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Guest Users: 707
7073 Pages Viewed
1099 Unique Visits
What's New
last 2 weeks
Video: Historical Icons Brought Back to Life Using AI
Video: World’s Most Feared Prison | El Salvador: Mega Gang Fortress
Covid “Vaccine” Injuries Were a Feature, Not a Bug
FREE Video Library: South America
FREE Video Library: Prisons
Video: The World's Highest Security Prison: CECOT in El Salvador (The most evil are kept here)
DOGE Descends on the IRS as Musk Prepares to Audit the Agency
Elon Musk Has Had Top Security Clearance For Years
Biden White House Was Involved in Trump Classified Documents Case From the Start
Study of 2.3 Million: Covid ‘Vaccines’ Destroy Immune System
Video: Inside FEMA's Sickening History of Misspending Billions of Taxpayer Dollars
Video: Corruption in Child Protective Services (CPS)
Here’s the Organization Chart That Exposes How Unelected Activist Judges Are Undermining the Role of Each Branch of Government
Video: Nancy Schaefer Exposes the EVIL CPS (April 2009)
FREE Video Library: CPS (Child Protective Services)
Video: Not Enough People Were ‘Marginalized,’ So Obama Created DEI
How DOGE Can Beat Left-Wing Activist Judges at Their Own Game
The State Sanctioned Kidnapping Industry: How CPS and Its Allies Profit from Destroying Families
The Greatest Heist Of All Time
‘Operation Outbreak’: CDC Grooming Teens, Kids to Fear Pandemics
Video: Tucker’s Benz Interview: Is USAID Humanitarian or a Rogue CIA
Both USAID and the CIA Were Behind the Impeachment of Trump in 2019
“This Is Where the BIG Money Fraud Is Happening”: DOGE Dives Into Medicare Payment Malarkey
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Media/Media Corruption/Fake News (65/0)
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NIH (National Institute of Health)/Dr. Fauci (16/0)
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OSHA (2/0)
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Psychiatry (1/0)
Psychopaths/Sociopaths (3/0)
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RFK (Rober Kennedy) (1/0)
Robert Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) (4/0)
Robotics (4/0)
Rothschilds (1/0)
Russia (6/0)
Russiagate/Spygate (23/0)
Sabbatean Frankists (5/0)
SARS CoV-2 Virus (1/0)
Satanism (0/0)
Science Fraud/Medical Fraud (5/0)
Science and Technology (10/0)
SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) (2/0)
Secret Service (3/0)
Secret Societies (0/0)
Security Indistrial Complex (1/0)
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Self-Driving (Driverless) Vehicles (1/0)
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SPLC (Sothern Poverty Law Center) (6/0)
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Sugar/Artificial Sweeteners (6/0)
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Unions (1/0)
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Video (1/0)
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Volodymyr Zelenskyy (1/0)
Voting Machines (51/0)
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Ranger Honey
Member Since Saturday, May 23 2020 @ 05:58 AM MDT
Last Login Wednesday, January 15 2025 @ 03:33 PM MST
Find all postings by Ranger Honey
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Who's Online
Guest Users: 707
7073 Pages Viewed
1099 Unique Visits
What's New
last 2 weeks
Video: Historical Icons Brought Back to Life Using AI
