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Video: WEF Mastermind Yuval Noah Harari Says Human Rights Are Fiction, Just Like God

Harari is a very dangerous, evil person. Read any of his books and you will learn that he is unapologetically anti-human and, as evidenced in this video, anti-God. In his view, anyone who strays from his viewpoints impedes the eugenical goals of the WEF. This guy is Klaus Schwab's earpiece; his director.  Harari is evil personified.


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Video: Mainstream Media Elite Laments Rise of Alternative News Sources:

“We Owned the News . . . We Were the Gatekeepers . . . We Very Much Owned the Facts”


In a year marked by dwindling public trust in key institutions and heralded by the theme “Rebuilding Trust” at the World Economic Forum’s annual Davos assembly, Emma Tucker, the Wall Street Journal’s Editor in Chief, has called for a reevaluation of how traditional media operates. Recalling a point when the mainstream press was the chief adjudicator of information and facts, she highlighted its demise that came with the rise of alternative media platforms.

Tucker, during a Davos panel supposedly dedicated to the preservation of truth, offered a lament for the era when the press held exclusive dominance over news and facts.

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Beyond Covid: WEF Hypocrisy, Disease X and Implications of a Hypothetical Pathogen

Will COVID-Vaccinated Individuals Be More Susceptible to Disease X?



As we enter another election year and witness the strategic unveiling of ‘Disease X' - is anyone else struck with a foreboding sense of Déjà vu? I mean, it’s like we’re stuck in ‘Groundhog’s Day’ and election infection is back, but this time instead of Event 201 & Covid we get Clade X & Disease X. Same thing, different year. Only this time, we’re told that this hypothetical virus is 20 times deadlier than Covid. IMPORTANT QUESTION: if we don’t know what Disease X is, how do the “experts” know that it has a mortality rate 20 times that of COVID-19?

This potentially deadly virus ‘Disease X’ had world leaders jet-setting to convene at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, but before we get into ‘Disease X’ - can we just take a minute to marvel at the never-ending hypocrisy of the global elite? The central theme of this year’s gathering is ‘Rebuilding Trust'… this from a crowd that lectures us on our carbon footprint and that demands that we ‘eat zee bugs’ to stop global warming that all flew on private jets to Davos. Even Greenpeace International admits this many private jets will spike CO2 Admissions.

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Video: Argentina's Javier Milei Attends Davos & Tells The WEF To Celebrate Freedom, Abandon Collectivism!

Buckle in, this is a speech for the history books. Summary quotes and the transcript are below the video.

Note that “Libertarianism” as used here by Milei is synonymous with the classical liberalism of the US founding fathers such as Thomas Jefferson. Life, liberty, property. The term “classical liberalism”, while sometimes used to describe libertarianism, is actually a modern invention. There is a school of political and economic thought which advocates that we should be using the word liberalism (which is very different from what in the US are called “liberals” or left wing) to describe the true philosophy of individualism. Also keep in mind that Javier Milei self identifies as an anarcho-capitalist in the mold of Murray Rothbard, and you can hear echos of Rothbard’s arguments in this speech by economist/president Milei.



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Video: WEF Mastermind Yuval Noah Harari Espousing Pure Evil for Nearly Three Minutes

The globalist psychopaths don't even try to hide their ruthless, heartless and inhuman agenda anymore.  Here's a series of clips of Yuval Noah Harari openly and arrogantly proclaiming the globalist vision of the world they are feverishly working to force down the throats of everyone on this planet.


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Video: Is the World Economic Forum Really Brainstorming Ways to Make Us Alergic to Meat? YES!


This is Matthew Liao, an "agenda contributor" at the World Economic Forum, and here he is talking about genetically engineering a human intolerance to beef in order to save the planet.


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Buckle Up: Australia Becomes Ground Zero of the WEF (World Economic Forum) " Cash-Free " Society Plan


If there’s a hill to die on, politically speaking, it’s the “cashless society” issue. There’s no move the globalists could make that’s more powerful than eliminating cash from our lives. It’s a “nuclear” move; it will change the entire landscape of the earth in short order. Imagine how easy it will be to control the masses when all our “Dear Leaders” need to do is flip a switch to cut off a “dissident” from all his finances, effectively destroying his life. Do that a couple of times, and it’s likely everyone will quickly fall in line, don’t you think? This is why we must resist the globalist plan for a cash-free society, or “digital currency,” as they like to call it.

One individual who truly grasps the alarming implications of a “cashless society” is Joe Rogan. He recognizes that he’d likely be among the first they’d target and totally wipe out—with a flip of the switch. It’ll be so damn easy for world regimes to silence and destroy all dissenters this way.

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Video: The Real Klaus Schwab

Professor Klaus Schwab is an unelected globalist control freak who is the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, an organization at the heart of the Draconian globalist agenda.  The World Economic Forum is a private international organization that receives BILLIONS in tax-free dollars to push globalization schemes that nobody asked for and nobody wants, except the globalist/socialist control freaks.




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Video: World Economic Forum Declares Pedophiles ‘Will Save Humanity’



A controversial initiative being promoted in the corridors of power by Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum in Davos is set to have families and anyone who cares about children up in arms.


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Video: David Icke Explains the WEF’s Globalist Plan in One Minute

The World Economic Forum wants to control you. They know the easiest way to do that is through control of the food supply which is why they’re using Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte to shut down the second biggest food exporter in the world.


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