Video: Unbelievable: New AI Ad Will Make You Question Reality

AI effortlessly generating e-commerce babes, hailing a new era of soulless advertising.

Social media is going wild over a woman advertising body wipes for men.

The only thing is — everything about the woman, from her voice, to her eyes to her hair, are entirely AI generated.

In a head-spinning example of a new AI advertising platform known as Arcads, which creates ads using “AI actors,” a woman appears as though she’s delivering a social media lecture on male hygiene.

However, it soon becomes clear she’s reading a pre-written script pushing a product, and her eyes don’t exactly match up with the cadence of the words she’s saying.

“You’re not gonna believe this,” wrote one X user.

“It’s all AI. And you can leverage this in your marketing too,” he wrote, adding, “Imagine what we will be able to do 1 year from now.”

Other X users also took notice of the technological advancement, with another writing, “This is AI. It’s actually so over.”

“It’s terrible but I still think it’s wild that this can all be done with AI. Imagine in 6 months,” wrote another X user.

The video is an example of the Arcads platform at work, explained in the video below:

Gone are the days of badly generated AI videos of Will Smith eating spaghetti and fake pizza restaurant commercials.

Henceforth, videos of people online may have to be viewed with a certain level of skepticism.

The future of AI is here and it’s alarming!

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