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Video: PragerU - Tolerance is a Conservative Value

Are you tolerant? You probably think so. But who is tolerant in America today? Is it those on the left, or those on the right? Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson was caught on a hot mic swallowing a big red pill 💊Leftism makes people mean. It does.


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Video: The Progressive Agenda to Dumb Down America’s Children—Alex Newman

At the 48th Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Council, we sat down with Alex Newman, author of “Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America's Children.” We discuss the high levels of illiteracy in America and what Alex Newman sees as the progressive agenda taking over the American school system to promote a collectivist, socialist, atheist worldview. And we look at what role individuals like John Dewey, Horace Mann, and Robert Owen played in transforming the US education system.


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Video: Candace Owens: Dems Using White Supremacy Issue to Scare Blacks into Voting for Them

SLAMS DEMOCRATS - Nails Their Crap To The Wall!!

Conservative commentator and Blexit leader Candace Owens testified in Congress Friday at a hearing on confronting violent white supremacy, telling a House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee that Democrats are using the issue of white supremacy to scare blacks into voting for the Democrat Party.

During her opening testimony, Owens acknowledged that white supremacy is “indeed real,” but added that “despite the media’s obsessive coverage of it, it represents an isolated, uncoordinated and fringe occurrence within America.”


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Video: Tucker: Is the Trudeau Blackface Scandal Really a Surprise?

Another gem by Tucker Carlson exposing the truth about Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau's admission there could be at least 3 more photos of instances he wore blackface.

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Nadler’s Fake Impeachment Inquiry

The Judiciary chairman plans a PR stunt designed to look like an official investigation.

By David Catron

The impeachment of a president, parliamentary esoterica notwithstanding, involves three straightforward steps. First, the House authorizes the Judiciary Committee to open a formal impeachment inquiry. Next, that committee conducts an investigation to determine if the president has committed any offense justifying his removal from office. Finally, if such evidence is discovered, the full House votes to approve one or more articles of impeachment. The Democrats, despite their accusations of dark doings at the White House, can’t muster enough votes in the House to complete the first step toward removing President Trump. Consequently, Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler has decided to conduct a fake impeachment inquiry.

Over the weekend, CNN reported that the House Judiciary Committee is prepared to vote next week on a resolution laying out the procedures for its investigation: “The vote, which is expected to occur on Wednesday, will lay out the ground rules for conducting hearings now that the committee has publicly announced it is considering recommending articles of impeachment against Trump.” Nadler has not merely abandoned two centuries of congressional precedent for impeachment; he is also opposed by nearly half of the Democratic House caucus. Only 134 of the 235 Democratic representatives favor the maneuver, and many adamantly oppose it. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination, puts it thus:

I don’t support impeachment. You know, I think it’s important for us to think about what is in the best interest of the country and the American people, and continuing to pursue impeachment is something that I think will only further tear our country apart.… We need to defeat Donald Trump. But I think it’s important for our country’s sake and our future that the voters in this country are the ones who do that.

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The Symbiotic Relationship Between Gun-Toting Criminals and Democratic Lawmakers

By JD Rucker

Democratic lawmakers love gun-toting criminals. They give them the ammunition (pun intended) they need to stir up their base to push for gun control legislation. After every mass shooting, the cries to “do something” are deafening on social media as virtue-signaling politicians pander for effect.

Gun-toting criminals love Democratic lawmakers. They fight to reduce sentences, hamper law enforcement, and most importantly to take guns away from law-abiding citizens. The less the citizenry is armed, the easier it is for criminals to commit their crimes. This is why gun-free zones are often targeted. It’s why gun crimes are rampant in cities like Chicago where guns are allegedly controlled. Criminals owe Democrats a debt of gratitude for helping them stay in business.

Meanwhile, legacy media does everything it can to support both. They selectively highlight which gun crimes they want to promote. If it matches their propagandized narrative that gun control would have stopped them, you will hear about the story ad nauseam for weeks. If it doesn’t fit the storyline, they’re quick to drop it from the headlines. Take note of this when trying to determine why there were so few stories about the Odessa mass shooter following the initial media blitz. The gun he used was illegally manufactured and sold to him. No proposed gun control measure could have possibly stopped him, so the media has backed off the story faster than vampires from a crucifix.

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Solomon on Spygate: If Trump Declassifies These 10 Documents, the Democrats are Finished

By Jon Dougherty

It’s been about a year since President Donald Trump teased the idea of declassifying virtually every document related to the “Spygate” scandal — a counterintelligence operation to keep him from winning office followed by a bona fide soft coup attempt to drive him out.

“The documents to be declassified also include 12 FBI reports on interviews with Justice Department official Bruce Ohr and all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all other applications to surveil Carter Page,” Fox News and other outlets reported.

But it didn’t happen. For some reason, the president was talked into delaying the declassification process.

Then again in May, POTUS instructed the federal law enforcement and intelligence community to turn over all documents requested by Attorney General William Barr for declassification as they relate to “Spygate.”

We haven’t heard anything since. Meanwhile, the hostile establishment media and Democrats have sort of moved on from Spygate and the Mueller probe, settling on new strategies aimed at driving down the president’s polling numbers and, eventually, from office.

They are shifting their anti-Trump narrative back to “racist”, “white supremacist”, “xenophobe,” as the mainstream media screech “recession!” But it could be that the administration is getting ready to play some ‘trump cards’ (sorry).

Investigative reporter John Solomon of The Hill, who has been an extremely reliable source in terms of revealing new information related to Spygate, notes that should the president decide to release 10 documents and document chains, Democrats would be in heap big trouble.

And given Solomon’s timing — writing about this now — he may be tipping us off to what’s coming.

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Video: Liberty Was Missing at the Democrats’ Debate

Once again the Left shows they are aren’t actually Liberal.

You would think that people who call themselves Liberals would be advocates of Liberty, but in the case of the Left, you would be wrong. Despite their incessant and infuriating use of false labelling, Leftists still like to praise themselves as being Liberal or progressive. They are neither since their base ideology is antithetical to both.

Andrew Klavan of Daily Wire fame noticed that despite their deceptive labelling, the Democrats at the Debates failed to keep this very important concept in mind in their quest to rule over everyone else. It’s almost as if the Authoritarian Socialist Left will say anything to gain power.


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