audition tape man sends to globalists, advertising his services to play any kind of crisis actor....one who can actually act.

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Nations All Over the World CONFESS to Carrying Out False Flag Terrorism

Washington’s Blog

There are many documented false flag attacks, where a government carries out a terror attack … and then falsely blames its enemy for political purposes.

In the following 54 instances, officials in the government which carried out the attack (or seriously proposed an attack) admit to it, either orally or in writing:

(1) Japanese troops set off a small explosion on a train track in 1931, and falsely blamed it on China in order to justify an invasion of Manchuria. This is known as the "Mukden Incident" or the "Manchurian Incident". The Tokyo International Military Tribunal found: "Several of the participators in the plan, including Hashimoto [a high-ranking Japanese army officer], have on various occasions admitted their part in the plot and have stated that the object of the ‘Incident’ was to afford an excuse for the occupation of Manchuria by the Kwantung Army …." And see this.

(2) A major with the Nazi SS admitted at the Nuremberg trials that - under orders from the chief of the Gestapo – he and some other Nazi operatives faked attacks on their own people and resources which they blamed on the Poles, to justify the invasion of Poland.

(3) Nazi general Franz Halder also testified at the Nuremberg trials that Nazi leader Hermann Goering admitted to setting fire to the German parliament building in 1933, and then falsely blaming the communists for the arson.

(4) Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev admitted in writing that the Soviet Union’s Red Army shelled the Russian village of Mainila in 1939 – while blaming the attack on Finland - as a basis for launching the “Winter War” against Finland. Russian president Boris Yeltsin agreed that Russia had been the aggressor in the Winter War.

(5) The Russian Parliament, current Russian president Putin and former Soviet leader Gorbachev alladmit that Soviet leader Joseph Stalin ordered his secret police to execute 22,000 Polish army officers and civilians in 1940, and then falsely blamed it on the Nazis.

(6) The British government admits that - between 1946 and 1948 - it bombed 5 ships carrying Jews attempting to flee the Holocaust to seek safety in Palestine, set up a fake group called “Defenders of Arab Palestine”, and then had the psuedo-group falsely claim responsibility for the bombings (and see thisthisand this).

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