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Video: Difference Between Trump Voters and Biden Voters

This is arguably one of the best examples that demonstrates the totally false narrative by MSM and Democrats that Trump supporters are hate-filled racists and fascists. This video makes it's pretty darn clear what we've known all along. The Left projects everything they do themselves onto others. The Leftists are totally unwilling to engage in any honest self-reflection.





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Video: Trump Letter to Pelosi: Impeachment is an 'Unconstitutional Abuse of Power'

John Roberts reads the highlights of President Trump's letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi protesting the democrats impeachment process.

READ President Trump’s Scathing Letter to Nancy Pelosi Here.


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Video: FLASHBACK: Trump WILL NOT Be President! Master Collection of the Election

Trump will not be president. That’s what Obama said. That’s what the Turks said. That’s what every media outlet said. And here is them melting down after trump wins. The night of. This is the best Trump won’t win montage.


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Video: American Thought Leaders - Presidential Historian Doug Wead Discusses His Book About The Trump Presidency

Presidential historian Doug Wead was given unprecedented access to the White House and people associated with the Trump presidency for his book “Inside Trump’s White House: The Real Story of His Presidency.”  Mr. Wead discusses the experience. 


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Video: The Plot Against Trump, From Spygate to the Impeachment Inquiry

Just why does investigative journalist Lee Smith believe the so-called “Steele dossier” was not actually written by Christopher Steele? Who does he think did the authoring?  How has the mainstream media been complicit in the Spygate scandal? What are the broader implications for America?  And why does Smith believe that all of this, including the current impeachment inquiry against President Trump, is part of a broad coup attempt against the President?  This is American Thought Leaders 🇺🇸, and I’m Jan Jekielek.Today we sit down with Hudson Institute senior fellow Lee Smith, author of “The Plot Against the President: The True Story of How Congressman Devin Nunes Uncovered the Biggest Political Scandal in U.S. History.”


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Video: DECLASSIFIED: Political Elites Are Untouchable No More

The breathtaking hypocrisy of many of President Donald Trump’s accusers is about to be fully exposed. If you’ve been watching the impeachment theater these past few weeks, you’ve no doubt heard the very serious crimes they accuse the U.S. president of having committed. They have accused him of using his office for political gain and pressuring Ukraine to help investigate former Vice President Joe Biden. The fake news media has begun a full-court press to sell the narrative of a besieged president who is slipping underwater, growing more and more unpopular by the day, as so-called whistleblowers and manufactured scandals surround him. The problem is, Trump neither looks nor acts like a president who is under siege. In fact, he looks to me like he’s having the time of his life. I believe that a big reason why Trump looks like he’s really enjoying himself these days is that he knows what’s about to go down.


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Video: Must Watch: Trump Vows To Bring Troops Home In Epic, Emotional Speech

When you look at the thousands of dead Americans, hundreds of thousands wounded, trillions spent and nothing but chaos left in the wake, you have to wonder why the controlled left and right are against Trump fulfilling his campaign promises to bring the troops home. Twitter, Facebook and Google are trying to suppress this video, only you can help break the electronic Berlin wall. Share it now.





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