Video: World’s Most Feared Prison | El Salvador: Mega Gang Fortress
Covid “Vaccine” Injuries Were a Feature, Not a Bug
FREE Video Library: South America
FREE Video Library: Prisons
Video: The World's Highest Security Prison: CECOT in El Salvador (The most evil are kept here)
DOGE Descends on the IRS as Musk Prepares to Audit the Agency
Elon Musk Has Had Top Security Clearance For Years
Biden White House Was Involved in Trump Classified Documents Case From the Start
Study of 2.3 Million: Covid ‘Vaccines’ Destroy Immune System
Video: Inside FEMA's Sickening History of Misspending Billions of Taxpayer Dollars
Video: Corruption in Child Protective Services (CPS)
Here’s the Organization Chart That Exposes How Unelected Activist Judges Are Undermining the Role of Each Branch of Government
Video: Nancy Schaefer Exposes the EVIL CPS (April 2009)
FREE Video Library: CPS (Child Protective Services)
Video: Not Enough People Were ‘Marginalized,’ So Obama Created DEI
How DOGE Can Beat Left-Wing Activist Judges at Their Own Game
The State Sanctioned Kidnapping Industry: How CPS and Its Allies Profit from Destroying Families
The Greatest Heist Of All Time
‘Operation Outbreak’: CDC Grooming Teens, Kids to Fear Pandemics
Video: Tucker’s Benz Interview: Is USAID Humanitarian or a Rogue CIA
Both USAID and the CIA Were Behind the Impeachment of Trump in 2019
“This Is Where the BIG Money Fraud Is Happening”: DOGE Dives Into Medicare Payment Malarkey
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Banking/Central Banks/Federal Reserve (27/0)
FEMA (8/0)
Fluoride/Fluoridation (14/0)
Food Issues/Lab-Grown/GMO (70/0)
Foreclosure (7/0)
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Free Speech/Censorship/First Amendment (64/0)
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Genocide/Democide (4/0)
Geoengineering/Weather Modification (4/0)
George Soros/Alex Soros (16/0)
Germ/Contagion Theory (1/0)
Germnay (2/0)
Globalization/NWO (58/0)
GMOs (Genetically Modified Organism) (2/0)
Google (22/0)
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Govt. Corruption/Tyranny/Weaponization (77/0)
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Insurance Industry/Obamacare (2/0)
Intel Agencies: CIA, NSA (67/0)
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Iraq (1/0)
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Israel/Jewish Issues/AIPAC/Palestinian Conflict (56/0)
Israeli Agression (8/0)
Islam/Political Islam/Muslims (31/0)
January 6th Capitol Protest (111/0)
Jeff Bezos/Amazon (1/0)
JFK (John Fitzgeral Kennedy) (9/0)
Joe Biden/Hunter Biden/Biden Crime Family (60/0)
Judicial Watch (65/0)
Judiciary/Judicial Corruption/Courts (16/0)
Julian Assange (7/0)
Jury Power/Grand Jury (1/0)
Just Plain Fascinating (18/0)
Kamala Harris (26/0)
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MAGA (Make America Great Again) America First (2/0)
Mark Zuckerberg/Meta/Facebook (0/0)
Mass Shootings/School Shootings (13/0)
Media/Media Corruption/Fake News (65/0)
Medical Industrial Complex Fraud Machine (7/0)
Medical Tyranny (1/0)
Members of Congress (2/0)
Mental Health/Illness (1/0)
Mexico (5/0)
Middle East (Syria, Lebanon) (2/0)
Military Industrial Complex (28/0)
Mind Control/Social Engineering (32/0)
Mob Rule/Pure Democracy (0/0)
Moderna (4/0)
Morgellons Disease (3/0)
Music (14/0)
Nancy Pelosi (3/0)
Nano Tech (2/0)
National Security (0/0)
Native Americans (2/0)
NATO (8/0)
Natural Gas (2/0)
Natural Resources (1/0)
Nature/Wildlife (4/0)
Neocons (3/0)
Neuralink (5/0)
NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) (3/0)
NIH (National Institute of Health)/Dr. Fauci (16/0)
North American Union (0/0)
Nutritional Supplements/Nootripics (0/0)
Obamas/Obamagate (14/0)
Oil/Oil Industry (6/0)
Oligarchs (1/0)
Olympics (1/0)
Opiods (Fentany, Heroin) (1/0)
Organized Crime (0/0)
OSHA (2/0)
Overpopulation (1/0)
Pandemics/COVID-19/Viruses (467/0)
Patriotism (2/0)
PCR Tests/Virus Tests (42/0)
PEP (Politically Exposed Person) (2/0)
Pfizer (20/0)
Planed Parenthood (3/0)
Plastic/Micro/Nanoplastic (8/0)
Police/Law Enforcement (1/0)
Political Action (5/0)
Political Correctness/Wokeness/SJWs (30/0)
Political Prisoners (0/0)
Political Violence (1/0)
Politicians/Members of Congress (1/0)
Politics/Political Parties (32/0)
Population Control/Eugenics (30/0)
PragerU (1/0)
Prisons (2/0)
Propaganda (3/0)
Property Rights/Squatters (5/0)
Psychiatry (1/0)
Psychopaths/Sociopaths (3/0)
Racial Issues/Racism (42/0)
Real Estate/Housing (1/0)
Recycling (2/0)
Religion/Spirituality/Churches (9/0)
Republicans/Conservatives/RINOS (5/0)
RFK (Rober Kennedy) (1/0)
Robert Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) (4/0)
Robotics (4/0)
Rothschilds (1/0)
Russia (6/0)
Russiagate/Spygate (23/0)
Sabbatean Frankists (5/0)
SARS CoV-2 Virus (1/0)
Satanism (0/0)
Science Fraud/Medical Fraud (5/0)
Science and Technology (10/0)
SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) (2/0)
Secret Service (3/0)
Secret Societies (0/0)
Security Indistrial Complex (1/0)
Sedition (0/0)
Self-Driving (Driverless) Vehicles (1/0)
Sexual Issues/Sex Trafficing (3/0)
Sheriff Info (2/0)
Skynet (2/0)
Slavery (6/0)
Smart Meters (1/0)
Social Credit System (1/0)
Social Issues (2/0)
Social Media/Big Tech (Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Apple) (21/0)
Social Security (3/0)
Solutions (12/0)
South America (El Salvador, Columbia, Venezuela, Argentina, etc.) (0/0)
Space Exploration/NASA/Moon (2/0)
Special Interest Lobbying (2/0)
SPLC (Sothern Poverty Law Center) (6/0)
Sponsors (2/0)
State Department (US) (7/0)
State's Rights (0/0)
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) (2/0)
Sugar/Artificial Sweeteners (6/0)
Supreme Court (7/0)
Terrorism (4/0)
Terrorism/Domestic (Antifa/Black LIves Matter) (6/0)
Terrorism/State Sponsored/False Flags (23/0)
Transgenderism (67/0)
Transhumanism (6/0)
Travistock Institute (2/0)
Taxation (0/0)
Treason (3/0)
Trump (89/0)
TSA (Transportation Security Administration) (2/0)
UFOs/ETs (8/0)
UK (United Kingdom/England/Britain) (11/0)
Ukraine (35/0)
UNESCO (1/0)
Uniform Law Commissionn ( ULC ) (2/0)
Unions (1/0)
Uniparty (Democrats/RINOs) (0/0)
United Nations (UN) (29/0)
USAID (U.S. Agency for International Development) (2/0)
USPS - U.S. Postal Service (2/0)
U.S. Treasury (0/0)
Vaccines/saRNA/mRNA/modRNA Gene Tampering/Autism (555/0)
Video (1/0)
Viruses/Bacteria (2/0)
Volodymyr Zelenskyy (1/0)
Voting Machines (51/0)
VR (Virtual Reality) (1/0)
Walk Away Movement (2/0)
War/Warfare (2/0)
War Crimes (10/0)
Weapons of War/Energy/Nuclear (2/0)
Whistleblowers/Leakers (1/0)
WHO (World Health Organization) (46/0)
Wikipedia (0/0)
Women's Issues/Sports/Rights/Feminism (22/0)
WEF (World Economic Forum) (15/0)
World History (2/0)
You Just Can't Make This Shit Up (0/0)
YouTube (0/0)
Zionism (4/0)
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